Coverage – the set of codepoints covered by a given family; in this context, that set is further reduced to the codepoints that would be available at serving time via the Google Fonts API.
In font metadata files, we have several controls that influence how lang metadata manifests further downstream.
Primary script (primary_script)
Sets the script of the default sample text for when no other lang filters are specified
Primary language (primary_language)
Sets the language of the default sample text for when no other lang filters are specified
Supported languages (languages)
Autogenerated; can manually override by specifying in METADATA.pb
Language support is determined by whether coverage includes the entire base character set (i.e. exemplar_chars.base) of a language
Has the side effect that languages without exemplar_chars in their metadata will never be included in an autogenerated language set
Do NOT manually specify except on Noto families for the purposes of including an exhaustive language set
Sample glyphs (sample_glyphs)
Autogenerated; can manually override by specifying in METADATA.pb