Font Bakery Logo image/svg+xml Font Bakery Logo Robert Martinez font build service
Fontbakery Technical Report

If you think a check is flawed or have an idea for a check, please file an issue at and remember to include a pointer to the repo and branch you're checking.


By late-December 2024, FontBakery version 0.13.0 introduced a new naming scheme for the check-IDs.

Fontbakery detected usage of old IDs and performed an automatic backwards-compatibility translation for you.
This automatic translation will be deprecated in the next major release.

Please start using the new check-IDs as documented at /Lib/fontbakery/

The following legacy check-IDs were detected:


1 0 16 14 61 9 137
0% 0% 7% 6% 26% 4% 58%

Meaning of check results:

If you get ERRORs, please help us improve the tool by reporting them at our issue tracker.

(but other kinds of bug reports and/or feature requests are also always welcome, of course!)

FontBakery version: 0.13.1

OpenType Specification Checks


Name table ID 6 (PostScript name) must be consistent across platforms.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:opentype/name/postscript_name_consistency>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Entries in the "name" table for ID 6 (PostScript name) are not consistent. Names found: ['Gugi-Regular', '구기-Regular'].

    [code: inconsistency]

PostScript name follows OpenType specification requirements?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:opentype/postscript_name>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    PostScript name does not follow requirements:

    Field Value Recommendation
    PostScript Name 구기-Regular May contain only a-zA-Z0-9 characters and a hyphen.
    [code: bad-psname-entries]

Universal Profile Checks


Does the font contain chws and vchw features?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:cjk_chws_feature>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf

Check if each glyph has the recommended amount of contours.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:contour_count>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.

    The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:

    - Glyph name: B	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2 or 3
    - Glyph name: D	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: E	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: F	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: G	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: H	Contours detected: 3	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: Q	Contours detected: 3	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: a	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: b	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: d	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: e	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: g	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2 or 3
    - Glyph name: p	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: q	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: B	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2 or 3
    - Glyph name: D	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: E	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: F	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: G	Contours detected: 2	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: H	Contours detected: 3	Expected: 1
    - Glyph name: Q	Contours detected: 3	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: a	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: b	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: d	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: e	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: g	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2 or 3
    - Glyph name: p	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    - Glyph name: q	Contours detected: 1	Expected: 2
    [code: contour-count]

Does GPOS table have kerning information? This check skips monospaced fonts as defined by post.isFixedPitch value

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:gpos_kerning_info>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    GPOS table lacks kerning information.

    [code: lacks-kern-info]

Checking Vertical Metric Linegaps.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:linegaps>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    hhea lineGap is not equal to 0.

    Overridden: This check was originally a WARN but was overridden by the universal profile: For Google Fonts, all messages from this check are considered FAILs.

    [code: hhea]

Font contains '.notdef' as its first glyph?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:mandatory_glyphs>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    The '.notdef' glyph should contain a drawing, but it is blank.

    [code: notdef-is-blank]

Are there disallowed characters in the NAME table?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:name/char_restrictions>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Bad string at [nameID 6, platformID 3, langID 1042, encoding 'utf_16_be']: 'b'구기-Regular''

    [code: bad-string]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    There are 1 strings containing disallowed characters in the restricted NAME table entries.

    [code: bad-strings]

Ensure smart dropout control is enabled in "prep" table instructions.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:smart_dropout>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    The 'prep' table does not contain TrueType instructions enabling smart dropout control. To fix, export the font with autohinting enabled, or run ttfautohint on the font, or run the gftools fix-nonhinting script.

    [code: lacks-smart-dropout]

Are there unwanted tables?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:unwanted_tables>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    The following unwanted font tables were found:

    • DSIG - This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table.

    They can be removed with the 'fix-unwanted-tables' script provided by gftools.

    [code: unwanted-tables]

Font contains glyphs for whitespace characters?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:whitespace_glyphs>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Whitespace glyph missing for codepoint 0x00A0.

    [code: missing-whitespace-glyph-0x00A0]

Article Checks


Validate size, and resolution of article images, and ensure article page has minimum length and includes visual assets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/article/images>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Family metadata at /Users/simon/others-repos/fonts//ofl/gugi does not have an article.

    [code: lacks-article]

Metadata Checks


METADATA.pb: Check URL on copyright string is the same as in repository_url field.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/consistent_repo_urls>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Please add a family.source.repository_url entry.

    [code: lacks-repo-url]

METADATA.pb: Designers are listed correctly on the Google Fonts catalog?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/designer_profiles>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    It seems that TAE System & Typefaces Co. is still not listed on the designers catalog. Please submit a photo and a link to a webpage where people can learn more about the work of this designer/typefoundry.

    [code: profile-not-found]

Checks METADATA.pb font.post_script_name matches postscript name declared on the name table.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/metadata/nameid/post_script_name>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Unmatched postscript name in font: TTF has "구기-Regular" while METADATA.pb has "Gugi-Regular".

    [code: mismatch]

Glyphset Checks


Shapes languages in all GF glyphsets.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/glyphsets/shape_languages>
💥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 💥 ERROR

    Failed with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shaperglot.checker'

      File "/Users/simon/work/gf-dashboard/venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/fontbakery/", line 222, in _run_check
        subresults = list(subresults)
      File "/Users/simon/work/gf-dashboard/venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/fontbakery/checks/vendorspecific/googlefonts/glyphsets/", line 19, in check_glyphsets_shape_languages
        from shaperglot.checker import Checker
    [code: failed-check]

Description Checks


DESCRIPTION.en_us.html should end in a linebreak.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/eof_linebreak>
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The last characther on DESCRIPTION.en_us.html is not a line-break. Please add it.

    [code: missing-eof-linebreak]
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The last characther on DESCRIPTION.en_us.html is not a line-break. Please add it.

    [code: missing-eof-linebreak]

On a family update, the DESCRIPTION.en_us.html file should ideally also be updated.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/family_update>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The DESCRIPTION.en_us.html file in this family has not changed in comparison to the latest font release on the google/fonts github repo. Please consider mentioning note-worthy improvements made to the family recently.

    [code: description-not-updated]

Does DESCRIPTION file contain a upstream Git repo URL?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/git_url>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Please host your font project on a public Git repo (such as GitHub or GitLab) and place a link in the DESCRIPTION.en_us.html file.

    [code: lacks-git-url]

DESCRIPTION.en_us.html must have more than 200 bytes.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/description/min_length>
  • 🔥 FAIL

    DESCRIPTION.en_us.html must have size larger than 200 bytes.

    [code: too-short]
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    DESCRIPTION.en_us.html must have size larger than 200 bytes.

    [code: too-short]

Licensing Checks


Copyright notices match canonical pattern in fonts

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/font_copyright>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Name Table entry: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to:

    "Copyright 2020 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    But instead we have got:

    "Copyright (c) 2017 by TAE System & Typefaces Co.. All rights reserved."

    [code: bad-notice-format]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    Name Table entry: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to:

    "Copyright 2020 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    But instead we have got:

    "Copyright (c) 2017 by TAE System & Typefaces Co.. All rights reserved."

    [code: bad-notice-format]
  • 🔥 FAIL

    METADATA.pb: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to:

    "Copyright 2020 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    But instead we have got:

    "Copyright (c) 2017 by TAE System & Typefaces Co.. All rights reserved."

    [code: bad-notice-format]

Check license file has good copyright string.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/license/OFL_copyright>
🔥 Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • 🔥 FAIL

    First line in license file is:

    "copyright (c) 2017 by tae system & typefaces co.. all rights reserved."

    which does not match the expected format, similar to:

    "Copyright 2022 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)"

    [code: bad-format]

Check copyright namerecords match license file.

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/name/license>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf

License URL matches License text on name table?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:googlefonts/name/license_url>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=1, enc=0, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=1, enc=0, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=1, enc=0, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⚠️ WARN

    Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13]

    [code: http-in-description]
  • ⏩ SKIP

    Could not infer the font license. Please ensure NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION) is properly set.

Outline Checks


Do outlines contain any jaggy segments?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:outline_jaggy_segments>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following glyphs have jaggy segments:

    * A (U+0041): B<<66.5,-7.5>-<59.0,-6.0>-<51.0,-4.0>>/L<<51.0,-4.0>--<52.0,-4.0>> = 14.036243467926484
    * K (U+004B): L<<447.0,381.0>--<640.0,99.0>>/L<<640.0,99.0>--<639.0,100.0>> = 10.61237222299577
    * K (U+004B): L<<640.0,99.0>--<639.0,100.0>>/B<<639.0,100.0>-<648.0,86.0>-<648.0,70.0>> = 12.2647737278924
    * R (U+0052): B<<588.0,-10.0>-<565.0,-10.0>-<551.0,13.0>>/L<<551.0,13.0>--<552.0,12.0>> = 13.67130713219584
    * R (U+0052): L<<551.0,13.0>--<552.0,12.0>>/L<<552.0,12.0>--<363.0,329.0>> = 14.195989651152512
    * W (U+0057): L<<908.0,743.0>--<728.0,26.0>>/L<<728.0,26.0>--<728.0,27.0>> = 14.092636933488757
    * at (U+0040): B<<543.5,578.0>-<565.0,572.0>-<581.0,565.0>>/L<<581.0,565.0>--<577.0,566.0>> = 9.59313426273028
    * b (U+0062): B<<442.0,435.0>-<442.0,461.0>-<426.0,485.0>>/L<<426.0,485.0>--<427.0,484.0>> = 11.309932474020227
    * h (U+0068): B<<442.0,435.0>-<442.0,461.0>-<426.0,485.0>>/L<<426.0,485.0>--<427.0,484.0>> = 11.309932474020227
    * m (U+006D): B<<688.0,461.0>-<685.0,474.0>-<677.0,485.0>>/L<<677.0,485.0>--<678.0,484.0>> = 8.972626614896399
    * m (U+006D): L<<677.0,485.0>--<678.0,484.0>>/B<<678.0,484.0>-<670.0,497.0>-<658.0,502.5>> = 13.392497753751098
    * n (U+006E): B<<442.0,435.0>-<442.0,461.0>-<426.0,485.0>>/L<<426.0,485.0>--<427.0,484.0>> = 11.309932474020227
    * numbersign (U+0023): B<<589.0,779.0>-<605.0,816.0>-<642.0,807.0>>/L<<642.0,807.0>--<641.0,807.0>> = 13.67130713219584
    * u (U+0075): L<<427.0,118.0>--<426.0,117.0>>/B<<426.0,117.0>-<442.0,141.0>-<442.0,167.0>> = 11.309932474020227
    * uni3136 (U+3136): B<<509.0,390.5>-<556.0,447.0>-<629.0,463.0>>/L<<629.0,463.0>--<443.0,463.0>> = 12.36249241571429
    * uni3136 (U+3136): L<<907.0,463.0>--<734.0,463.0>>/B<<734.0,463.0>-<806.0,446.0>-<853.0,389.5>> = 13.284866484902187
    * uni3140 (U+3140): B<<542.5,383.5>-<591.0,439.0>-<665.0,453.0>>/L<<665.0,453.0>--<518.0,453.0>> = 10.713123022791033
    * uni3140 (U+3140): L<<902.0,453.0>--<749.0,453.0>>/B<<749.0,453.0>-<822.0,439.0>-<870.0,383.5>> = 10.856413348062235
    * uniAD06 (U+AD06): B<<346.0,349.0>-<337.0,337.0>-<319.0,333.0>>/L<<319.0,333.0>--<494.0,333.0>> = 12.528807709151492
    * uniAEBC (U+AEBC): B<<581.0,422.0>-<561.0,442.0>-<559.0,470.0>>/L<<559.0,470.0>--<559.0,117.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEBC (U+AEBC): L<<559.0,742.0>--<559.0,483.0>>/B<<559.0,483.0>-<561.0,511.0>-<581.0,531.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEBD (U+AEBD): B<<581.0,532.0>-<561.0,552.0>-<559.0,580.0>>/L<<559.0,580.0>--<559.0,375.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEBD (U+AEBD): L<<559.0,742.0>--<559.0,593.0>>/B<<559.0,593.0>-<561.0,621.0>-<581.0,641.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEBE (U+AEBE): B<<581.0,542.0>-<561.0,562.0>-<559.0,590.0>>/L<<559.0,590.0>--<559.0,385.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEBE (U+AEBE): L<<559.0,742.0>--<559.0,603.0>>/B<<559.0,603.0>-<561.0,631.0>-<581.0,651.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAEC0 (U+AEC0): B<<691.0,621.0>-<711.0,601.0>-<714.0,573.0>>/L<<714.0,573.0>--<714.0,776.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAEC0 (U+AEC0): L<<714.0,258.0>--<714.0,560.0>>/B<<714.0,560.0>-<711.0,532.0>-<691.0,512.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAEC4 (U+AEC4): L<<714.0,418.0>--<714.0,600.0>>/B<<714.0,600.0>-<711.0,572.0>-<691.0,552.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAECC (U+AECC): B<<581.0,532.0>-<561.0,552.0>-<559.0,580.0>>/L<<559.0,580.0>--<559.0,377.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAECC (U+AECC): L<<559.0,742.0>--<559.0,593.0>>/B<<559.0,593.0>-<561.0,621.0>-<581.0,641.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniAECC (U+AECC): L<<713.0,375.0>--<713.0,580.0>>/B<<713.0,580.0>-<710.0,552.0>-<690.0,532.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAECD (U+AECD): B<<691.0,651.0>-<711.0,631.0>-<714.0,603.0>>/L<<714.0,603.0>--<714.0,777.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAECD (U+AECD): L<<714.0,412.0>--<714.0,590.0>>/B<<714.0,590.0>-<711.0,562.0>-<691.0,542.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAECF (U+AECF): B<<691.0,631.0>-<711.0,611.0>-<714.0,583.0>>/L<<714.0,583.0>--<714.0,776.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAECF (U+AECF): L<<714.0,330.0>--<714.0,570.0>>/B<<714.0,570.0>-<711.0,542.0>-<691.0,522.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAED0 (U+AED0): L<<714.0,382.0>--<714.0,585.0>>/B<<714.0,585.0>-<711.0,557.0>-<691.0,537.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAED1 (U+AED1): B<<691.0,641.0>-<711.0,621.0>-<714.0,593.0>>/L<<714.0,593.0>--<714.0,776.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniAED1 (U+AED1): L<<714.0,374.0>--<714.0,580.0>>/B<<714.0,580.0>-<711.0,552.0>-<691.0,532.0>> = 6.115503566285384
    * uniB0AE (U+B0AE): B<<326.0,267.0>-<326.0,304.0>-<346.0,314.0>>/B<<346.0,314.0>-<242.0,269.0>-<135.0,254.0>> = 3.1672872611518468
    * uniB0AE (U+B0AE): B<<407.0,343.0>-<377.0,328.0>-<348.0,315.0>>/B<<348.0,315.0>-<355.0,318.0>-<364.0,318.0>> = 0.946951446772875
    * uniB125 (U+B125): B<<514.0,370.0>-<465.0,333.0>-<365.0,293.0>>/B<<365.0,293.0>-<369.0,294.0>-<373.0,294.0>> = 7.765166018425308
    * uniB2D2 (U+B2D2): B<<398.0,379.0>-<340.0,359.0>-<277.0,343.0>>/L<<277.0,343.0>--<447.0,343.0>> = 14.250032697803595
    * uniB394 (U+B394): L<<551.0,467.0>--<551.0,466.0>>/B<<551.0,466.0>-<549.0,476.0>-<549.0,487.0>> = 11.309932474020195
    * uniB3A0 (U+B3A0): L<<551.0,467.0>--<551.0,466.0>>/B<<551.0,466.0>-<549.0,476.0>-<549.0,487.0>> = 11.309932474020195
    * uniB5A4 (U+B5A4): B<<310.0,248.0>-<310.0,268.0>-<320.0,280.0>>/B<<320.0,280.0>-<292.0,257.0>-<249.0,237.0>> = 10.79376824425533
    * uniB5A4 (U+B5A4): L<<334.0,293.0>--<325.0,284.0>>/B<<325.0,284.0>-<340.0,296.0>-<369.0,296.0>> = 6.340191745909908
    * uniB7AB (U+B7AB): B<<594.0,316.0>-<605.0,319.0>-<616.0,320.0>>/B<<616.0,320.0>-<559.0,321.0>-<559.0,368.0>> = 6.199514912989017
    * uniB7AB (U+B7AB): B<<678.0,368.0>-<678.0,322.0>-<624.0,320.0>>/B<<624.0,320.0>-<637.0,319.0>-<650.0,316.0>> = 6.519801751656973
    * uniB853 (U+B853): B<<594.0,316.0>-<604.0,319.0>-<615.0,320.0>>/B<<615.0,320.0>-<571.0,325.0>-<571.0,367.0>> = 11.677502600632039
    * uniB853 (U+B853): B<<690.0,367.0>-<690.0,321.0>-<636.0,319.0>>/B<<636.0,319.0>-<643.0,318.0>-<650.0,316.0>> = 10.251198750817418
    * uniB989 (U+B989): B<<333.0,226.0>-<376.0,263.0>-<432.0,275.0>>/L<<432.0,275.0>--<53.0,275.0>> = 12.094757077012089
    * uniB989 (U+B989): L<<804.0,275.0>--<545.0,275.0>>/B<<545.0,275.0>-<600.0,263.0>-<643.0,225.0>> = 12.308015817427924
    * uniBA67 (U+BA67): B<<594.0,316.0>-<602.0,318.0>-<610.0,319.0>>/B<<610.0,319.0>-<563.0,324.0>-<563.0,367.0>> = 13.197472756109473
    * uniBA67 (U+BA67): B<<682.0,367.0>-<682.0,323.0>-<633.0,319.0>>/B<<633.0,319.0>-<642.0,318.0>-<650.0,316.0>> = 11.007050117348875
    * uniBAC8 (U+BAC8): B<<358.0,208.0>-<358.0,249.0>-<401.0,255.0>>/L<<401.0,255.0>--<53.0,255.0>> = 7.943471810590413
    * uniBAC8 (U+BAC8): L<<599.0,255.0>--<434.0,255.0>>/B<<434.0,255.0>-<477.0,249.0>-<477.0,208.0>> = 7.943471810590413
    * uniBB54 (U+BB54): L<<398.0,11.0>--<398.0,216.0>>/B<<398.0,216.0>-<391.0,180.0>-<339.0,180.0>> = 11.003540851749507
    * uniBB54 (U+BB54): L<<399.0,370.0>--<399.0,239.0>>/B<<399.0,239.0>-<405.0,276.0>-<457.0,276.0>> = 9.21102654081665
    * uniBC43 (U+BC43): B<<594.0,316.0>-<605.0,319.0>-<616.0,320.0>>/L<<616.0,320.0>--<612.0,320.0>> = 5.1944289077348
    * uniBC43 (U+BC43): B<<672.0,368.0>-<672.0,322.0>-<618.0,320.0>>/L<<618.0,320.0>--<622.0,320.0>> = 2.1210963966614473
    * uniBCB3 (U+BCB3): B<<594.0,316.0>-<602.0,318.0>-<610.0,319.0>>/B<<610.0,319.0>-<563.0,324.0>-<563.0,367.0>> = 13.197472756109473
    * uniBCB3 (U+BCB3): B<<682.0,367.0>-<682.0,323.0>-<633.0,319.0>>/B<<633.0,319.0>-<642.0,318.0>-<650.0,316.0>> = 11.007050117348875
    * uniBEE3 (U+BEE3): B<<539.0,299.0>-<547.0,307.0>-<556.0,311.0>>/B<<556.0,311.0>-<544.0,306.0>-<525.0,306.0>> = 1.3426240265372527
    * uniBEE3 (U+BEE3): B<<585.0,355.0>-<585.0,325.0>-<562.0,313.0>>/L<<562.0,313.0>--<564.0,314.0>> = 0.9877603996390658
    * uniBF08 (U+BF08): B<<597.0,292.0>-<577.0,312.0>-<575.0,340.0>>/L<<575.0,340.0>--<575.0,175.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniBF08 (U+BF08): B<<597.0,552.0>-<577.0,572.0>-<575.0,600.0>>/L<<575.0,600.0>--<575.0,353.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniBF08 (U+BF08): L<<575.0,600.0>--<575.0,353.0>>/B<<575.0,353.0>-<577.0,381.0>-<597.0,401.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniBF08 (U+BF08): L<<575.0,764.0>--<575.0,613.0>>/B<<575.0,613.0>-<577.0,641.0>-<597.0,661.0>> = 4.085616779974799
    * uniC410 (U+C410): B<<589.0,428.0>-<592.0,418.0>-<593.0,409.0>>/L<<593.0,409.0>--<593.0,776.0>> = 6.340191745909908
    * uniC410 (U+C410): L<<593.0,22.0>--<593.0,403.0>>/B<<593.0,403.0>-<591.0,374.0>-<552.0,363.0>> = 3.94518622903751
    * uniC424 (U+C424): B<<589.0,508.0>-<592.0,501.0>-<593.0,495.0>>/L<<593.0,495.0>--<593.0,776.0>> = 9.462322208025613
    * uniC424 (U+C424): L<<593.0,379.0>--<593.0,476.0>>/B<<593.0,476.0>-<588.0,455.0>-<555.0,445.0>> = 13.392497753751098
    * uniC55E (U+C55E): B<<476.0,390.0>-<413.0,326.0>-<325.0,318.0>>/L<<325.0,318.0>--<893.0,318.0>> = 5.1944289077348
    * uniC5CE (U+C5CE): B<<476.0,390.0>-<413.0,326.0>-<325.0,318.0>>/L<<325.0,318.0>--<885.0,318.0>> = 5.1944289077348
    * uniC5D1 (U+C5D1): B<<345.0,255.0>-<345.0,288.0>-<361.0,300.0>>/B<<361.0,300.0>-<321.0,281.0>-<270.0,281.0>> = 11.462179536895535
    * uniC5D1 (U+C5D1): B<<431.0,359.0>-<405.0,323.0>-<368.0,303.0>>/B<<368.0,303.0>-<374.0,306.0>-<383.0,306.0>> = 1.827968244304761
    * uniC606 (U+C606): B<<476.0,390.0>-<413.0,326.0>-<325.0,318.0>>/L<<325.0,318.0>--<885.0,318.0>> = 5.1944289077348
    * uniCE7C (U+CE7C): B<<434.0,405.0>-<410.0,376.0>-<379.0,350.0>>/B<<379.0,350.0>-<385.0,353.0>-<394.0,353.0>> = 13.421835067886194
    * uniCFA1 (U+CFA1): B<<521.0,261.0>-<573.0,306.0>-<641.0,318.0>>/B<<641.0,318.0>-<583.0,318.0>-<583.0,366.0>> = 10.007979801441312
    * uniCFA1 (U+CFA1): B<<700.0,366.0>-<700.0,330.0>-<668.0,321.0>>/B<<668.0,321.0>-<679.0,322.0>-<691.0,322.0>> = 10.514208921280906
    * uniD57C (U+D57C): B<<127.0,559.0>-<172.0,599.0>-<228.0,612.0>>/L<<228.0,612.0>--<62.0,612.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD57C (U+D57C): L<<494.0,612.0>--<337.0,612.0>>/B<<337.0,612.0>-<393.0,599.0>-<437.0,558.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD587 (U+D587): B<<594.0,316.0>-<605.0,319.0>-<616.0,320.0>>/B<<616.0,320.0>-<563.0,322.0>-<563.0,368.0>> = 7.355508395961176
    * uniD587 (U+D587): B<<682.0,368.0>-<682.0,322.0>-<627.0,320.0>>/B<<627.0,320.0>-<639.0,319.0>-<650.0,316.0>> = 6.8462069704569775
    * uniD588 (U+D588): B<<127.0,559.0>-<172.0,599.0>-<228.0,612.0>>/L<<228.0,612.0>--<62.0,612.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD588 (U+D588): L<<494.0,612.0>--<337.0,612.0>>/B<<337.0,612.0>-<393.0,599.0>-<437.0,558.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD5EC (U+D5EC): B<<127.0,559.0>-<172.0,599.0>-<228.0,612.0>>/L<<228.0,612.0>--<62.0,612.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD5EC (U+D5EC): L<<484.0,612.0>--<337.0,612.0>>/B<<337.0,612.0>-<393.0,599.0>-<437.0,558.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD624 (U+D624): B<<117.0,559.0>-<162.0,599.0>-<218.0,612.0>>/L<<218.0,612.0>--<62.0,612.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD624 (U+D624): L<<464.0,612.0>--<327.0,612.0>>/B<<327.0,612.0>-<383.0,599.0>-<427.0,558.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD62D (U+D62D): B<<117.0,559.0>-<162.0,599.0>-<218.0,612.0>>/L<<218.0,612.0>--<62.0,612.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * uniD62D (U+D62D): L<<464.0,612.0>--<327.0,612.0>>/B<<327.0,612.0>-<383.0,599.0>-<427.0,558.0>> = 13.069317896282163
    * w (U+0077): L<<121.0,571.0>--<121.0,572.0>>/L<<121.0,572.0>--<202.0,246.0>> = 13.95350593769172
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Do outlines contain any semi-vertical or semi-horizontal lines?

Check ID: <FontBakeryCheck:outline_semi_vertical>
⚠️ Gugi-Regular.ttf
  • ⚠️ WARN

    The following glyphs have semi-vertical/semi-horizontal lines:

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    * D (U+0044): L<<199.0,693.0>--<198.0,41.0>>
    * Q (U+0051): L<<503.0,163.0>--<501.0,626.0>>
    * a (U+0061): L<<443.0,36.0>--<442.0,255.0>>
    * b (U+0062): L<<181.0,508.0>--<180.0,42.0>>
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Font File Checks


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    This font file does not have a 'meta' table.

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