Font Bakery Logo image/svg+xml Font Bakery Logo Robert Martinez font build service
Fontbakery Technical Report

If you think a check is flawed or have an idea for a check, please file an issue at and remember to include a pointer to the repo and branch you're checking.


By late-December 2024, FontBakery version 0.13.0 introduced a new naming scheme for the check-IDs.

Fontbakery detected usage of old IDs and performed an automatic backwards-compatibility translation for you.
This automatic translation will be deprecated in the next major release.

Please start using the new check-IDs as documented at /Lib/fontbakery/

The following legacy check-IDs were detected:


1 0 16 11 43 6 161
0% 0% 7% 5% 18% 3% 68%

Meaning of check results:

If you get ERRORs, please help us improve the tool by reporting them at our issue tracker.

(but other kinds of bug reports and/or feature requests are also always welcome, of course!)

FontBakery version: 0.13.1

OpenType Specification Checks


Check mark characters are in GDEF mark glyph class.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:opentype/gdef_mark_chars>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following mark characters could be in the GDEF mark glyph class: llvocalicvowelsignknda (U+0CE3), lvocalicvowelsignknda (U+0CE2) and viramaknda (U+0CCD)

    [code: mark-chars]

Check GDEF mark glyph class doesn't have characters that are not marks.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:opentype/gdef_non_mark_chars>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following non-mark characters should not be in the GDEF mark glyph class: U+0CBE, U+0CC0, U+0CC1, U+0CC2, U+0CC7, U+0CCA, U+0CCB and U+0CD5

    [code: non-mark-chars]

Check glyphs in mark glyph class are non-spacing.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:opentype/gdef_spacing_marks>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following glyphs seem to be spacing (because they have width > 0 on the hmtx table) so they may be in the GDEF mark glyph class by mistake, or they should have zero width instead: aavowelsignaltknda (unencoded), aavowelsignknda (U+0CBE), aivowelsignUIknda (unencoded), auvowelsignknda (U+0CCC), eevowelsignknda (U+0CC7), evowelsignaltknda (unencoded), iivowelsignknda (U+0CC0), ivowelsignknda (U+0CBF), lengthmarkknda (U+0CD5), oovowelsignknda (U+0CCB), ovowelsignknda (U+0CCA), uuvowelsignalt2knda (unencoded), uuvowelsignaltknda (unencoded), uuvowelsignknda (U+0CC2), uuvowelsignlaknda (unencoded), uvowelsignalt2knda (unencoded), uvowelsignaltknda (unencoded), uvowelsignknda (U+0CC1) and uvowelsignlaknda (unencoded)

    [code: spacing-mark-glyphs]

Universal Profile Checks


Combined length of family and style must not exceed 32 characters.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:name/family_and_style_max_length>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 267 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 267 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 268 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 268 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 269 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 269 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 270 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 270 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 271 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 271 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 272 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 272 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 273 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 273 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 274 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 274 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 275 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI SemiCondensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 275 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 276 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 276 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 277 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 277 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 278 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 278 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 280 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 280 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 281 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 281 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 282 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 282 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 283 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 283 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 284 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI Condensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 284 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 285 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Thin' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 285 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 286 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraLight' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 286 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 287 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Light' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 287 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 288 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 288 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 289 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Medium' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 289 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 290 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed SemiBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 290 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 291 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Bold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 291 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 292 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed ExtraBold' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 292 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 293 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Variable font instance name 'Noto Sans Kannada UI ExtraCondensed Black' formed by space-separated concatenation of font family name (nameID 1) and instance subfamily nameID 293 exceeds 32 characters.

    This has been found to cause shaping issues for some accented letters in Microsoft Word on Windows 10 and 11.

    [code: instance-too-long]

Checking with ots-sanitize.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:ots>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    ots-sanitize passed this file, however warnings were printed:

    WARNING: Layout: tags aren't arranged alphabetically. WARNING: Layout: tags aren't arranged alphabetically. WARNING: Layout: tags aren't arranged alphabetically. WARNING: Layout: tags aren't arranged alphabetically.

    [code: ots-sanitize-warn]

Ensure smart dropout control is enabled in "prep" table instructions.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:smart_dropout>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    The 'prep' table does not contain TrueType instructions enabling smart dropout control. To fix, export the font with autohinting enabled, or run ttfautohint on the font, or run the gftools fix-nonhinting script.

    [code: lacks-smart-dropout]

Does the font contain a soft hyphen?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:soft_hyphen>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    This font has a 'Soft Hyphen' character.

    [code: softhyphen]

Check font contains no unreachable glyphs

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:unreachable_glyphs>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules:

    - ailengthmarkUIknda
    - ailengthmarkaltknda
    - aivowelsignUIknda
    - backslash.UIknda
    - bar.UIknda
    - basubscriptaltknda
    - basubscriptknda
    - basubscriptrightknda
    - bharasubscriptaltknda
    - bharasubscriptknda
    - bhasubscriptaltknda
    - bhasubscriptknda
    - bhasubscriptrightknda
    - braceleft.UIknda
    - braceright.UIknda
    - bracketleft.UIknda
    - bracketright.UIknda
    - candrabindu_0952knda
    - casubscriptaltknda
    - casubscriptknda
    - casubscriptrightknda
    - chasubscriptaltknda
    - chasubscriptknda
    - chasubscriptrightknda
    - darasubscriptaltknda
    - darasubscriptknda
    - dasubscriptaltknda
    - dasubscriptknda
    - dasubscriptrightknda
    - ddarasubscriptaltknda
    - ddarasubscriptknda
    - ddasubscriptaltknda
    - ddasubscriptknda
    - ddasubscriptrightknda
    - ddhasubscriptaltknda
    - ddhasubscriptknda
    - ddhasubscriptrightknda
    - dhasubscriptaltknda
    - dhasubscriptknda
    - dhasubscriptrightknda
    - fasubscriptaltknda
    - fasubscriptknda
    - fasubscriptrightknda
    - garasubscriptaltknda
    - garasubscriptknda
    - gasubscriptaltknda
    - gasubscriptknda
    - gasubscriptrightknda
    - ghasubscriptaltknda
    - ghasubscriptknda
    - ghasubscriptrightknda
    - hasubscriptaltknda
    - hasubscriptknda
    - hasubscriptrightknda
    - januktasubscriptaltknda
    - januktasubscriptknda
    - januktasubscriptrightknda
    - janyaknda
    - janyanocrestknda
    - janyaviramaknda
    - janyevowelknda
    - janyivowelknda
    - jasubscriptaltknda
    - jasubscriptknda
    - jasubscriptrightknda
    - jhasubscriptaltknda
    - jhasubscriptknda
    - jhasubscriptrightknda
    - karasubscriptaltknda
    - karasubscriptknda
    - kassaknda
    - kassanocrestknda
    - kassaviramaknda
    - kassevowelknda
    - kassivowelknda
    - kasubscriptaltknda
    - kasubscriptknda
    - kasubscriptrightknda
    - khasubscriptaltknda
    - khasubscriptknda
    - khasubscriptrightknda
    - lasubscriptaltknda
    - lasubscriptknda
    - lasubscriptrightknda
    - llasubscriptaltknda
    - llasubscriptknda
    - llasubscriptrightknda
    - llvocalicvowelsignaltknda
    - lvocalicvowelsignaltknda
    - masubscriptaltknda
    - masubscriptknda
    - masubscriptlengthmarkaltknda
    - masubscriptlengthmarkknda
    - masubscriptrightknda
    - masubscriptrvocalicaltknda
    - masubscriptrvocalicknda
    - mayasubscriptaltknda
    - mayasubscriptknda
    - nasubscriptaltknda
    - nasubscriptknda
    - nasubscriptrightknda
    - ngasubscriptaltknda
    - ngasubscriptknda
    - ngasubscriptrightknda
    - nnasubscriptaltknda
    - nnasubscriptknda
    - nnasubscriptrightknda
    - nyasubscriptaltknda
    - nyasubscriptknda
    - nyasubscriptrightknda
    - parasubscriptaltknda
    - parasubscriptknda
    - parenleft.UIknda
    - parenright.UIknda
    - pasubscriptaltknda
    - pasubscriptknda
    - pasubscriptrightknda
    - phanuktasubscriptaltknda
    - phanuktasubscriptknda
    - phanuktasubscriptrightknda
    - phasubscriptaltknda
    - phasubscriptknda
    - phasubscriptrightknda
    - rasubscriptaltknda
    - rasubscriptknda
    - rasubscriptlengthmarkaltknda
    - rasubscriptlengthmarkknda
    - rasubscriptrightknda
    - rrasubscriptaltknda
    - rrasubscriptknda
    - rrasubscriptrightknda
    - rrvocalicvowelsignUIknda
    - rrvocalicvowelsignaltknda
    - rvocalicvowelsignUIknda
    - rvocalicvowelsignaltknda
    - sasubscriptaltknda
    - sasubscriptknda
    - sasubscriptrightknda
    - shasubscriptaltknda
    - shasubscriptknda
    - shasubscriptrightknda
    - slash.UIknda
    - ssasubscriptaltknda
    - ssasubscriptknda
    - ssasubscriptrightknda
    - tarasubscriptaltknda
    - tarasubscriptknda
    - tasubscriptaltknda
    - tasubscriptlengthmarkaltknda
    - tasubscriptlengthmarkknda
    - tasubscriptrightknda
    - tasubscriptrvocalicaltknda
    - tasubscriptrvocalicknda
    - tayasubscriptaltknda
    - tayasubscriptknda
    - thasubscriptaltknda
    - thasubscriptknda
    - thasubscriptrightknda
    - ttarasubscriptaltknda
    - ttarasubscriptknda
    - ttasubscriptaltknda
    - ttasubscriptknda
    - ttasubscriptrightknda
    - tthasubscriptaltknda
    - tthasubscriptknda
    - tthasubscriptrightknda
    - vasubscriptaltknda
    - vasubscriptknda
    - vasubscriptrightknda
    - yasubscriptaltknda
    - yasubscriptknda
    - yasubscriptrightknda
    [code: unreachable-glyphs]

Article Checks


Validate size, and resolution of article images, and ensure article page has minimum length and includes visual assets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/article/images>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Article page lacks visual assets.

    [code: missing-visual-asset]
  • ✅ PASS


Metadata Checks


METADATA.pb: Check URL on copyright string is the same as in repository_url field.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/consistent_repo_urls>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Please add a family.source.repository_url entry.

    [code: lacks-repo-url]

METADATA.pb should contain at least "menu" and "latin" subsets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/menu_and_latin>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Subsets "menu" and "latin" are mandatory, but METADATA.pb is missing "latin".

    [code: missing]

Check for codepoints not covered by METADATA subsets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/unreachable_subsetting>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following codepoints supported by the font are not covered by any subsets defined in the font's metadata file, and will never be served. You can solve this by either manually adding additional subset declarations to METADATA.pb, or by editing the glyphset definitions.

    • U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA: try adding one of: bengali, devanagari
    • U+2010 HYPHEN: try adding one of: cham, sora-sompeng, lisu, coptic, sundanese, arabic, kaithi, syloti-nagri, yi, armenian, kharoshthi, hebrew, kayah-li

    Or you can add the above codepoints to one of the subsets supported by the font: kannada, menu

    [code: unreachable-subsetting]

Glyphset Checks


Shapes languages in all GF glyphsets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/glyphsets/shape_languages>
💥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 💥 ERROR

    Failed with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shaperglot.checker'

      File "/Users/simon/work/gf-dashboard/venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/fontbakery/", line 222, in _run_check
        subresults = list(subresults)
      File "/Users/simon/work/gf-dashboard/venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/fontbakery/checks/vendorspecific/googlefonts/glyphsets/", line 19, in check_glyphsets_shape_languages
        from shaperglot.checker import Checker
    [code: failed-check]

Description Checks


Does DESCRIPTION file contain broken links?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/broken_links>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf

DESCRIPTION.en_us.html should end in a linebreak.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/eof_linebreak>
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The last characther on DESCRIPTION.en_us.html is not a line-break. Please add it.

    [code: missing-eof-linebreak]

DESCRIPTION.en_us.html must have more than 200 bytes.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/min_length>
  • 🔥 FAIL

    DESCRIPTION.en_us.html must have size larger than 200 bytes.

    [code: too-short]

Licensing Checks


Copyright notices match canonical pattern in fonts

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/font_copyright>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Name Table entry: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to:

    "Copyright 2020 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    But instead we have got:

    "Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved."

    [code: bad-notice-format]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    METADATA.pb: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to:

    "Copyright 2020 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    But instead we have got:

    "Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved."

    [code: bad-notice-format]

Check OFL body text is correct.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/license/OFL_body_text>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The OFL.txt body text is incorrect. Please use as a template. You should only modify the first line.

    Lines changed:

    - This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.\n

    + This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,\n

    + Version 1.1.\n

    + \n

    - \n

    - development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation\n

    + development of collaborative font projects, to support the font\n

    - efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and\n

    + creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to\n

    - open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership\n

    - with others.\n

    + provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and\n

    + improved in partnership with others.\n

    - requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply\n

    + requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to\n

    - to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.\n

    + any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.\n

    - "Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as\n

    + "Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software\n

    - distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).\n

    + components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).\n

    - "Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,\n

    + "Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to,\n

    - or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the\n

    + deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the\n

    - Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a\n

    - new environment.\n

    + components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting\n

    + the Font Software to a new environment.\n

    - a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,\n

    + a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed,\n

    - redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font\n

    + modify, redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the\n

    - Software, subject to the following conditions:\n

    + Font Software, subject to the following conditions:\n

    - 1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,\n

    + 1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in\n

    - in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.\n

    + Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.\n

    - Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding\n

    + Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the\n

    - Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as\n

    + corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the\n

    - presented to the users.\n

    + primary font name as presented to the users.\n

    - remain under this license does not apply to any document created\n

    + remain under this license does not apply to any document created using\n

    - using the Font Software.\n

    + the Font Software.\n

    [code: incorrect-ofl-body-text]

Check license file has good copyright string.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/license/OFL_copyright>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    First line in license file is:

    "copyright 2012 google inc. all rights reserved."

    which does not match the expected format, similar to:

    "Copyright 2022 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    [code: bad-format]

Check copyright namerecords match license file.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/name/license>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    License file OFL.txt exists but NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) value on platform 3 (WINDOWS) is not specified for that. Value was: "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This Font Software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the SIL Open Font License for the specific language, permissions and limitations governing your use of this Font Software." Must be changed to "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:"

    [code: wrong]

Shaping Checks


Ensure dotted circle glyph is present and can attach marks.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:dotted_circle>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    The following glyphs could not be attached to the dotted circle glyph:

    - candrabinduknda
    - nuktaknda
    - uni0951
    - uni0952
    - uni1CD0
    - uni1CD2
    - uni1CDA
    - uni1CF4
    [code: unattached-dotted-circle-marks]

Font File Checks


Check variable font instances

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/fvar_instances>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    fvar instances are incorrect:

    • Delete additional instances
    Name current expected
    SemiCondensed Thin wght=100.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Condensed SemiBold wght=600.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    SemiCondensed ExtraBold wght=800.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    SemiCondensed wght=400.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed wght=400.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    SemiCondensed Light wght=300.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Condensed ExtraBold wght=800.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    Condensed ExtraLight wght=200.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    SemiCondensed Medium wght=500.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Condensed Bold wght=700.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    SemiCondensed Black wght=900.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Condensed Black wght=900.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    Condensed wght=400.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    ExtraCondensed SemiBold wght=600.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed Bold wght=700.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed Thin wght=100.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    SemiCondensed SemiBold wght=600.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Condensed Light wght=300.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    Condensed Thin wght=100.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    SemiCondensed ExtraLight wght=200.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed ExtraBold wght=800.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed Light wght=300.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed Black wght=900.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    ExtraCondensed ExtraLight wght=200.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    Condensed Medium wght=500.0, wdth=75.0 N/A
    ExtraCondensed Medium wght=500.0, wdth=62.5 N/A
    SemiCondensed Bold wght=700.0, wdth=87.5 N/A
    Thin wght=100.0, wdth=100.0 wght=100.0, wdth=100.0
    ExtraLight wght=200.0, wdth=100.0 wght=200.0, wdth=100.0
    Light wght=300.0, wdth=100.0 wght=300.0, wdth=100.0
    Regular wght=400.0, wdth=100.0 wght=400.0, wdth=100.0
    Medium wght=500.0, wdth=100.0 wght=500.0, wdth=100.0
    SemiBold wght=600.0, wdth=100.0 wght=600.0, wdth=100.0
    Bold wght=700.0, wdth=100.0 wght=700.0, wdth=100.0
    ExtraBold wght=800.0, wdth=100.0 wght=800.0, wdth=100.0
    Black wght=900.0, wdth=100.0 wght=900.0, wdth=100.0
    [code: bad-fvar-instances]

Is the Grid-fitting and Scan-conversion Procedure ('gasp') table set to optimize rendering?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/gasp>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Font is missing the 'gasp' table. Try exporting the font with autohinting enabled. If you are dealing with an unhinted font, it can be fixed by running the fonts through the command 'gftools fix-nonhinting' GFTools is available at

    [code: lacks-gasp]

Check Google Fonts glyph coverage.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/glyph_coverage>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Missing required codepoints:

    - 0x0024 (DOLLAR SIGN)
    - 0x0026 (AMPERSAND)
    - 0x0040 (COMMERCIAL AT)
    - 0x0060 (GRAVE ACCENT)
    - 0x0061 (LATIN SMALL LETTER A)
    - 0x0062 (LATIN SMALL LETTER B)
    - 0x0063 (LATIN SMALL LETTER C)
    - 0x0064 (LATIN SMALL LETTER D)
    - 0x0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E)
    - 0x0066 (LATIN SMALL LETTER F)
    - 0x0067 (LATIN SMALL LETTER G)
    - 0x0068 (LATIN SMALL LETTER H)
    - 0x0069 (LATIN SMALL LETTER I)
    - 0x0070 (LATIN SMALL LETTER P)
    - 0x0071 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Q)
    - 0x0072 (LATIN SMALL LETTER R)
    - 0x0073 (LATIN SMALL LETTER S)
    - 0x0074 (LATIN SMALL LETTER T)
    - 0x0075 (LATIN SMALL LETTER U)
    - 0x0076 (LATIN SMALL LETTER V)
    - 0x0077 (LATIN SMALL LETTER W)
    - 0x0078 (LATIN SMALL LETTER X)
    - 0x0079 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y)
    - 0x00A2 (CENT SIGN)
    - 0x00A3 (POUND SIGN)
    - 0x00A5 (YEN SIGN)
    - 0x00A9 (COPYRIGHT SIGN)
    - 0x00B0 (DEGREE SIGN)
    - 0x00B7 (MIDDLE DOT)
    - 0x2022 (BULLET)
    - 0x20AC (EURO SIGN)
    - 0x2122 (TRADE MARK SIGN)
    [code: missing-codepoints]

Ensure fonts have ScriptLangTags declared on the 'meta' table.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/meta/script_lang_tags>
⚠️ NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    This font file does not have a 'meta' table.

    [code: lacks-meta-table]

Ensure font can render its own name.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/render_own_name>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    .notdef glyphs were found when attempting to render Noto Sans Kannada UI

    [code: render-own-name]

Validate STAT particle names and values match the fallback names in GFAxisRegistry.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/STAT/axisregistry>
🔥 NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    STAT table is missing Axis Value Records

    [code: missing-axis-values]

OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) is set in all fonts.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/use_typo_metrics>
🔥 Family Check
  • 🔥 FAIL

    OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) wasNOT set in the following fonts: ['/Users/simon/others-repos/fonts//ofl/notosanskannadaui/NotoSansKannadaUI[wdth,wght].ttf'].

    [code: missing-os2-fsselection-bit7]