
compiling a large number of target fonts with both fontc and fontmake, comparing the results.
date rev targets identical fontc 💥 fontmake 💥 both 💥 other 💥 similarity %
2024-07-22 0000 (0m0s) e7019c39 642 +642 0 72 +72 8 +8 45 +45 2 +2 68.696 +68.696
2024-07-24 0000 (0m0s) 06a9f4a2 642 0 50 -22 12 +4 41 -4 2 71.354 +2.658
2024-08-01 0000 (0m0s) 4f4d1653 642 0 45 -5 13 +1 40 -1 2 71.979 +0.625
2024-08-08 0000 (0m0s) 3d7a5892 642 0 28 -17 13 40 4 +2 73.858 +1.879
2024-08-14 2225 (15h44m30s) aab24cce 638 -4 0 28 18 +5 42 +2 4 74.248 +0.390
2024-08-16 1940 (22h40m37s) 9fc858b2 638 0 29 +1 18 42 4 74.312 +0.063
2024-08-22 2106 (3h48m40s) 9279e2ac 638 0 29 14 -4 42 3 -1 75.014 +0.703
2024-08-23 1803 (6h44m21s) 7e99de60 638 0 29 14 42 8 +5 74.309 -0.705
2024-08-24 0106 (3h45m22s) 88964a7f 638 0 29 14 42 6 -2 74.975 +0.666
2024-09-03 1708 (9h5m53s) b4510aac 638 0 29 14 42 2 -4 75.589 +0.614
2024-09-04 0257 (12h15m51s) b8d421ca 638 0 29 14 42 4 +2 76.789 +1.200
2024-09-04 2132 (4h19m41s) 1c75077e 638 2 +2 28 -1 14 42 3 -1 77.084 +0.295
2024-09-06 1509 (9h8m51s) d6e43bba 638 3 +1 28 14 42 2 -1 77.216 +0.132
2024-09-07 0501 (9h7m55s) 9def1070 638 3 28 14 42 3 +1 77.074 -0.141
2024-09-08 0501 (9h2m43s) 588ee88a 638 3 28 14 42 7 +4 76.454 -0.621
2024-09-11 1930 (9h0m25s) 316fdb06 638 3 28 14 42 2 -5 77.265 +0.811
2024-09-12 0501 (4h23m46s) 195d1cae 638 3 29 +1 14 42 2 77.123 -0.142
2024-09-17 0501 (9h8m45s) 809cb6fd 638 4 +1 29 14 42 2 77.116 -0.007
2024-09-17 2203 (40m35s) 09025bf4 638 5 +1 29 14 42 5 +3 79.822 +2.706
2024-09-20 0501 (16m55s) a612b74d 638 5 29 16 +2 42 4 -1 79.277 -0.545
2024-10-02 0501 (5h9m45s) d818f469 638 5 29 16 42 4 79.279 +0.002
2024-10-03 0501 (5h8m59s) 8644ab9b 638 5 29 16 42 3 -1 81.157 +1.878
2024-10-03 1355 (22m15s) 266624a8 638 5 29 15 -1 42 8 +5 81.681 +0.524
2024-10-04 0501 (5h11m15s) 603af2a5 638 5 21 -8 16 +1 41 -1 6 -2 83.053 +1.372
2024-10-05 0501 (5h3m0s) f592d199 638 5 15 -6 16 41 5 -1 84.139 +1.086
2024-10-07 1756 (5h3m14s) 7c393d33 638 5 16 +1 16 41 3 -2 82.017 -2.121
2024-10-07 2301 (14m22s) 90cc0d8b 638 5 15 -1 16 41 4 +1 82.009 -0.008
2024-10-08 1701 (15m28s) 9a1e4375 638 37 +32 15 16 41 4 82.042 +0.033
2024-10-08 2301 (25m57s) a8193c11 638 48 +11 15 16 41 5 +1 85.506 +3.464
2024-10-09 1701 (13m53s) caeba53c 638 48 15 16 41 3 -2 85.820 +0.313
2024-10-09 2301 (29m36s) 34076b5e 638 47 -1 17 +2 16 41 7 +4 84.897 -0.923
2024-10-10 2301 (14m52s) a18c3bd9 638 48 +1 15 -2 16 41 5 -2 85.511 +0.614
2024-10-12 1101 (14m8s) 44f1a6e2 638 60 +12 15 16 41 3 -2 85.824 +0.313
2024-10-14 1101 (20m15s) c074d550 638 86 +26 15 16 41 3 85.842 +0.018
2024-10-14 1701 (14m16s) d03e19bc 638 86 16 +1 16 41 6 +3 85.211 -0.630
2024-10-14 2301 (14m54s) 7c3be612 638 87 +1 16 16 41 7 +1 85.054 -0.158
2024-10-15 0501 (23m47s) d4b2a84c 638 85 -2 16 16 41 7 85.118 +0.064
2024-10-15 1701 (14m34s) 37143a0c 638 106 +21 16 16 41 3 -4 85.689 +0.571
2024-10-16 1601 (29m34s) 9df83ca5 638 105 -1 16 16 41 4 +1 85.720 +0.031
2024-10-16 1801 (16m7s) 5be2ba0d 638 106 +1 16 16 41 2 -2 86.036 +0.316
2024-10-16 2101 (13m50s) 36053b81 638 106 16 16 41 2 86.036
2024-10-16 2201 (22m46s) 65a0703a 638 106 16 16 41 2 86.036
2024-10-17 0801 (18m7s) 00b2890c 638 106 16 16 41 2 86.036
2024-10-17 2101 (14m5s) 6351da4e 638 104 -2 16 16 41 2 85.949 -0.087
2024-10-18 0801 (15m4s) 1e4906f0 638 104 16 16 41 2 85.949
2024-10-18 1501 (14m26s) 2611c59c 638 104 16 16 41 2 85.949
2024-10-18 1601 (13m58s) ab35d44b 638 104 17 +1 16 41 3 +1 85.642 -0.307
2024-10-22 1601 (17m1s) 081b6041 638 127 +23 14 -3 16 41 3 86.061 +0.420
2024-10-23 0001 (14m18s) cf0809b5 638 127 14 16 41 2 -1 86.215 +0.153
2024-10-24 2213 (14m21s) 96d887da 656 +18 129 +2 14 17 +1 43 +2 0 -2 86.537 +0.322
2024-10-25 1602 (13m28s) ddd569cc 679 +23 131 +2 20 +6 16 -1 45 +2 0 85.870 -0.667
2024-10-28 2201 (14m1s) 184a37c5 679 131 20 16 45 0 85.870 +0.000
2024-10-29 0102 (41m33s) 6aa45e69 1145 +466 165 +34 36 +16 63 +47 119 +74 0 74.598 -11.272
2024-10-29 1001 (39m32s) 723e233c 1145 168 +3 35 -1 63 120 +1 1 +1 74.531 -0.067
2024-10-29 1301 (1h36m33s) fd1fc6ab 1145 167 -1 36 +1 62 -1 119 -1 4 +3 74.356 -0.174
2024-10-29 1901 (1h36m55s) 49f16f90 1145 167 36 64 +2 119 2 -2 74.371 +0.015
2024-10-30 1501 (1h37m36s) 0a5482f9 1145 168 +1 36 63 -1 116 -3 5 +3 74.509 +0.138
2024-10-30 1902 (38m1s) 7b182416 1145 167 -1 36 64 +1 119 +3 0 -5 74.547 +0.038
2024-10-30 2002 (35m46s) 85b467a2 1145 168 +1 35 -1 64 119 0 74.631 +0.084
2024-10-30 2103 (35m56s) b0745a8b 1145 168 35 63 -1 119 0 74.702 +0.072
2024-10-31 1603 (32m6s) b0745a8b 1145 134 -34 41 +6 64 +1 119 1 +1 70.710 -3.993
2024-10-31 1803 (31m23s) a4b28ca2 1145 134 42 +1 63 -1 119 1 70.710
2024-10-31 1903 (31m47s) e3fa460e 1145 134 41 -1 64 +1 119 1 70.704 -0.006
2024-10-31 2002 (32m47s) e3fa460e 1145 134 41 63 -1 119 1 78.185 +7.481
2024-11-01 1102 (31m29s) e3fa460e 1145 134 41 64 +1 119 1 78.103 -0.082
2024-11-01 1603 (25m12s) 9a173c19 1145 134 41 63 -1 119 1 78.184 +0.081


JAMO-TYPEFACE/Moirai/Sources/Moirai.glyphs (default)99.999% (glyf)
table value
glyf 100.000%
total 100.000%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Alata/sources/Alata.glyphs (default)99.999% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
total 99.999%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Grenze-Gotisch/sources/GrenzeGotisch.glyphs (default)99.998% (OS_2, fvar)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 98.305%
total 99.999%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/fleurdeleah/sources/FleurDeLeah.glyphs (default)99.998% (hhea)
table value
hhea 95.238%
total 99.999%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khitan-small-script/sources/NotoFangsongKSSRotated.glyphspackage (default)99.998% (head, hhea, name)
table value
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.959%
total 99.999%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Marmelad-Cyrillic/sources/Marmelad.glyphs (default)99.998% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.995%
total 99.999%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/OswaldFont/sources/Oswald.glyphs (gftools)99.998% (name)
table value
name 98.266%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ingrid-darling/sources/IngridDarling.glyphs (default)99.998% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.997%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Grenze-Gotisch/sources/GrenzeGotisch.glyphs (gftools)99.998% (OS_2, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
name 98.643%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Bona-Nova/sources/BonaNova-Italic.glyphs (default)99.998% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.991%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Exo-2.0/sources/Glyphs/Exo2.glyphs (default)99.998% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.995%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/ArchivoNarrow/sources/ArchivoNarrow.glyphs (default)99.997% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 99.995%
total 99.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mavenproFont/sources/MavenPro.glyphs (gftools)99.997% (name)
table value
name 98.324%
total 99.997%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/smooch-sans/sources/SmoochSans.glyphs (gftools)99.997% (name)
table value
name 98.643%
total 99.997%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Rosario/sources/Rosario.glyphs (default)99.997% (OS_2, gvar)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.994%
total 99.997%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Grandiflora/Sources/Grandiflora.glyphs (default)99.996% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.063%
name 96.629%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Exo-2.0/sources/Glyphs/Exo2.glyphs (gftools)99.996% (STAT, gvar, name)
table value
STAT 98.824%
gvar 99.995%
name 98.643%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khitan-small-script/sources/NotoFangsongKSSVertical.glyphspackage (default)99.996% (head, hhea, name)
table value
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.959%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Calistoga/sources/Calistoga.glyphs (default)99.995% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.725%
OS_2 98.148%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Gelasio/sources/Gelasio-Italic.glyphspackage (default)99.995% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GPOS 98.597%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/BeVietnamPro/sources/BeVietnamPro.glyphs (gftools)99.995% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.991%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/Chivo-Italic.glyphs (default)99.995% (OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
gvar 99.997%
head 95.455%
name 97.561%
total 99.996%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/BeVietnamPro/sources/BeVietnamPro.glyphs (default)99.995% (fvar, gvar)
table value
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.991%
total 99.995%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Rosario/sources/Rosario.glyphs (gftools)99.994% (OS_2, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 98.361%
gvar 99.994%
name 98.324%
total 99.995%
view source repository copy reproduction command
eifetx/Pixelify-Sans/sources/PixelifySans.glyphs (gftools)99.994% (name)
table value
name 98.065%
total 99.995%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/HoltwoodFont/sources/HoltwoodOneSC.glyphs (default)99.993% (name)
table value
name 97.826%
total 99.994%
view source repository copy reproduction command
suonmaysophanith7/KonKhmer_SleokChher/sources/Konkhmer Sleokchher.glyphs (default)99.992% (GDEF, OS_2, glyf, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 99.727%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 100.000%
hmtx 97.955%
total 99.993%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Exo-2.0/sources/Glyphs/Exo2-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.992% (STAT, name)
table value
STAT 89.286%
name 98.859%
total 99.993%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/radiocanadadisplay/sources/RadioCanadaBig.glyphs (gftools)99.992% (STAT, name)
table value
STAT 98.182%
name 98.137%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/GaMaamli/sources/GaMaamli.glyphs (default)99.992% ((mark/kern), glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.988%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Voltaire/sources/Voltaire.glyphs (default)99.992% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.667%
OS_2 92.593%
glyf 99.980%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/cherokee/sources/NotoSansCherokee.designspace (default)99.992% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.527%
name 98.137%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/graduate/sources/graduate.glyphs (default)99.992% (name)
table value
name 97.826%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Gelasio/sources/Gelasio-Italic.glyphspackage (gftools)99.991% ((mark/kern), GPOS, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GPOS 98.597%
STAT 92.593%
name 98.378%
total 99.992%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/luxurious/sources/Luxurious-Script.glyphs (default)99.991% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.980%
total 99.991%
view source repository copy reproduction command
batsimadz/Sankofa-Display/sources/Sankofa.glyphs (default)99.991% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, hmtx, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GDEF 99.721%
GSUB 99.953%
hmtx 99.907%
meta fontmake only
name 98.077%
total 99.991%
view source repository copy reproduction command
duongtrtype/DTPhudu/sources/Phudu.glyphs (gftools)99.991% ((mark/kern), GPOS, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.992%
GPOS 98.191%
gvar 99.997%
total 99.991%
view source repository copy reproduction command
duongtrtype/DTPhudu/sources/Phudu.glyphs (default)99.990% ((mark/kern), GPOS, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.992%
GPOS 98.191%
gvar 99.997%
total 99.990%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Faustina/sources/Faustina-Italic.glyphs (default)99.990% (OS_2, STAT, glyf, head, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.993%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.876%
name 97.260%
total 99.990%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Gelasio/sources/Gelasio.glyphspackage (gftools)99.989% (STAT, gvar, name)
table value
STAT 98.182%
gvar 99.965%
name 98.266%
total 99.990%
view source repository copy reproduction command
dancoull/ClimateCrisis/sources/ClimateCrisis.glyphs (default)99.989% (GDEF, GPOS, avar, fvar, gvar)
table value
GDEF 93.693%
GPOS 97.256%
avar 96.970%
fvar 94.915%
gvar 99.991%
total 99.989%
view source repository copy reproduction command
NDISCOVER/Exo-1.0/sources/Exo-Italic.designspace (gftools)99.989% (STAT, name)
table value
STAT 89.286%
name 98.909%
total 99.989%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/Chivo-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.988% (OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
gvar 99.997%
head 95.455%
name 97.509%
total 99.988%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/orbitron-vf/sources/Orbitron.glyphs (gftools)99.988% (name)
table value
name 98.266%
total 99.988%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JetBrains/JetBrainsMono/sources/JetBrainsMono-Italic.glyphs (default)99.987% (GSUB, fvar, glyf, gvar, hmtx, name, post)
table value
GSUB 99.977%
fvar 98.148%
glyf 99.995%
gvar 99.993%
hmtx 99.885%
name 92.405%
post 99.934%
total 99.987%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Fruktur/sources/Fruktur.glyphs (default)99.986% (GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
GSUB 99.196%
glyf 100.000%
name 97.959%
total 99.987%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/coptic/sources/NotoSansCoptic.designspace (default)99.986% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 99.797%
total 99.987%
view source repository copy reproduction command
dancoull/ClimateCrisis/sources/ClimateCrisis.glyphs (gftools)99.986% (GDEF, GPOS, avar, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 93.693%
GPOS 97.256%
avar 96.970%
gvar 99.986%
name 97.345%
total 99.986%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Rosario/sources/Rosario-Italic.glyphs (default)99.986% (OS_2, gvar)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.958%
total 99.986%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cadsondemak/Anuphan/sources/Anuphan.glyphs (gftools)99.986% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 98.783%
total 99.986%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rfuenzalida/Freeman/sources/Freeman.glyphs (default)99.986% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.998%
GPOS 91.207%
GSUB 99.801%
total 99.986%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/radiocanadadisplay/sources/RadioCanadaBig-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.985% (STAT, name)
table value
STAT 92.593%
name 98.266%
total 99.986%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Asset/sources/Asset.glyphs (default)99.985% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cadsondemak/Anuphan/sources/Anuphan.glyphs (default)99.985% (GSUB, fvar)
table value
GSUB 98.783%
fvar 97.959%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-inline/sources/AlumniSansInline-Italic.glyphs (default)99.985% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.994%
GPOS 96.606%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/anaheimFont/sources/Anaheim.glyphs (default)99.984% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.932%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-inline/sources/AlumniSansInline.glyphs (default)99.984% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.994%
GPOS 96.606%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mondaFont/sources/Monda.glyphs (default)99.984% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.926%
total 99.985%
view source repository copy reproduction command
jrgdrs/Wittgenstein/sources/Wittgenstein-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.984% (STAT, name)
table value
STAT 90.909%
name 98.565%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Faustina/sources/Faustina-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.983% (OS_2, STAT, head, hhea, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 89.394%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 96.916%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Instrument/instrument-serif/sources/Instrument_Serif.glyphs (default)99.983% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.714%
name 96.629%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Instrument/instrument-serif/sources/Instrument_Serif_Italic.glyphs (default)99.983% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.714%
name 96.629%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
yanone/kaffeesatz/sources/YanoneKaffeesatz.glyphs (default)99.983% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 99.038%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/shalimar/sources/Shalimar.glyphs (default)99.983% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.954%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Pinyon/sources/PinyonScript.glyphs (default)99.983% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GPOS 99.365%
OS_2 83.333%
total 99.984%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/medefaidrin/sources/NotoSansMedefaidrin.designspace (default)99.983% ((mark/kern), GPOS, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.870%
GPOS 97.143%
head 95.455%
total 99.983%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mondaFont/sources/Monda.glyphs (gftools)99.983% (gvar, name)
table value
gvar 99.926%
name 97.987%
total 99.983%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/genos/sources/Genos.glyphs (default)99.983% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.921%
total 99.983%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/allura/sources/Allura.glyphs (default)99.982% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 99.918%
total 99.983%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/anaheimFont/sources/Anaheim.glyphs (gftools)99.981% (gvar, name)
table value
gvar 99.933%
name 98.137%
total 99.982%
view source repository copy reproduction command
yanone/kaffeesatz/sources/YanoneKaffeesatz.glyphs (gftools)99.981% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.038%
name 98.378%
total 99.981%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/fuggles/sources/Fuggles.glyphs (default)99.980% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 99.314%
total 99.981%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Rosario/sources/Rosario-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.980% (OS_2, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 91.667%
gvar 99.958%
name 98.477%
total 99.981%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/genos/sources/Genos.glyphs (gftools)99.979% (STAT, gvar, name)
table value
STAT 98.824%
gvar 99.924%
name 98.712%
total 99.980%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/kings/sources/KingsPro.glyphs (default)99.979% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 99.647%
total 99.980%
view source repository copy reproduction command
naipefoundry/gabarito/sources/Gabarito.glyphs (default)99.979% (GSUB, gvar, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 99.883%
gvar 99.996%
meta fontmake only
name 95.312%
total 99.980%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Agbalumo/sources/Agbalumo.glyphspackage (default)99.979% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.376%
GSUB 99.537%
name 84.211%
total 99.979%
view source repository copy reproduction command
alphArtype/Delicious-Handrawn/sources/Delicious-Handrawn.glyphs (default)99.978% ((mark/kern), GPOS, hhea)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.981%
GPOS 98.246%
hhea 95.238%
total 99.979%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/BagelFat/Sources/BagelFat.glyphs (default)99.977% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.074%
GDEF 94.737%
GPOS 90.323%
total 99.977%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JetBrains/JetBrainsMono/sources/JetBrainsMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.977% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name, post)
table value
GSUB 99.977%
STAT 88.462%
fvar 87.097%
gvar 99.993%
name 89.734%
post 99.934%
total 99.977%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/passions-conflict/sources/PassionsConflict.glyphs (default)99.977% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 99.947%
total 99.977%
view source repository copy reproduction command
marcologous/hanken-grotesk/sources/HankenGrotesk.glyphs (default)99.976% (GSUB, fvar)
table value
GSUB 98.660%
fvar 98.305%
total 99.976%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/DancingScript/sources/DancingScript.designspace (default)99.975% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 98.628%
total 99.976%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/imperial-script/sources/ImperialScript.glyphs (default)99.975% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.942%
total 99.975%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/psalter-pahlavi/sources/NotoSansPsalterPahlavi.glyphs (default)99.974% (GPOS)
table value
GPOS 99.433%
total 99.974%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Benne/sources/Benne-Regular.ufo (default)99.974% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.916%
GPOS 88.000%
GSUB 99.036%
total 99.974%
view source repository copy reproduction command
PaoloBiagini/Joan/sources/Joan.glyphs (default)99.973% (GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
GSUB 99.919%
glyf 99.850%
name 92.500%
total 99.974%
view source repository copy reproduction command
YADAMSS/Matemasie-Font/sources/Matemasie.glyphspackage (default)99.973% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.064%
name 88.312%
total 99.973%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/DancingScript/sources/DancingScript.designspace (gftools)99.972% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 98.628%
name 98.065%
total 99.973%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sedan/sources/Sedan-Italic.glyphs (default)99.969% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.630%
name 93.023%
total 99.969%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-collegiate/sources/AlumniSansCollegiate.glyphs (default)99.967% (GSUB, glyf)
table value
GSUB 99.928%
glyf 99.943%
total 99.968%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Gabriela/sources/Gabriela.glyphs (default)99.967% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.988%
GPOS 96.073%
glyf 99.978%
total 99.967%
view source repository copy reproduction command
xconsau/KumbhSans/sources/KumbhSans.designspace (default)99.966% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.949%
total 99.967%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/festive/sources/Festive-Pro.glyphs (default)99.965% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.902%
glyf 99.965%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.629%
total 99.966%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sursly/league-gothic/sources/LeagueGothic.glyphs (gftools)99.965% (GDEF, gvar)
table value
GDEF 99.088%
gvar 99.950%
total 99.965%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sursly/league-gothic/sources/LeagueGothic.glyphs (default)99.965% (GDEF, gvar)
table value
GDEF 99.088%
gvar 99.950%
total 99.965%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/genos/sources/Genos-Italic.glyphs (default)99.963% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GSUB 99.281%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.980%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.878%
name 92.405%
total 99.963%
view source repository copy reproduction command
TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab.designspace (default)99.961% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.906%
total 99.961%
view source repository copy reproduction command
simpals/onest/sources/Onest.glyphs (default)99.960% (GSUB, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.502%
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.998%
name 96.053%
total 99.960%
view source repository copy reproduction command
xconsau/KumbhSans/sources/KumbhSans.designspace (gftools)99.960% (STAT, gvar, name)
table value
STAT 98.810%
gvar 99.949%
name 97.170%
total 99.960%
view source repository copy reproduction command
d-sargent/platypi/sources/Platypi-Italic.glyphs (default)99.959% (OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.557%
head 95.455%
name 97.015%
total 99.960%
view source repository copy reproduction command
jrgdrs/Wittgenstein/sources/Wittgenstein.glyphs (default)99.959% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.932%
GPOS 94.253%
total 99.959%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/seymourFont/sources/SeymourOne.glyphs (default)99.958% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 98.294%
total 99.958%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/teko/sources/Teko.glyphs (gftools)99.957% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.935%
GPOS 77.143%
GSUB 99.971%
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.980%
name 98.734%
total 99.957%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/teko/sources/Teko.glyphs (default)99.957% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.935%
GPOS 77.143%
GSUB 99.971%
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.980%
name 98.361%
total 99.957%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ugaritic/sources/NotoSansUgaritic.designspace (default)99.956% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.945%
total 99.957%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ShantiFont/sources/Shanti.glyphs (default)99.956% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.316%
name 93.878%
total 99.957%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/genos/sources/Genos-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.956% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, head, name)
table value
GSUB 99.281%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
head 95.455%
name 93.818%
total 99.957%
view source repository copy reproduction command
jrgdrs/Wittgenstein/sources/Wittgenstein.glyphs (gftools)99.954% ((mark/kern), GPOS, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.932%
GPOS 94.253%
STAT 98.507%
name 98.378%
total 99.955%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/old-sogdian/sources/NotoSansOldSogdian.glyphs (default)99.953% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.686%
GPOS 97.143%
total 99.954%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Poltawski-Nowy/sources/PoltawskiNowy.glyphs (default)99.953% (GSUB, MVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
GSUB 99.613%
MVAR fontmake only
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.976%
gvar 99.945%
hhea 95.238%
name 84.672%
total 99.954%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-collegiate/sources/AlumniSansCollegiate-Italic.glyphs (default)99.953% (GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
GSUB 99.819%
glyf 99.928%
name 96.629%
total 99.953%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/DarkerGrotesque/sources/DarkerGrotesque.glyphs (default)99.952% (GSUB, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.801%
gvar 99.845%
name 98.065%
total 99.953%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Gasoek/Sources/Gasoek.glyphs (default)99.951% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.415%
GDEF 94.488%
GPOS 94.377%
GSUB 99.345%
glyf 99.999%
total 99.952%
view source repository copy reproduction command
naipefoundry/gabarito/sources/Gabarito.glyphs (gftools)99.950% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 99.883%
STAT 89.091%
fvar 88.000%
gvar 99.996%
meta fontmake only
name 90.173%
total 99.951%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/indic-siyaq-numbers/sources/NotoSansIndicSiyaqNumbers.glyphs (default)99.949% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 96.203%
name 97.030%
total 99.949%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/water-brush/sources/WaterBrush.glyphs (default)99.949% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.938%
total 99.949%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/beau-rivage/sources/BeauRivage-Pro.glyphs (default)99.947% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 99.055%
name 96.629%
total 99.948%
view source repository copy reproduction command
d-sargent/platypi/sources/Platypi-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.946% (OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 89.394%
glyf 99.978%
gvar 99.471%
head 95.455%
name 97.608%
total 99.947%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mooliFont/sources/Mooli.glyphs (default)99.946% (GSUB, name)
table value
GSUB 98.605%
name 96.842%
total 99.946%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/yi/sources/NotoSansYi.designspace (default)99.945% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.937%
total 99.945%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JetBrains/JetBrainsMono/sources/JetBrainsMono.glyphs (default)99.944% (GSUB, fvar, glyf, gvar, name, post)
table value
GSUB 99.977%
fvar 98.148%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.870%
name 92.405%
post 99.935%
total 99.945%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/BeVietnamPro/sources/BeVietnamPro-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.938% (gvar)
table value
gvar 99.866%
total 99.938%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/BeVietnamPro/sources/BeVietnamPro-Italic.glyphs (default)99.937% (fvar, gvar)
table value
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.866%
total 99.937%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/cherish/sources/Cherish.glyphs (default)99.937% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.911%
total 99.937%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/style-script/sources/StyleScript-Pro.glyphs (default)99.934% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.922%
total 99.934%
view source repository copy reproduction command
carolinashort/mansalva/sources/Mansalva.glyphs (default)99.931% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.872%
GPOS 96.269%
GSUB 99.098%
total 99.931%
view source repository copy reproduction command
carolinashort/MyNerve/sources/Mynerve.glyphs (default)99.929% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.861%
GPOS 96.552%
GSUB 99.405%
total 99.930%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/phags-pa/sources/NotoSansPhagsPa.glyphs (default)99.926% (OS_2, glyf)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.926%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestRiot.glyphs (default)99.921% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.816%
total 99.921%
view source repository copy reproduction command
displaay/Azeret/sources/AzeretMono.glyphs (default)99.921% (GSUB, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.997%
gvar 99.912%
name 98.137%
total 99.921%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/grapenuts/sources/GrapeNuts.glyphs (default)99.919% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 96.439%
total 99.920%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/abeezee/sources/ABeeZee-Italic.glyphs (default)99.919% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 98.546%
total 99.920%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/kolker-brush/sources/KolkerBrush.glyphs (default)99.919% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.870%
total 99.920%
view source repository copy reproduction command
simpals/onest/sources/Onest.glyphs (gftools)99.916% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.502%
STAT 87.671%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.998%
name 89.302%
total 99.917%
view source repository copy reproduction command
EbenSorkin/Dekko/sources/Dekko.glyphs (default)99.916% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.968%
GDEF 99.345%
GPOS 88.372%
GSUB 99.920%
glyf 100.000%
name 96.842%
total 99.917%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/abeezee/sources/ABeeZee.glyphs (default)99.916% (GSUB)
table value
GSUB 98.546%
total 99.916%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comforter/sources/ComforterPro.glyphs (default)99.915% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.866%
total 99.916%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/smooch/sources/SmoochPro.glyphs (default)99.912% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.824%
total 99.913%
view source repository copy reproduction command
bettergui/DarkerGrotesque/sources/DarkerGrotesque.glyphs (gftools)99.910% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.801%
STAT 88.525%
fvar 87.500%
gvar 99.847%
name 92.233%
total 99.911%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/ChivoMono-Italic.glyphs (default)99.909% (GDEF, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, head, name, post)
table value
GDEF 96.531%
HVAR 96.026%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.993%
head 95.455%
name 97.561%
post 99.845%
total 99.910%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/miao/sources/NotoSansMiao.glyphs (default)99.909% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.944%
GPOS 97.619%
glyf 99.947%
total 99.909%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Poltawski-Nowy/sources/PoltawskiNowy.glyphs (gftools)99.909% (GSUB, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
GSUB 99.613%
MVAR fontmake only
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 93.023%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 99.847%
gvar 99.784%
hhea 95.238%
name 82.635%
total 99.909%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/ArchivoNarrow/sources/ArchivoNarrow.glyphs (gftools)99.908% ((mark/kern), STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.995%
STAT 98.182%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.583%
name 98.266%
total 99.909%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/bhaiksuki/sources/NotoSansBhaiksuki.designspace (default)99.904% (GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
GSUB 98.244%
glyf 99.968%
name 97.030%
total 99.904%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/estonia/sources/EstoniaPro.glyphs (default)99.903% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.873%
total 99.903%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText.designspace (default)99.900% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.948%
GSUB 97.566%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.900%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JetBrains/JetBrainsMono/sources/JetBrainsMono.glyphs (gftools)99.898% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name, post)
table value
GSUB 99.977%
STAT 88.608%
fvar 87.097%
glyf 99.999%
gvar 99.780%
name 88.106%
post 99.935%
total 99.899%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/ChivoMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.898% (GDEF, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name, post)
table value
GDEF 96.531%
HVAR 96.026%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
glyf 99.979%
gvar 99.991%
head 95.455%
name 97.509%
post 99.845%
total 99.899%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/syriac/sources/NotoSansSyriacWestern.glyphs (default)99.894% (GPOS, GSUB, gvar)
table value
GPOS 99.345%
GSUB 99.851%
gvar 99.981%
total 99.895%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay.designspace (default)99.892% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.931%
GSUB 97.566%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.893%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ottoman-siyaq-numbers/sources/NotoSerifOttomanSiyaq.glyphs (default)99.892% (OS_2, cmap)
table value
OS_2 94.444%
cmap 98.496%
total 99.893%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Element-Type/HostGrotesk/sources/HostGrotesk.glyphs (default)99.890% (GSUB, gvar, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 97.926%
gvar 99.994%
meta fontmake only
name 95.890%
total 99.890%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/syriac/sources/NotoSansSyriac.glyphs (default)99.888% (GPOS, GSUB, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GPOS 99.606%
GSUB 99.554%
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.980%
name 96.341%
total 99.889%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/soyombo/sources/NotoSansSoyombo.designspace (default)99.886% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.933%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 99.961%
GSUB 99.224%
total 99.886%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/gunjala-gondi/sources/NotoSansGunjalaGondi.glyphs (default)99.885% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.355%
GPOS 88.732%
GSUB 97.812%
hhea 95.238%
name 95.522%
total 99.886%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/babylonica/sources/Babylonica.glyphs (default)99.885% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.863%
total 99.886%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/ArchivoNarrow/sources/ArchivoNarrow-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.884% (STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
STAT 92.593%
glyf 99.983%
gvar 99.533%
name 98.378%
total 99.884%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Briem-Hand/sources/BriemHand.glyphs (default)99.883% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.017%
GSUB 97.258%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.873%
total 99.884%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/island-moments/sources/IslandMomentsPro.glyphs (default)99.875% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.841%
total 99.875%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/marchen/sources/NotoSansMarchen.designspace (default)99.870% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.144%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 84.733%
total 99.871%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-SemiBold.ufo (default)99.870% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.947%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
head 95.455%
total 99.871%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/mende-kikakui/sources/NotoSansMendeKikakui.glyphs (default)99.865% (GPOS, OS_2, glyf)
table value
GPOS 97.391%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 99.948%
total 99.865%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Medium.ufo (default)99.861% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.930%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
head 95.455%
total 99.861%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-SemiBold.ufo (default)99.860% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.929%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
head 95.455%
total 99.861%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Medium.ufo (default)99.860% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.945%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.860%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Bold.ufo (default)99.859% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.942%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.860%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Bold.ufo (default)99.859% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.943%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.859%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/vithkuqi/sources/NotoSerifVithkuqi.glyphs (default)99.858% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.153%
GDEF 81.356%
GPOS 97.143%
HVAR 95.408%
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.858%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nko/sources/NotoSansNKo.glyphs (default)99.857% (GPOS, OS_2)
table value
GPOS 98.805%
OS_2 98.148%
total 99.858%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Asar/sources/Asar.glyphs (default)99.853% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.922%
GDEF 99.125%
GPOS 82.552%
GSUB 99.443%
glyf 99.932%
hmtx 99.524%
name 92.500%
total 99.854%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comforter-brush/sources/ComforterBrush-Pro.glyphs (default)99.853% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.836%
total 99.854%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/bamum/sources/NotoSansBamum.glyphs (default)99.853% ((mark/kern), GDEF, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 89.731%
GDEF 82.707%
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.853%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Element-Type/HostGrotesk/sources/HostGrotesk.glyphs (gftools)99.848% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 97.926%
STAT 92.727%
fvar 88.000%
gvar 99.994%
meta fontmake only
name 90.426%
total 99.848%
view source repository copy reproduction command
marcologous/hanken-grotesk/sources/HankenGrotesk.glyphs (gftools)99.847% (GSUB, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.660%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 99.828%
gvar 99.479%
name 98.643%
total 99.847%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Regular.ufo (default)99.847% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.932%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.847%
view source repository copy reproduction command
oliverlalan/Doto/sources/Doto.designspace (gftools)99.845% (HVAR, OS_2, head, post)
table value
HVAR 5.302%
OS_2 98.148%
head 95.455%
post 99.194%
total 99.845%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hans-thiessen/Rethink-Sans/sources/RethinkSans-Italic.glyphs (default)99.844% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.454%
GPOS 92.347%
total 99.845%
view source repository copy reproduction command
oliverlalan/Doto/sources/Doto.designspace (default)99.844% (HVAR, OS_2, gasp, head, post)
table value
HVAR 5.302%
OS_2 98.148%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
post 99.194%
total 99.845%
view source repository copy reproduction command
eifetx/Sour-Gummy-Fonts/sources/SourGummy.glyphs (default)99.843% (GDEF)
table value
GDEF 82.968%
total 99.844%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Poltawski-Nowy/sources/PoltawskiNowy-Italic.glyphs (default)99.842% (GSUB, MVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
GSUB 99.936%
MVAR fontmake only
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.081%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.479%
total 99.843%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-ExtraBold.ufo (default)99.841% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.916%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.842%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-ExtraBold.ufo (default)99.839% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.915%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.840%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Italic.designspace (default)99.835% (GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
GSUB 97.308%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.836%
view source repository copy reproduction command
eifetx/Sour-Gummy-Fonts/sources/SourGummy.glyphs (gftools)99.835% (GDEF, STAT, name)
table value
GDEF 82.968%
STAT 96.296%
name 97.744%
total 99.836%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hans-thiessen/Rethink-Sans/sources/RethinkSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.834% ((mark/kern), GPOS, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.454%
GPOS 92.347%
STAT 91.667%
name 98.429%
total 99.834%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/mandaic/sources/NotoSansMandaic.designspace (default)99.833% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.982%
GPOS 80.769%
total 99.833%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/vithkuqi/sources/NotoSansVithkuqi.glyphs (default)99.832% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.219%
GDEF 81.967%
GPOS 97.143%
HVAR 93.750%
MVAR 98.182%
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.833%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/antonioFont/Sources/Antonio.glyphs (gftools)99.831% (GDEF, GSUB)
table value
GDEF 92.611%
GSUB 97.604%
total 99.832%
view source repository copy reproduction command
schibsted/schibsted-grotesk/sources/SchibstedGrotesk.glyphs (default)99.830% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.394%
total 99.831%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/antonioFont/Sources/Antonio.glyphs (default)99.830% (GDEF, GSUB)
table value
GDEF 92.611%
GSUB 97.604%
total 99.830%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Regular.ufo (default)99.829% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.900%
GSUB 97.564%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.830%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Bodoni/sources/LibreBodoni-Italic.glyphs (default)99.822% (GDEF, GSUB)
table value
GDEF 88.054%
GSUB 98.883%
total 99.823%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Poltawski-Nowy/sources/PoltawskiNowy-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.820% (GSUB, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
GSUB 99.936%
MVAR fontmake only
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 92.593%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 99.967%
gvar 99.015%
hhea 95.238%
name 93.642%
total 99.820%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/monte-carlo/sources/MonteCarloPro.glyphs (default)99.818% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.963%
GDEF 97.802%
GPOS 78.761%
GSUB 99.860%
name 90.526%
total 99.819%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/great-vibes/sources/GreatVibes-Pro.glyphs (default)99.818% ((mark/kern), GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.996%
GSUB 98.401%
glyf 99.845%
name 87.755%
total 99.818%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Bodoni/sources/LibreBodoni-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.815% (GDEF, GSUB, STAT, name)
table value
GDEF 88.054%
GSUB 98.883%
STAT 92.593%
name 98.378%
total 99.816%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Signika/sources/Signika.glyphs (default)99.814% (GDEF, GSUB, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 85.115%
GSUB 99.210%
glyf 99.991%
gvar 99.839%
name 90.683%
total 99.814%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Signika/sources/Signika.glyphs (gftools)99.813% (GDEF, GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 85.115%
GSUB 99.210%
STAT 93.333%
fvar 91.525%
glyf 99.991%
gvar 99.846%
name 88.038%
total 99.813%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alex-brush/sources/AlexBrush.glyphs (default)99.802% (glyf)
table value
glyf 99.578%
total 99.802%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/yezidi/sources/NotoSerifYezidi.designspace (default)99.800% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.083%
GPOS 81.159%
total 99.800%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/meetei-mayek/sources/NotoSansMeeteiMayek.glyphs (default)99.799% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.297%
GPOS 66.667%
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.800%
view source repository copy reproduction command
duartp/gloock/sources/Gloock.glyphs (default)99.798% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.493%
GPOS 93.717%
total 99.799%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/lavishly-yours/sources/LavishlyYours.glyphs (default)99.796% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 99.450%
total 99.797%
view source repository copy reproduction command
schibsted/schibsted-grotesk/sources/SchibstedGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (default)99.793% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 99.979%
gvar 98.164%
total 99.793%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nko/sources/NotoSansNKoUnjoined.glyphs (default)99.792% (GPOS, OS_2)
table value
GPOS 98.805%
OS_2 98.148%
total 99.793%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/manichaean/sources/NotoSansManichaean.glyphs (default)99.790% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.446%
GPOS 81.633%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.791%
view source repository copy reproduction command
displaay/Azeret/sources/AzeretMono.glyphs (gftools)99.787% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.997%
STAT 90.411%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.686%
name 90.498%
total 99.787%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/osage/sources/NotoSansOsage.glyphs (default)99.785% (OS_2, glyf)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.786%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/mahajani/sources/NotoSansMahajani.glyphs (default)99.782% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.689%
GPOS 80.392%
total 99.783%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-yarndings/sources/Yarndings20Charted.glyphs (gftools)99.779% (cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 69.841%
glyf 99.783%
maxp 90.000%
prep 95.690%
total 99.779%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thai/sources/NotoSansThaiUI.designspace (default)99.777% (GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 87.800%
GPOS 93.600%
GSUB 99.668%
gvar 99.961%
name 99.088%
total 99.778%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/cypro-minoan/sources/NotoSansCyproMinoan.glyphs (default)99.776% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.776%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sassy-frass/sources/SassyFrass.glyphs (default)99.769% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 99.417%
total 99.770%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/music/sources/NotoMusic.glyphs (default)99.769% (GDEF, GPOS, OS_2)
table value
GDEF 99.329%
GPOS 98.553%
OS_2 98.148%
total 99.770%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestRevolution.glyphs (default)99.766% ((mark/kern), GDEF, glyf, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.986%
GDEF 99.481%
glyf 99.748%
hmtx 99.827%
total 99.767%
view source repository copy reproduction command
chankfonts/Teachers-fonts/sources/Teachers.glyphs (default)99.764% ((mark/kern), GDEF, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.950%
GDEF 90.180%
gvar 99.952%
total 99.765%
view source repository copy reproduction command
eifetx/Sour-Gummy-Fonts/sources/SourGummy-Italic.glyphs (default)99.755% (GDEF, OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
GDEF 71.704%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 95.238%
gvar 99.998%
head 95.455%
name 97.647%
total 99.756%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-SemiBoldItalic.ufo (default)99.753% (GSUB, OS_2, head)
table value
GSUB 97.306%
OS_2 94.444%
head 95.455%
total 99.753%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khojki/sources/NotoSansKhojki.glyphs (default)99.749% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, hhea, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.837%
GPOS 96.766%
OS_2 79.630%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.465%
total 99.749%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/brahmi/sources/NotoSansBrahmi.glyphs (default)99.749% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.816%
GPOS 99.145%
total 99.749%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sovichet/kantumruy-pro/sources/Upright/KantumruyPro.designspace (gftools)99.747% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.688%
GDEF 99.719%
GPOS 75.556%
GSUB 96.200%
total 99.747%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sovichet/kantumruy-pro/sources/Upright/KantumruyPro.designspace (default)99.743% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.688%
GDEF 99.719%
GPOS 75.556%
GSUB 96.200%
total 99.744%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tifinagh/sources/NotoSansTifinagh.glyphs (default)99.743% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.756%
GPOS 73.832%
total 99.743%
view source repository copy reproduction command
marcologous/hanken-grotesk/sources/HankenGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (default)99.742% (GDEF, GSUB, fvar)
table value
GDEF 86.438%
GSUB 98.542%
fvar 98.305%
total 99.742%
view source repository copy reproduction command
eifetx/Sour-Gummy-Fonts/sources/SourGummy-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.740% (GDEF, OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
GDEF 71.704%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.850%
gvar 99.998%
head 95.455%
name 96.753%
total 99.740%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/wancho/sources/NotoSansWancho.designspace (default)99.734% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.407%
GPOS 82.540%
total 99.735%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-collegiate/sources/AlumniSansCollegiate-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.732% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.819%
glyf 99.505%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.629%
total 99.733%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/syriac/sources/NotoSansSyriacEastern.glyphs (default)99.728% (GSUB, HVAR)
table value
GSUB 99.089%
HVAR 96.484%
total 99.728%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lisu/sources/NotoSansLisu.glyphs (default)99.727% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.728%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-MediumItalic.ufo (default)99.726% (GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
GSUB 97.306%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.727%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/road-rage/sources/RoadRage.glyphs (default)99.726% ((mark/kern), glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.730%
glyf 99.707%
total 99.727%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-collegiate/sources/AlumniSansCollegiate.glyphs (gftools)99.724% (GSUB, glyf, maxp)
table value
GSUB 99.928%
glyf 99.482%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.725%
view source repository copy reproduction command
theleagueof/league-spartan/sources/LeagueSpartan.glyphs (default)99.724% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.784%
GDEF 92.657%
GPOS 95.210%
GSUB 99.657%
name 96.203%
total 99.724%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-BoldItalic.ufo (default)99.722% (GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
GSUB 97.306%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.723%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/chakma/sources/NotoSansChakma.designspace (default)99.722% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, glyf, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.928%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 99.410%
GSUB 99.029%
GlyphOrder 99.426%
glyf 99.794%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.808%
maxp 95.000%
name 86.726%
post 99.818%
total 99.723%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Italic.ufo (default)99.721% (GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
GSUB 97.306%
OS_2 96.296%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.721%
view source repository copy reproduction command
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-ExtraBoldItalic.ufo (default)99.721% (GSUB, OS_2, gasp, head)
table value
GSUB 97.306%
OS_2 94.444%
gasp fontmake only
head 95.455%
total 99.721%
view source repository copy reproduction command
marcologous/hanken-grotesk/sources/HankenGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.720% (GDEF, GSUB, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 86.438%
GSUB 98.542%
STAT 89.286%
glyf 99.920%
gvar 99.935%
name 98.859%
total 99.721%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/bilbo/sources/BilboPro.glyphs (gftools)99.713% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 99.362%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.713%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/georgian/sources/NotoSansGeorgian.glyphspackage (default)99.709% (GDEF)
table value
GDEF 56.787%
total 99.710%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/gujarati/sources/NotoSansGujarati.glyphs (default)99.706% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.893%
GDEF 68.703%
GPOS 88.356%
GSUB 99.322%
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.996%
name 99.387%
total 99.707%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sinhala/sources/NotoSansSinhala.glyphs (default)99.702% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.701%
GDEF 73.487%
GPOS 93.623%
HVAR 34.117%
OS_2 96.296%
gvar 99.994%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.384%
name 99.387%
total 99.702%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/newa/sources/NotoSansNewa.glyphs (default)99.700% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.673%
GDEF 99.836%
GPOS 99.426%
GSUB 99.228%
total 99.700%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ol-chiki/sources/NotoSansOlChiki.glyphs (default)99.694% (HVAR, OS_2, gvar)
table value
HVAR 92.308%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.871%
total 99.694%
view source repository copy reproduction command
theleagueof/league-spartan/sources/LeagueSpartan.glyphs (gftools)99.692% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, STAT, fvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.784%
GDEF 92.657%
GPOS 95.210%
GSUB 99.657%
STAT 90.411%
fvar 86.765%
name 88.991%
total 99.693%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/georgian/sources/NotoSerifGeorgian.glyphspackage (default)99.682% (GDEF)
table value
GDEF 54.565%
total 99.682%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestStrike.glyphs (default)99.673% (glyf, hmtx)
table value
glyf 98.973%
hmtx 99.323%
total 99.673%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/myanmar/sources/NotoSansMyanmar.glyphs (default)99.664% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 68.418%
GSUB 99.824%
HVAR 59.130%
OS_2 79.630%
gvar 99.977%
hmtx 99.359%
total 99.665%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/zanabazar-square/sources/NotoSansZanabazarSquare.designspace (default)99.659% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.758%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 89.126%
GSUB 99.868%
name 97.030%
total 99.660%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/CutiveFont/sources/Cutive.glyphs (default)99.659% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.109%
GPOS 81.096%
total 99.659%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Typedesigners/Anta-Regular/sources/Anta-Regular.glyphs (default)99.653% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.095%
GPOS 91.753%
total 99.654%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Brygada-1918/sources/Brygada1918.glyphs (gftools)99.649% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.800%
total 99.649%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Brygada-1918/sources/Brygada1918.glyphs (default)99.649% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.800%
total 99.649%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/abeezee/sources/ABeeZee.glyphs (gftools)99.648% (GSUB, glyf)
table value
GSUB 98.546%
glyf 99.308%
total 99.648%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/play-ball/sources/Playball.glyphs (gftools)99.646% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.441%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.646%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestGuerrilla.glyphs (default)99.641% (glyf, hmtx)
table value
glyf 98.904%
hmtx 99.312%
total 99.642%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/batak/sources/NotoSansBatak.designspace (default)99.633% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.613%
GPOS 89.224%
total 99.634%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/siddham/sources/NotoSansSiddham.glyphs (default)99.626% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.932%
GDEF 99.168%
GPOS 99.817%
GSUB 99.831%
name 84.483%
total 99.627%
view source repository copy reproduction command
chankfonts/Teachers-fonts/sources/Teachers.glyphs (gftools)99.625% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.950%
GDEF 90.180%
STAT 98.361%
glyf 99.808%
gvar 99.746%
name 98.137%
total 99.625%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/pau-cin-hau/sources/NotoSansPauCinHau.glyphs (default)99.620% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.620%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sinhala/sources/NotoSerifSinhala.glyphs (default)99.616% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.721%
GDEF 76.133%
GPOS 89.604%
HVAR 33.391%
OS_2 96.296%
gvar 99.994%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.384%
name 99.387%
total 99.617%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Tural/Moderustic/sources/Moderustic.glyphs (default)99.615% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, gvar, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.982%
GDEF 97.101%
GPOS 96.360%
GSUB 99.139%
glyf 99.878%
gvar 99.479%
hmtx 99.486%
name 69.072%
total 99.616%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Agbalumo/sources/Agbalumo.glyphspackage (gftools)99.614% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.376%
GSUB 99.537%
glyf 98.664%
hmtx 99.908%
name 84.211%
total 99.615%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/old-uyghur/sources/NotoSerifOldUyghur.glyphs (default)99.609% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.105%
GPOS 88.272%
OS_2 94.444%
total 99.609%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSansMono/sources/SplineSansMono.glyphs (gftools)99.606% (GSUB, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 90.749%
gvar 99.994%
post 99.709%
total 99.606%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/toto/sources/NotoSerifToto.glyphs (default)99.602% ((mark/kern), GPOS, gvar, meta)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.652%
GPOS 88.732%
gvar 99.886%
meta fontmake only
total 99.602%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSansMono/sources/SplineSansMono.glyphs (default)99.600% (GSUB, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 90.749%
gvar 99.994%
post 99.709%
total 99.600%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/gurmukhi/sources/NotoSansGurmukhi.glyphs (default)99.592% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hhea, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.294%
GDEF 99.866%
GPOS 97.627%
HVAR 74.059%
OS_2 98.148%
gvar 99.940%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.650%
total 99.593%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/karla/sources/Karla.glyphs (gftools)99.591% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.959%
GDEF 75.196%
STAT 98.630%
gvar 99.985%
name 98.378%
total 99.591%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khmer/sources/NotoSansKhmer.glyphs (default)99.588% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.961%
GDEF 63.546%
GPOS 99.243%
HVAR 86.538%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.910%
total 99.589%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/inscriptional-parthian/sources/NotoSansInscriptionalParthian.glyphs (default)99.588% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.588%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khmer/sources/NotoSansKhmerUI.glyphs (default)99.583% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.963%
GDEF 66.979%
GPOS 98.860%
HVAR 84.638%
OS_2 79.630%
gvar 99.912%
hmtx 99.481%
total 99.583%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Tural/Moderustic/sources/Moderustic.glyphs (gftools)99.583% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.982%
GDEF 97.101%
GPOS 96.360%
GSUB 99.139%
STAT 90.909%
fvar 88.000%
glyf 99.885%
gvar 99.411%
name 69.492%
total 99.583%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tai-viet/sources/NotoSansTaiViet.glyphs (default)99.583% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.440%
GPOS 92.779%
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.583%
view source repository copy reproduction command
HelsinkiTypeStudio/Finlandica/sources/Finlandica.glyphs (default)99.581% (GSUB, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.812%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.477%
name 97.710%
total 99.581%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/karla/sources/Karla.glyphs (default)99.580% ((mark/kern), GDEF, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.959%
GDEF 75.196%
gvar 99.984%
total 99.580%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kayah-li/sources/NotoSansKayahLi.designspace (default)99.577% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.095%
GPOS 70.588%
total 99.578%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquarda-bastarda/sources/Jacquarda-Bastarda-9.glyphs (gftools)99.577% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 99.507%
maxp 75.000%
total 99.578%
view source repository copy reproduction command
YADAMSS/Matemasie-Font/sources/Matemasie.glyphspackage (gftools)99.575% (GSUB, glyf, head, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
GSUB 99.064%
glyf 98.885%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.757%
name 88.312%
total 99.576%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nag-mundari/sources/NotoSansNagMundari.glyphs (default)99.571% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.462%
GPOS 74.725%
total 99.571%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/splash/sources/Splash.glyphs (default)99.568% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 99.540%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.568%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-tokyo-zoo/sources/TokyoZoo.glyphs (default)99.568% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.725%
GDEF 96.084%
GPOS 85.380%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.568%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSans/sources/SplineSans.glyphs (gftools)99.562% (GDEF, GSUB, avar, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 98.926%
GSUB 98.931%
avar 96.000%
glyf 99.780%
gvar 99.349%
hmtx 99.809%
total 99.563%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSans/sources/SplineSans.glyphs (default)99.562% (GDEF, GSUB, avar, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 98.926%
GSUB 98.931%
avar 96.000%
glyf 99.780%
gvar 99.349%
hmtx 99.809%
total 99.562%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-yarndings/sources/Yarndings12Charted.glyphs (gftools)99.551% (cvt, glyf, head, prep)
table value
cvt 69.841%
glyf 99.545%
head 95.455%
prep 95.690%
total 99.551%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sharada/sources/NotoSansSharada.glyphs (default)99.546% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.767%
GDEF 99.210%
GPOS 98.342%
total 99.547%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thai/sources/NotoSerifThai.glyphs (default)99.546% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.986%
GDEF 81.761%
GPOS 92.308%
GSUB 99.683%
HVAR 67.507%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.993%
name 99.088%
total 99.546%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans-Italic.glyphs (default)99.534% (GSUB, gasp, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.752%
gasp fontmake only
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.122%
name 93.960%
total 99.535%
view source repository copy reproduction command
HelsinkiTypeStudio/Finlandica/sources/Finlandica.glyphs (gftools)99.521% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.812%
STAT 90.909%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.344%
name 94.318%
total 99.522%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/HoltwoodFont/sources/HoltwoodOneSC.glyphs (gftools)99.517% (OS_2, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.847%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.826%
total 99.517%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Manuale/sources/Manuale-Italic.glyphs (default)99.508% (GDEF, gvar, hhea)
table value
GDEF 65.299%
gvar 99.998%
hhea 95.238%
total 99.509%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Manuale/sources/Manuale-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.504% (GDEF, STAT, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
GDEF 65.299%
STAT 90.909%
gvar 99.998%
hhea 95.238%
name 98.565%
total 99.505%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/gurmukhi/sources/NotoSerifGurmukhi.glyphs (default)99.502% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.867%
GDEF 81.418%
GPOS 85.401%
HVAR 99.753%
OS_2 79.630%
gvar 99.988%
hmtx 99.664%
total 99.502%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sundanese/sources/NotoSansSundanese.glyphs (default)99.493% ((mark/kern), GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.375%
GPOS 91.463%
HVAR 93.878%
OS_2 79.630%
gvar 99.959%
hmtx 98.925%
total 99.494%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-loop/sources/ZenLoopItalic.glyphs (default)99.492% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.581%
GDEF 97.253%
GPOS 85.207%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.493%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ruthie/sources/Ruthie.glyphs (default)99.486% ((mark/kern), GSUB, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.409%
GSUB 99.120%
glyf 99.451%
total 99.486%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Alike-Angular/sources/AlikeAngular.glyphs (gftools)99.482% (glyf)
table value
glyf 98.762%
total 99.482%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/karla/sources/Karla-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.474% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.939%
GDEF 71.751%
STAT 90.278%
gvar 99.995%
name 98.605%
total 99.475%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Tourney/Sources/Tourney.glyphs (gftools)99.470% (GDEF, HVAR)
table value
GDEF 97.727%
HVAR 57.384%
total 99.471%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Tourney/Sources/Tourney.glyphs (default)99.465% (GDEF, HVAR)
table value
GDEF 97.727%
HVAR 57.384%
total 99.466%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Advent/sources/AdventPro.designspace (default)99.461% (HVAR, gasp, gvar, head)
table value
HVAR 39.930%
gasp fontmake only
gvar 99.880%
head 95.455%
total 99.462%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/karla/sources/Karla-Italic.glyphs (default)99.460% ((mark/kern), GDEF, glyf, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.939%
GDEF 71.751%
glyf 99.988%
hmtx 99.793%
total 99.460%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/abeezee/sources/ABeeZee-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.458% (GSUB, glyf, maxp)
table value
GSUB 98.546%
glyf 98.886%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.459%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Advent/sources/AdventPro.designspace (gftools)99.457% (HVAR, gvar, head)
table value
HVAR 39.930%
gvar 99.872%
head 95.455%
total 99.458%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sogdian/sources/NotoSansSogdian.glyphs (default)99.453% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.865%
GPOS 78.125%
GSUB 98.603%
total 99.453%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thai/sources/NotoSansThai.designspace (default)99.445% (GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 96.325%
GPOS 93.600%
GSUB 99.668%
HVAR 53.757%
gvar 99.960%
name 99.088%
total 99.446%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/RammettoFont/sources/Rammetto.glyphs (gftools)99.440% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 98.960%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.440%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khmer/sources/NotoSerifKhmer.glyphs (default)99.431% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.968%
GDEF 61.882%
GPOS 98.886%
HVAR 50.796%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.907%
total 99.431%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/inscriptional-pahlavi/sources/NotoSansInscriptionalPahlavi.glyphs (default)99.425% (OS_2)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
total 99.426%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.425% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.752%
STAT 90.278%
fvar 87.500%
glyf 99.670%
gvar 97.872%
name 90.377%
total 99.425%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/CutiveFont/sources/Cutive.glyphs (gftools)99.418% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.109%
GPOS 81.096%
glyf 99.431%
total 99.418%
view source repository copy reproduction command
AlessioLaiso/aleo/sources/Aleo-Italic.glyphs (default)99.416% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.471%
GDEF 75.097%
GSUB 99.094%
HVAR 99.564%
total 99.416%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Gasoek/Sources/Gasoek.glyphs (gftools)99.411% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.415%
GDEF 94.488%
GPOS 94.377%
GSUB 99.345%
glyf 99.374%
total 99.412%
view source repository copy reproduction command
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/OverpassMono.glyphs (default)99.411% (GDEF, GSUB, glyf, gvar, name, post)
table value
GDEF 91.828%
GSUB 99.868%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.306%
name 98.065%
post 99.937%
total 99.412%
view source repository copy reproduction command
HelsinkiTypeStudio/Finlandica/sources/Finlandica-Italic.glyphs (default)99.408% (GSUB, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.811%
glyf 99.986%
gvar 97.924%
name 97.710%
total 99.409%
view source repository copy reproduction command
AlessioLaiso/aleo/sources/Aleo-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.407% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.471%
GDEF 75.097%
GSUB 99.094%
HVAR 99.564%
STAT 89.286%
name 98.859%
total 99.408%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comme/sources/Comme.glyphs (gftools)99.406% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.726%
HVAR 76.278%
glyf 99.988%
gvar 99.978%
name 98.605%
total 99.406%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/praise-script/sources/Praise-Pro.glyphs (gftools)99.403% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 98.660%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.404%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comme/sources/Comme.glyphs (default)99.400% (GSUB, HVAR, fvar, gvar)
table value
GSUB 98.726%
HVAR 76.278%
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.977%
total 99.401%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Alice/sources/Alice.glyphs (default)99.400% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, hhea)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.759%
GDEF 97.126%
GPOS 84.793%
glyf 100.000%
hhea 95.238%
total 99.400%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Alike/sources/Alike.glyphs (gftools)99.395% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 98.703%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.395%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/masaram-gondi/sources/NotoSansMasaramGondi.glyphs (default)99.389% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.807%
GPOS 70.667%
GSUB 99.449%
name 94.231%
total 99.389%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rfuenzalida/Freeman/sources/Freeman.glyphs (gftools)99.382% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.998%
GPOS 91.207%
GSUB 99.801%
glyf 95.484%
maxp 85.000%
total 99.383%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ShantiFont/sources/Shanti.glyphs (gftools)99.378% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.316%
glyf 98.649%
maxp 95.000%
name 93.878%
total 99.378%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lao/sources/NotoSansLaoUI-MM.glyphs (default)99.366% (GDEF, OS_2, gvar)
table value
GDEF 62.857%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.960%
total 99.366%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/Afacad-Italic.glyphs (default)99.364% (GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 46.208%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
gvar 99.938%
head 95.455%
name 89.412%
total 99.364%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSansMono/sources/SplineSansMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.363% (GDEF, GSUB, post)
table value
GDEF 81.342%
GSUB 91.416%
post 99.760%
total 99.363%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/SplineSansMono/sources/SplineSansMono-Italic.glyphs (default)99.360% (GDEF, GSUB, post)
table value
GDEF 81.342%
GSUB 91.416%
post 99.760%
total 99.361%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelSans-Italic.glyphs (default)99.353% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GSUB 96.635%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.984%
gvar 98.361%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.733%
name 97.143%
total 99.354%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/hebrew/sources/NotoRashiHebrew.glyphs (default)99.352% (GDEF)
table value
GDEF 76.923%
total 99.352%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelDisplay.glyphs (default)99.349% (GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
GSUB 96.635%
glyf 99.936%
gvar 98.234%
total 99.350%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/Afacad-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.342% (GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gvar, head, name)
table value
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 46.208%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 86.667%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.938%
head 95.455%
name 87.108%
total 99.343%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Asset/sources/Asset.glyphs (gftools)99.341% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.665%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.341%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelSans.glyphs (default)99.337% (GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
GSUB 96.867%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.142%
total 99.338%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/explora/sources/ExploraPro.glyphs (gftools)99.333% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 98.884%
maxp 95.000%
total 99.334%
view source repository copy reproduction command
displaay/Azeret/sources/AzeretMono-Italic.glyphs (default)99.333% (GDEF, GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GDEF 76.086%
GSUB 98.997%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.795%
head 95.455%
hmtx 96.615%
name 90.683%
total 99.333%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelSans.glyphs (gftools)99.333% (GSUB, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 96.867%
STAT 98.507%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.155%
name 98.477%
total 99.333%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kharoshthi/sources/NotoSansKharoshthi.glyphs (default)99.328% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.899%
GDEF 99.213%
GPOS 81.370%
GSUB 97.641%
glyf 100.000%
name 97.030%
total 99.329%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelDisplay.glyphs (gftools)99.324% (GSUB, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 96.635%
glyf 99.921%
gvar 98.179%
name 98.378%
total 99.325%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Funnel/sources/FunnelSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.316% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GSUB 96.635%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 89.394%
glyf 99.985%
gvar 98.323%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.733%
name 96.833%
total 99.317%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Outfitio/Outfit-Fonts/sources/Outfit.glyphs (default)99.308% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.563%
GSUB 92.295%
GlyphOrder 99.642%
HVAR 99.766%
glyf 99.306%
gvar 99.301%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.642%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.137%
post 99.281%
total 99.309%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sedan/sources/Sedan-Regular.glyphs (gftools)99.289% (glyf)
table value
glyf 98.820%
total 99.290%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/AfacadFlux.glyphs (default)99.287% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 67.999%
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 48.787%
gvar 99.989%
name 92.941%
total 99.288%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khudawadi/sources/NotoSansKhudawadi.glyphs (default)99.286% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.439%
GDEF 95.902%
GPOS 90.566%
total 99.286%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Grandstander/Sources/Grandstander-Italic.glyphs (default)99.282% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.700%
GDEF 90.825%
GPOS 96.539%
GSUB 99.800%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
gvar 99.973%
head 95.455%
name 95.294%
total 99.283%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/armenian/sources/NotoSerifArmenian.glyphs (default)99.279% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 86.111%
GDEF 42.238%
GPOS 96.757%
total 99.279%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/AfacadFlux.glyphs (gftools)99.275% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 67.999%
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 48.787%
STAT 87.129%
fvar 88.000%
gvar 99.989%
name 91.573%
total 99.275%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Voltaire/sources/Voltaire.glyphs (gftools)99.271% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.667%
glyf 93.815%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.271%
view source repository copy reproduction command
displaay/Azeret/sources/AzeretMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.270% (GDEF, GSUB, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gvar, head, name)
table value
GDEF 76.086%
GSUB 98.997%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 79.330%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.734%
head 95.455%
name 86.765%
total 99.271%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Pinyon/sources/PinyonScript.glyphs (gftools)99.268% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GPOS 99.365%
glyf 97.742%
total 99.269%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sedan/sources/Sedan-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.267% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.630%
glyf 98.782%
maxp 90.000%
name 93.023%
total 99.268%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Gue3bara/Lemonada/sources/Lemonada.glyphs (default)99.264% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.700%
GPOS 80.503%
GSUB 99.037%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.344%
total 99.264%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Grandstander/Sources/Grandstander-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.263% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.700%
GDEF 90.825%
GPOS 96.539%
GSUB 99.800%
STAT 88.095%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.973%
name 90.083%
total 99.264%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/damionFont/sources/Damion.glyphs (gftools)99.263% (glyf)
table value
glyf 98.813%
total 99.263%
view source repository copy reproduction command
DylanYoungKoto/FacultyGlyphic/sources/FacultyGlyphic .glyphspackage (gftools)99.262% (OS_2, glyf)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.362%
total 99.262%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Outfitio/Outfit-Fonts/sources/Outfit.glyphs (gftools)99.260% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.563%
GSUB 92.295%
GlyphOrder 99.642%
HVAR 99.766%
STAT 90.411%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 99.322%
gvar 99.313%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.642%
maxp 95.000%
name 90.498%
post 99.281%
total 99.261%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Lora-Cyrillic/sources/Lora.glyphs (gftools)99.251% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.230%
GSUB 94.429%
GlyphOrder 99.944%
HVAR 99.952%
STAT 98.182%
glyf 99.885%
gvar 98.874%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.944%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.204%
post 99.925%
total 99.252%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Alata/sources/Alata.glyphs (gftools)99.251% (OS_2, glyf)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 94.622%
total 99.251%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Lora-Cyrillic/sources/Lora.glyphs (default)99.248% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.230%
GSUB 94.429%
GlyphOrder 99.944%
HVAR 99.952%
glyf 99.883%
gvar 98.859%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.944%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.925%
total 99.248%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rubjo/victor-mono-font/sources/VictorMono.glyphs (default)99.244% (glyf, gvar, post)
table value
glyf 99.993%
gvar 97.387%
post 99.918%
total 99.244%
view source repository copy reproduction command
HelsinkiTypeStudio/Finlandica/sources/Finlandica-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.240% (GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.811%
STAT 90.741%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 99.979%
gvar 97.410%
name 94.681%
total 99.241%
view source repository copy reproduction command
coreyhu/Urbanist/sources/Urbanist.glyphs (default)99.233% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, gvar, meta)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.991%
GDEF 62.945%
GPOS 98.455%
HVAR 76.026%
gvar 99.999%
meta fontmake only
total 99.233%
view source repository copy reproduction command
coreyhu/Urbanist/sources/Urbanist.glyphs (gftools)99.231% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, gvar, meta)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.991%
GDEF 62.945%
GPOS 98.455%
HVAR 76.026%
gvar 99.987%
meta fontmake only
total 99.231%
view source repository copy reproduction command
microsoft/ADLaM-Display/Sources/ADLaM-Display.glyphs (default)99.224% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.954%
GPOS 71.324%
GSUB 99.663%
total 99.224%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/gideon/sources/GideonRoman.glyphs (default)99.221% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 98.454%
total 99.221%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Gue3bara/Alexandria/sources/Alexandria.glyphs (default)99.218% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
GSUB 96.764%
GlyphOrder 99.871%
HVAR 16.835%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.504%
gvar 98.104%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.871%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.853%
total 99.219%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/Mohave-Typefaces/sources/Mohave.glyphs (default)99.215% (GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
GSUB 98.845%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.909%
total 99.215%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sursly/sono/sources/Sono.glyphs (default)99.214% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 76.047%
GSUB 98.583%
HVAR 72.533%
gvar 99.994%
name 91.018%
total 99.214%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/takri/sources/NotoSansTakri.designspace (default)99.211% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.984%
GDEF 85.366%
GPOS 98.823%
total 99.211%
view source repository copy reproduction command
chankfonts/Teachers-fonts/sources/Teachers-Italic.glyphs (default)99.206% ((mark/kern), GDEF, glyf, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.948%
GDEF 64.896%
glyf 99.918%
hmtx 99.162%
total 99.207%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/hebrew/sources/NotoSerifHebrew.glyphs (default)99.186% (GDEF, gvar)
table value
GDEF 64.359%
gvar 99.872%
total 99.187%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tangut/sources/NotoSerifTangut.glyphspackage (default)99.184% (glyf, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
glyf 99.999%
post 99.993%
total 99.184%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
schibsted/schibsted-grotesk/sources/SchibstedGrotesk.glyphs (gftools)99.178% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 96.713%
gvar 95.451%
total 99.178%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/balinese/sources/NotoSerifBalinese.glyphs (default)99.176% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, OS_2, glyf, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.823%
GDEF 99.897%
GPOS 94.091%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 99.204%
hmtx 97.797%
total 99.177%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ladinoprojects/solitreo/sources/Solitreo.glyphs (default)99.176% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.975%
GPOS 80.139%
total 99.177%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sursly/sono/sources/Sono.glyphs (gftools)99.175% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 76.047%
GSUB 98.583%
HVAR 72.533%
STAT 88.462%
fvar 90.411%
gvar 99.906%
name 88.106%
total 99.176%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rubjo/victor-mono-font/sources/VictorMono-Italic.glyphs (default)99.171% (OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hmtx, name, post)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.971%
gvar 97.598%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.325%
name 91.045%
post 99.920%
total 99.172%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lao/sources/NotoSerifLao.glyphs (default)99.155% (GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 63.538%
GPOS 97.863%
GSUB 99.598%
HVAR 61.039%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.948%
name 99.088%
total 99.156%
view source repository copy reproduction command
xconsau/GajrajOne/sources/GajrajOne-Regular.ufo (default)99.144% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, head, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.433%
GPOS 97.985%
GSUB 98.687%
OS_2 85.185%
head 95.455%
hhea 90.476%
name 64.706%
total 99.145%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Diphylleia/Sources/Diphylleia.glyphs (default)99.135% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.283%
GDEF 95.610%
GPOS 87.742%
GSUB 98.172%
glyf 99.993%
name 89.888%
total 99.136%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni/sources/AlumniSans-Italic.glyphs (default)99.133% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.784%
GDEF 99.867%
GPOS 97.228%
GSUB 94.495%
GlyphOrder 99.501%
HVAR 99.414%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 98.356%
gvar 98.788%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.501%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.468%
post 99.352%
total 99.133%
view source repository copy reproduction command
schibsted/schibsted-grotesk/sources/SchibstedGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.131% (glyf, gvar)
table value
glyf 96.712%
gvar 95.333%
total 99.131%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni/sources/AlumniSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.128% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.784%
GDEF 99.867%
GPOS 97.228%
GSUB 94.495%
GlyphOrder 99.501%
HVAR 99.414%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 88.095%
glyf 98.392%
gvar 98.795%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.501%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.455%
post 99.352%
total 99.128%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rubjo/victor-mono-font/sources/VictorMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.126% (OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name, post)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 82.581%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.453%
head 95.455%
name 93.213%
post 99.920%
total 99.127%
view source repository copy reproduction command
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/OverpassMono.glyphs (gftools)99.124% (GDEF, GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name, post)
table value
GDEF 91.828%
GSUB 99.868%
STAT 87.671%
fvar 88.636%
glyf 99.590%
gvar 97.782%
name 94.495%
post 99.937%
total 99.124%
view source repository copy reproduction command
rubjo/victor-mono-font/sources/VictorMono.glyphs (gftools)99.112% (glyf, gvar, post)
table value
glyf 99.993%
gvar 96.982%
post 99.918%
total 99.112%
view source repository copy reproduction command
erikdkennedy/figtree/sources/Figtree-Italic.glyphs (default)99.112% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 89.692%
GlyphOrder 99.892%
HVAR 99.917%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.371%
gvar 99.645%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.730%
maxp 95.000%
name 93.151%
post 99.799%
total 99.112%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/Mohave-Typefaces/sources/Mohave.glyphs (gftools)99.107% (GSUB, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.845%
STAT 98.361%
glyf 99.811%
gvar 97.796%
name 98.477%
total 99.108%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tai-le/sources/NotoSansTaiLe.glyphs (default)99.097% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.296%
GDEF 94.505%
GPOS 79.012%
GSUB 96.429%
OS_2 77.778%
hmtx 93.506%
total 99.097%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquard/sources/Jacquard12.glyphs (gftools)99.097% (glyf, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp)
table value
glyf 99.029%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.723%
maxp 75.000%
total 99.097%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mooliFont/sources/Mooli.glyphs (gftools)99.095% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 98.605%
glyf 97.639%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.842%
total 99.096%
view source repository copy reproduction command
chankfonts/Teachers-fonts/sources/Teachers-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.094% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, glyf, gvar, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.948%
GDEF 64.896%
STAT 91.667%
glyf 99.811%
gvar 99.810%
hmtx 99.441%
name 98.324%
total 99.095%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/Mohave-Typefaces/sources/Mohave-Italic.glyphs (default)99.083% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
GSUB 98.847%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.741%
head 95.455%
name 97.260%
total 99.083%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comforter-brush/sources/ComforterBrush-Pro.glyphs (gftools)99.082% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 98.976%
maxp 80.000%
total 99.082%
view source repository copy reproduction command
BornaIz/markazitext/sources/MarkaziText.glyphs (default)99.073% (GDEF, GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
GDEF 78.596%
GSUB 99.946%
glyf 99.992%
gvar 97.789%
total 99.073%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/limbu/sources/NotoSansLimbu.glyphs (default)99.066% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, hhea, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.391%
GPOS 90.870%
OS_2 79.630%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 91.566%
total 99.066%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/myanmar/sources/NotoSerifMyanmar.glyphs (default)99.062% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.158%
GDEF 83.818%
GSUB 99.962%
HVAR 37.993%
OS_2 79.630%
glyf 99.998%
gvar 99.010%
hmtx 99.470%
total 99.062%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-loop/sources/ZenLoop.glyphs (default)99.058% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.180%
GDEF 95.767%
GPOS 85.380%
glyf 100.000%
total 99.059%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/javanese/sources/NotoSansJavanese.glyphs (default)99.056% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.948%
GPOS 93.706%
GSUB 99.023%
OS_2 79.630%
gvar 99.972%
total 99.057%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kawi/sources/NotoSansKawi.glyphs (default)99.054% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.809%
GDEF 85.358%
GPOS 98.680%
GSUB 99.597%
gvar 99.949%
name 93.458%
total 99.055%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/allura/sources/Allura.glyphs (gftools)99.041% ((mark/kern), glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.918%
glyf 98.633%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.041%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/rubik/sources/Rubik-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.037% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.073%
GPOS 87.873%
GSUB 94.869%
GlyphOrder 99.873%
HVAR 99.896%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.889%
glyf 99.783%
gvar 99.725%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.873%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.854%
post 99.842%
total 99.038%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/Afacad.glyphs (default)99.036% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 73.959%
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 46.309%
gvar 99.985%
name 92.683%
total 99.036%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni-sans-pinstripe/sources/AlumniSansPinstripe-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.029% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.516%
maxp 85.000%
total 99.029%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SUSE/suse-font/sources/SUSE.glyphs (default)99.025% (HVAR, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, meta)
table value
HVAR 95.087%
fvar 98.148%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 96.092%
hhea 95.238%
meta fontmake only
total 99.025%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/malayalam/sources/NotoSerifMalayalam.glyphs (default)99.023% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.216%
GDEF 97.679%
GPOS 98.000%
GSUB 99.170%
HVAR 19.878%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.991%
gvar 99.935%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 96.100%
name 98.734%
total 99.023%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Texturina/sources/Texturina-Italic.glyphs (gftools)99.020% ((mark/kern), GDEF, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, head, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.990%
GDEF 59.671%
HVAR 30.331%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.119%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 93.377%
total 99.020%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Texturina/sources/Texturina-Italic.glyphs (default)99.019% ((mark/kern), GDEF, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, head, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.990%
GDEF 59.671%
HVAR 30.331%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 95.238%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 92.941%
total 99.019%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/grey-qo/sources/GreyQo.glyphs (gftools)99.018% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.869%
maxp 90.000%
total 99.018%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/kreon/sources/Kreon.glyphs (default)99.013% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.399%
GDEF 98.477%
GPOS 80.447%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.355%
total 99.014%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Dicotype/Afacad/sources/Afacad.glyphs (gftools)99.013% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 73.959%
GSUB 99.632%
HVAR 46.309%
STAT 87.912%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.985%
name 87.029%
total 99.013%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/francoisoneFont/sources/FrancoisOne.glyphs (default)99.009% ((mark/kern))
table value
(mark/kern) 98.341%
total 99.010%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/EBGaramond12/sources/EBGaramond.glyphs (default)98.996% (HVAR, glyf, hmtx)
table value
HVAR 0.714%
glyf 99.986%
hmtx 99.690%
total 98.997%
view source repository copy reproduction command
xconsau/GajrajOne/sources/GajrajOne-Regular.ufo (gftools)98.995% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, head, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.433%
GPOS 97.985%
GSUB 98.687%
OS_2 85.185%
glyf 99.617%
head 95.455%
hhea 90.476%
name 64.706%
total 98.995%
view source repository copy reproduction command
mooniak/abhaya-libre-font/sources/AbhayaLibre.glyphs (default)98.973% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.613%
GDEF 84.655%
GPOS 88.095%
GSUB 99.407%
HVAR 99.589%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.777%
gvar 98.183%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.997%
name 89.510%
total 98.973%
view source repository copy reproduction command
mooniak/abhaya-libre-font/sources/AbhayaLibre.glyphs (gftools)98.969% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.613%
GDEF 84.655%
GPOS 88.095%
GSUB 99.407%
HVAR 99.589%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 91.837%
fvar 88.636%
glyf 99.778%
gvar 98.186%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.997%
name 86.034%
total 98.970%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SUSE/suse-font/sources/SUSE.glyphs (gftools)98.966% (HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, meta)
table value
HVAR 94.770%
glyf 99.947%
gvar 95.962%
hhea 95.238%
meta fontmake only
total 98.967%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Archivo/sources/Archivo-Italic.glyphs (default)98.961% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.924%
GDEF 51.088%
GSUB 95.447%
GlyphOrder 99.580%
HVAR 99.718%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 95.238%
glyf 99.336%
gvar 99.356%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.580%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.727%
post 99.418%
total 98.961%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Gue3bara/Alexandria/sources/Alexandria.glyphs (gftools)98.958% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
GSUB 96.764%
GlyphOrder 99.871%
HVAR 16.835%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 97.751%
gvar 96.394%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.871%
maxp 85.000%
post 99.853%
total 98.958%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Archivo/sources/Archivo-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.958% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.924%
GDEF 51.088%
GSUB 95.447%
GlyphOrder 99.580%
HVAR 99.718%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 88.800%
glyf 99.336%
gvar 99.356%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.580%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.452%
post 99.418%
total 98.958%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Expletus-Sans/sources/ExpletusSans.glyphs (default)98.951% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.361%
GDEF 96.377%
GPOS 84.211%
total 98.952%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ahom/sources/NotoSerifAhom.glyphs (default)98.947% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.493%
GPOS 90.571%
total 98.947%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Expletus-Sans/sources/ExpletusSans.glyphs (gftools)98.944% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.361%
GDEF 96.377%
GPOS 84.211%
STAT 98.182%
name 98.204%
total 98.945%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/rubik/sources/Rubik-Italic.glyphs (default)98.942% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.073%
GPOS 87.873%
GSUB 94.869%
GlyphOrder 99.873%
HVAR 99.896%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.471%
gvar 99.660%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.873%
maxp 85.000%
name 97.260%
post 99.842%
total 98.943%
view source repository copy reproduction command
tokotype/Mohave-Typefaces/sources/Mohave-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.941% (GSUB, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
GSUB 98.847%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 90.000%
glyf 99.811%
gvar 97.575%
head 95.455%
name 96.744%
total 98.942%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/armenian/sources/NotoSansArmenian.glyphs (default)98.935% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.551%
GDEF 42.000%
GPOS 96.835%
gvar 99.922%
total 98.936%
view source repository copy reproduction command
erikdkennedy/figtree/sources/Figtree-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.933% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 89.692%
GlyphOrder 99.892%
HVAR 99.917%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.500%
fvar 87.500%
glyf 99.186%
gvar 99.428%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.730%
maxp 95.000%
name 90.377%
post 99.799%
total 98.934%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Expletus-Sans/sources/ExpletusSans-Italic.glyphs (default)98.933% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.336%
GDEF 96.390%
GPOS 84.211%
total 98.934%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/changa-vf/sources/Changa.glyphs (default)98.931% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.498%
GDEF 92.183%
GPOS 99.609%
GSUB 93.763%
GlyphOrder 99.688%
HVAR 84.611%
glyf 99.304%
gvar 99.359%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.688%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.559%
total 98.932%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/VICWANTSchoolhandAustralia/sources/AuVICWANT.glyphs (default)98.916% (GSUB, VVAR, glyf, gvar, meta, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GSUB 99.785%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.753%
meta fontmake only
name 87.143%
total 98.916%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Expletus-Sans/sources/ExpletusSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.913% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.336%
GDEF 96.390%
GPOS 84.211%
STAT 92.593%
name 98.324%
total 98.914%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/birthstone/sources/BirthstonePro.glyphs (gftools)98.902% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 97.823%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.903%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/kreon/sources/Kreon.glyphs (gftools)98.899% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.399%
GDEF 98.477%
GPOS 80.447%
glyf 99.754%
gvar 98.222%
name 98.324%
total 98.900%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni/sources/AlumniSans.glyphs (gftools)98.899% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.787%
GDEF 99.868%
GPOS 97.228%
GSUB 94.463%
GlyphOrder 99.500%
HVAR 85.859%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 98.356%
gvar 98.773%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.499%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.712%
post 99.350%
total 98.899%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thai/sources/NotoSansThaiLooped.glyphs (default)98.896% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.626%
GDEF 99.895%
GPOS 93.820%
GSUB 93.462%
GlyphOrder 99.756%
HVAR 71.782%
OS_2 79.630%
fvar 79.070%
glyf 99.517%
gvar 99.496%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.754%
maxp 95.000%
name 74.944%
post 99.726%
total 98.897%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-dots/sources/ZenDots.glyphs (default)98.893% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.185%
GDEF 95.812%
GPOS 85.380%
total 98.893%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alumni/sources/AlumniSans.glyphs (default)98.890% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.787%
GDEF 99.868%
GPOS 97.228%
GSUB 94.463%
GlyphOrder 99.500%
HVAR 85.859%
glyf 98.299%
gvar 98.756%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.499%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.350%
total 98.891%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/modi/sources/NotoSansModi.glyphs (default)98.866% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.468%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 78.070%
GSUB 96.273%
OS_2 81.481%
total 98.866%
view source repository copy reproduction command
erikdkennedy/figtree/sources/Figtree.glyphs (default)98.834% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 89.692%
GlyphOrder 99.892%
HVAR 98.565%
glyf 99.385%
gvar 98.669%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.730%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.053%
post 99.799%
total 98.835%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nushu/sources/NotoTraditionalNushu.glyphs (default)98.827% (VVAR, fvar, gvar, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
VVAR fontmake only
fvar 85.246%
gvar 99.999%
name 92.800%
total 98.828%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Archivo/sources/Archivo.glyphs (default)98.813% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.860%
GDEF 63.852%
GSUB 95.447%
GlyphOrder 99.581%
HVAR 50.835%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.335%
gvar 99.312%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.581%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.420%
total 98.814%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Archivo/sources/Archivo.glyphs (gftools)98.813% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.860%
GDEF 63.852%
GSUB 95.447%
GlyphOrder 99.581%
HVAR 50.835%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.335%
gvar 99.312%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.581%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.420%
total 98.814%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/hanunoo/sources/NotoSansHanunoo.glyphs (default)98.808% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.505%
GPOS 79.310%
GSUB 97.479%
OS_2 81.481%
name 97.030%
total 98.808%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Calistoga/sources/Calistoga.glyphs (gftools)98.805% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.725%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 93.353%
total 98.806%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/MuseoModerno/sources/MuseoModerno-Italic.glyphs (default)98.804% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.725%
GSUB 93.461%
GlyphOrder 99.818%
HVAR 52.624%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 99.474%
gvar 99.584%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.818%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.468%
post 99.770%
total 98.805%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Gabriela/sources/Gabriela.glyphs (gftools)98.801% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.988%
GPOS 96.073%
glyf 97.767%
maxp 95.000%
total 98.802%
view source repository copy reproduction command
duartp/gloock/sources/Gloock.glyphs (gftools)98.799% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.493%
GPOS 93.717%
glyf 97.972%
maxp 95.000%
total 98.800%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/geologica/sources/master_ufo/Geologica.designspace (default)98.796% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 66.284%
GSUB 95.999%
HVAR 60.375%
glyf 99.974%
gvar 98.263%
name 98.678%
total 98.796%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/MuseoModerno/sources/MuseoModerno-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.790% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.725%
GSUB 93.461%
GlyphOrder 99.818%
HVAR 52.624%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
glyf 99.460%
gvar 99.548%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.818%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.455%
post 99.770%
total 98.790%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/rubik/sources/Rubik.glyphs (gftools)98.786% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.852%
GPOS 87.873%
GSUB 95.503%
GlyphOrder 99.873%
HVAR 99.895%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.781%
gvar 99.124%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.873%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.842%
total 98.786%
view source repository copy reproduction command
OdedEzer/heebo/sources/Heebo.glyphs (default)98.778% (GSUB, HVAR, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.621%
HVAR 43.073%
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.984%
name 96.053%
total 98.779%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thai/sources/NotoSansThaiLoopedUI.glyphs (default)98.769% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.677%
GDEF 63.075%
GPOS 92.742%
GSUB 94.448%
GlyphOrder 99.754%
HVAR 81.491%
OS_2 79.630%
fvar 80.374%
glyf 99.514%
gvar 99.470%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.753%
maxp 95.000%
name 79.344%
post 99.726%
total 98.770%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sovichet/kantumruy-pro/sources/Italic/KantumruyPro-Italic.designspace (gftools)98.768% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.731%
GDEF 49.259%
GPOS 75.556%
GSUB 96.200%
total 98.768%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Denk-One/sources/DenkOne.glyphs (default)98.760% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.677%
GSUB 99.963%
total 98.761%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
sovichet/kantumruy-pro/sources/Italic/KantumruyPro-Italic.designspace (default)98.756% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.731%
GDEF 49.259%
GPOS 75.556%
GSUB 96.200%
total 98.757%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ladinoprojects/solitreo/sources/Solitreo.glyphs (gftools)98.750% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.975%
GPOS 80.139%
glyf 98.835%
total 98.751%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/todhri/sources/NotoSerifTodhri.glyphs (default)98.748% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.038%
GDEF 95.028%
GPOS 73.529%
total 98.748%
view source repository copy reproduction command
OdedEzer/heebo/sources/Heebo.glyphs (gftools)98.740% (GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 99.621%
HVAR 43.073%
STAT 87.671%
fvar 86.765%
gvar 99.984%
name 89.302%
total 98.741%
view source repository copy reproduction command
BornaIz/markazitext/sources/MarkaziText.glyphs (gftools)98.730% (GDEF, GSUB, glyf, gvar, hmtx, name)
table value
GDEF 78.596%
GSUB 99.946%
glyf 99.131%
gvar 96.757%
hmtx 99.370%
name 97.810%
total 98.730%
view source repository copy reproduction command
erikdkennedy/figtree/sources/Figtree.glyphs (gftools)98.726% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 89.692%
GlyphOrder 99.892%
HVAR 98.565%
STAT 89.041%
fvar 87.500%
glyf 99.375%
gvar 98.518%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.730%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.163%
post 99.799%
total 98.727%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/EBGaramond12/sources/EBGaramond-Italic.glyphs (default)98.715% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
GSUB 99.569%
HVAR 0.778%
glyf 99.974%
gvar 99.902%
hmtx 99.445%
total 98.715%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hafontia-zz/Fredoka-One/sources/Fredoka.glyphs (gftools)98.700% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.995%
GDEF 55.076%
GPOS 89.362%
HVAR 56.795%
gvar 99.956%
total 98.700%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Texturina/sources/Texturina.glyphs (gftools)98.696% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.689%
GDEF 72.178%
STAT 97.059%
gvar 99.998%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.692%
total 98.696%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hafontia-zz/Fredoka-One/sources/Fredoka.glyphs (default)98.688% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.995%
GDEF 55.076%
GPOS 89.362%
HVAR 56.795%
gvar 99.962%
total 98.688%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/rubik/sources/Rubik.glyphs (default)98.684% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.852%
GPOS 87.873%
GSUB 95.503%
GlyphOrder 99.873%
HVAR 99.895%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.473%
gvar 99.044%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.873%
maxp 85.000%
post 99.842%
total 98.685%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/meroitic/sources/NotoSansMeroitic.designspace (default)98.684% (GlyphOrder, cmap, glyf, hhea, hmtx, maxp)
table value
GlyphOrder 8.000%
cmap 98.587%
glyf 99.791%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.634%
maxp 95.000%
total 98.685%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Texturina/sources/Texturina.glyphs (default)98.682% ((mark/kern), GDEF, gvar, hhea)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.689%
GDEF 72.178%
gvar 99.998%
hhea 95.238%
total 98.682%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Anybody/Sources/Anybody-Italic.glyphs (default)98.655% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.107%
GDEF 98.068%
GPOS 91.837%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 95.238%
glyf 99.691%
gvar 99.049%
head 95.455%
name 97.561%
total 98.655%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Instrument/instrument-serif/sources/Instrument_Serif.glyphs (gftools)98.651% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.714%
glyf 96.974%
maxp 75.000%
name 96.629%
total 98.651%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/ChivoMono.glyphs (gftools)98.641% (GDEF, HVAR, STAT, name, post)
table value
GDEF 89.706%
HVAR 2.017%
STAT 98.824%
name 98.745%
post 99.845%
total 98.641%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Epilogue/sources/Epilogue.glyphs (gftools)98.640% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.259%
GDEF 61.103%
GPOS 96.371%
HVAR 42.189%
MVAR 89.899%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 98.889%
gvar 99.991%
name 98.193%
total 98.640%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Epilogue/sources/Epilogue.glyphs (default)98.640% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, fvar, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.259%
GDEF 61.103%
GPOS 96.371%
HVAR 42.189%
MVAR 89.899%
OS_2 96.296%
fvar 98.485%
gvar 99.991%
total 98.640%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nushu/sources/NotoSansNushu.glyphs (default)98.636% (OS_2, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
post 99.882%
total 98.637%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Asap/sources/Asap.glyphs (default)98.631% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.491%
GDEF 78.926%
GPOS 89.894%
GSUB 95.052%
GlyphOrder 99.874%
HVAR 86.661%
glyf 99.400%
gvar 99.395%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.874%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.822%
total 98.631%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Instrument/instrument-serif/sources/Instrument_Serif_Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.620% (GSUB, OS_2, glyf, head, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.714%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 97.061%
head 95.455%
maxp 85.000%
name 90.526%
total 98.621%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/ChivoMono.glyphs (default)98.618% (GDEF, HVAR, glyf, post)
table value
GDEF 89.706%
HVAR 2.017%
glyf 99.992%
post 99.845%
total 98.618%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/cherish/sources/Cherish.glyphs (gftools)98.598% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 98.039%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.599%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Labrada/sources/Labrada-Italic.glyphs (default)98.589% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.857%
GDEF 99.851%
GSUB 93.485%
GlyphOrder 99.421%
HVAR 90.057%
fvar 98.305%
glyf 98.592%
gvar 98.747%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.420%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.136%
total 98.590%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/kings/sources/KingsPro.glyphs (gftools)98.587% (GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
GSUB 99.647%
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 97.171%
maxp 75.000%
total 98.588%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lao/sources/NotoSansLao.glyphs (default)98.563% (GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 58.874%
GPOS 97.727%
GSUB 97.120%
HVAR 37.748%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.996%
name 99.088%
total 98.564%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Bona-Nova/sources/BonaNova.glyphs (default)98.560% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.586%
GDEF 94.846%
GPOS 97.196%
GSUB 99.940%
name 97.196%
total 98.561%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sancreek/sources/Sancreek.glyphs (gftools)98.557% (glyf)
table value
glyf 97.729%
total 98.557%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Labrada/sources/Labrada-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.552% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.857%
GDEF 99.851%
GSUB 93.485%
GlyphOrder 99.421%
HVAR 90.057%
STAT 89.286%
glyf 98.538%
gvar 98.691%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.420%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.885%
post 99.136%
total 98.553%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/are-you-serious/sources/AreYouSerious.glyphs (gftools)98.551% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 97.696%
maxp 85.000%
total 98.552%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/waterfall/sources/WaterfallPro.glyphs (gftools)98.539% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.641%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.540%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mulish/sources/Mulish-Italic.glyphs (default)98.528% (HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
HVAR 28.088%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
avar 71.429%
fvar 96.610%
glyf 99.951%
gvar 96.338%
head 95.455%
name 97.468%
total 98.528%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Gluten/Sources/Gluten.glyphs (default)98.496% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.367%
GDEF 54.808%
GPOS 90.909%
gvar 99.998%
total 98.497%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Gluten/Sources/Gluten.glyphs (gftools)98.496% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, STAT, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.367%
GDEF 54.808%
GPOS 90.909%
STAT 98.810%
gvar 99.998%
name 98.256%
total 98.496%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Asap/sources/Asap-Italic.glyphs (default)98.473% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.374%
GDEF 64.542%
GPOS 89.894%
GSUB 95.790%
GlyphOrder 99.874%
HVAR 81.052%
glyf 99.380%
gvar 99.431%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.243%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.822%
total 98.474%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-micro/sources/Micro5.glyphs (gftools)98.472% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.891%
maxp 75.000%
total 98.473%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/hurricane/sources/Hurricane-Pro.glyphs (gftools)98.467% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.149%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.468%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Anybody/Sources/Anybody.glyphs (default)98.436% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.000%
GDEF 89.582%
GPOS 91.837%
glyf 99.769%
gvar 98.953%
total 98.437%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Asap/sources/Asap.glyphs (gftools)98.434% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.491%
GDEF 78.926%
GPOS 89.894%
GSUB 95.052%
GlyphOrder 99.874%
HVAR 86.661%
STAT 95.000%
glyf 99.325%
gvar 99.061%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.874%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.744%
post 99.822%
total 98.434%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/malayalam/sources/NotoSansMalayalam.glyphs (default)98.422% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 93.803%
GDEF 68.676%
GPOS 91.489%
GSUB 99.264%
HVAR 30.919%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.974%
gvar 99.040%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 95.935%
name 99.387%
total 98.423%
view source repository copy reproduction command
alphArtype/Delicious-Handrawn/sources/Delicious-Handrawn.glyphs (gftools)98.394% ((mark/kern), GPOS, cvt, glyf, hhea, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.981%
GPOS 98.246%
cvt 93.333%
glyf 97.308%
hhea 95.238%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.394%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tamil/sources/NotoSansTamil.glyphs (default)98.392% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 79.508%
GDEF 76.517%
GPOS 90.887%
HVAR 72.271%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.993%
gvar 99.855%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 94.758%
total 98.393%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mulish/sources/Mulish.glyphs (default)98.377% (HVAR, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar)
table value
HVAR 29.839%
avar 71.429%
fvar 96.610%
glyf 99.951%
gvar 96.397%
total 98.378%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Fruktur/sources/Fruktur.glyphs (gftools)98.352% (GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.196%
glyf 91.347%
maxp 65.000%
name 97.959%
total 98.352%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/estonia/sources/EstoniaPro.glyphs (gftools)98.345% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.877%
maxp 75.000%
total 98.346%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/symbols/sources/NotoSansSymbols2.glyphspackage (default)98.344% (GSUB, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GSUB 99.654%
total 98.345%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/RokkittFont/sources/Rokkitt-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.342% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 90.883%
GlyphOrder 99.932%
HVAR 14.965%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
glyf 99.750%
gvar 99.790%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.932%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.509%
post 99.901%
total 98.343%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/RokkittFont/sources/Rokkitt-Italic.glyphs (default)98.342% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 90.883%
GlyphOrder 99.932%
HVAR 14.965%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
fvar 98.305%
glyf 99.749%
gvar 99.787%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.932%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.561%
post 99.901%
total 98.342%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/RokkittFont/sources/Rokkitt.glyphs (gftools)98.340% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
GSUB 90.883%
GlyphOrder 99.932%
HVAR 15.764%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 99.745%
gvar 99.867%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.932%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.745%
post 99.901%
total 98.340%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Element-Type/HostGrotesk/sources/HostGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (default)98.337% (GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, gvar, head, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 97.923%
HVAR 3.850%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
gvar 99.995%
head 95.455%
meta fontmake only
name 93.151%
total 98.338%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/RokkittFont/sources/Rokkitt.glyphs (default)98.329% (GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
GSUB 90.883%
GlyphOrder 99.932%
HVAR 15.764%
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 98.305%
glyf 99.744%
gvar 99.865%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.932%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.901%
total 98.330%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ThomasJockin/readexpro/sources/ReadexPro.glyphs (default)98.317% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.058%
GDEF 68.485%
GSUB 99.664%
HVAR 85.558%
glyf 99.901%
gvar 99.342%
name 93.706%
total 98.317%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/comforter/sources/ComforterPro.glyphs (gftools)98.311% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.461%
maxp 95.000%
total 98.311%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/AntonFont/sources/Anton.glyphs (gftools)98.300% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 95.368%
maxp 85.000%
total 98.300%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Element-Type/HostGrotesk/sources/HostGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.293% (GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gvar, head, meta, name)
table value
GSUB 97.923%
HVAR 3.850%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.879%
fvar 88.000%
gvar 99.995%
head 95.455%
meta fontmake only
name 89.593%
total 98.294%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/paprika/sources/Paprika.glyphs (gftools)98.287% (OS_2, glyf)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 96.944%
total 98.288%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Asap/sources/Asap-Italic.glyphs (gftools)98.286% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.374%
GDEF 64.542%
GPOS 89.894%
GSUB 95.790%
GlyphOrder 99.874%
HVAR 81.052%
STAT 88.235%
glyf 99.121%
gvar 99.125%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.496%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.052%
post 99.822%
total 98.287%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hans-thiessen/Rethink-Sans/sources/RethinkSans.glyphs (default)98.284% ((mark/kern), GPOS, HVAR)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.166%
GPOS 93.478%
HVAR 10.997%
total 98.284%
view source repository copy reproduction command
hans-thiessen/Rethink-Sans/sources/RethinkSans.glyphs (gftools)98.282% ((mark/kern), GPOS, HVAR, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.166%
GPOS 93.478%
HVAR 10.997%
STAT 98.361%
name 98.266%
total 98.282%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/shalimar/sources/Shalimar.glyphs (gftools)98.281% (cvt, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
cvt 95.238%
glyf 96.070%
maxp 85.000%
name 86.957%
total 98.282%
view source repository copy reproduction command
fridamedrano/Kalnia-Typeface/sources/Kalnia.glyphs (gftools)98.277% (GDEF, HVAR, glyf, gvar, meta)
table value
GDEF 67.061%
HVAR 68.640%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.872%
meta fontmake only
total 98.278%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/petemoss/sources/Petemoss.glyphs (gftools)98.277% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.354%
maxp 90.000%
total 98.277%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/thaana/sources/NotoSansThaana.glyphs (default)98.269% (HVAR, VVAR, fvar, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
HVAR 97.285%
VVAR fontmake only
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.996%
total 98.270%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/gideon/sources/GideonRoman.glyphs (gftools)98.269% ((mark/kern), glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.454%
glyf 97.542%
maxp 85.000%
total 98.269%
view source repository copy reproduction command
fridamedrano/Kalnia-Typeface/sources/Kalnia.glyphs (default)98.262% (GDEF, HVAR, glyf, gvar, meta)
table value
GDEF 67.061%
HVAR 68.640%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 98.862%
meta fontmake only
total 98.262%
view source repository copy reproduction command
AlessioLaiso/aleo/sources/Aleo.glyphs (default)98.241% (GSUB, glyf, gvar)
table value
GSUB 98.970%
glyf 99.987%
gvar 95.824%
total 98.242%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kannada/sources/NotoSansKannada.glyphs (default)98.225% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 82.733%
GDEF 67.599%
GPOS 95.649%
HVAR 16.659%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.970%
gvar 99.377%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 66.717%
name 99.387%
total 98.226%
view source repository copy reproduction command
fontef/frankruhllibre/sources/FrankRuhlLibre.glyphs (default)98.217% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.133%
GDEF 75.096%
GPOS 80.562%
GSUB 99.862%
HVAR 12.589%
MVAR 98.000%
OS_2 98.148%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.810%
total 98.218%
view source repository copy reproduction command
fontef/frankruhllibre/sources/FrankRuhlLibre.glyphs (gftools)98.216% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.133%
GDEF 75.096%
GPOS 80.562%
GSUB 99.862%
HVAR 12.589%
MVAR 98.000%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.525%
fvar 87.500%
hhea 95.238%
name 91.489%
total 98.216%
view source repository copy reproduction command
AlessioLaiso/aleo/sources/Aleo.glyphs (gftools)98.185% (GSUB, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GSUB 98.970%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 99.909%
gvar 95.777%
name 98.643%
total 98.186%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/caramel/sources/CaramelPro.glyphs (gftools)98.180% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 95.690%
maxp 85.000%
total 98.181%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Typedesigners/Anta-Regular/sources/Anta-Regular.glyphs (gftools)98.154% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.095%
GPOS 91.753%
glyf 97.600%
total 98.154%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ronykoch/Karantina/Sources/karantina.glyphs (default)98.146% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 92.723%
GDEF 63.259%
GPOS 87.273%
total 98.146%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khojki/sources/NotoSerifKhojki.glyphs (default)98.132% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.059%
GDEF 99.342%
GPOS 72.922%
GSUB 99.850%
OS_2 83.333%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 96.971%
name 94.545%
total 98.133%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/graduate/sources/graduate.glyphs (gftools)98.105% (OS_2, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
OS_2 90.741%
glyf 96.601%
maxp 95.000%
name 97.826%
total 98.105%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/monte-carlo/sources/MonteCarloPro.glyphs (gftools)98.053% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.963%
GDEF 97.802%
GPOS 78.761%
GSUB 99.860%
glyf 97.662%
maxp 95.000%
name 90.526%
total 98.054%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ThomasJockin/readexpro/sources/ReadexPro.glyphs (gftools)98.044% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.058%
GDEF 68.485%
GSUB 99.664%
HVAR 85.558%
STAT 87.255%
fvar 90.909%
glyf 99.184%
gvar 98.747%
name 91.845%
total 98.045%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Gue3bara/El-Messiri/sources/ElMessiri.glyphs (default)98.041% (GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, glyf, gvar)
table value
GDEF 90.403%
GPOS 91.532%
HVAR 3.629%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.439%
total 98.041%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/allison/sources/Allison.glyphs (gftools)98.019% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 96.237%
maxp 80.000%
total 98.020%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Marmelad-Cyrillic/sources/Marmelad.glyphs (gftools)98.005% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 94.627%
maxp 75.000%
total 98.006%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tangsa/sources/NotoSansTangsa.glyphs (default)97.998% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.742%
GPOS 97.143%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 95.798%
total 97.998%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/symbols/sources/NotoSansSymbols.glyphspackage (default)97.974% (VVAR, glyf, gvar, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.915%
gvar 99.469%
hmtx 99.882%
total 97.975%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
isaozler/kode-mono/sources/KodeMono.glyphs (default)97.936% (HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
HVAR 3.533%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.801%
post 99.628%
total 97.937%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lao/sources/NotoSansLaoLoopedUI.glyphs (default)97.934% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.047%
GDEF 83.766%
GPOS 91.304%
GSUB 92.420%
GlyphOrder 99.029%
HVAR 99.088%
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 79.070%
glyf 98.699%
gvar 98.613%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.023%
maxp 95.000%
name 75.455%
post 98.983%
total 97.934%
view source repository copy reproduction command
isaozler/kode-mono/sources/KodeMono.glyphs (gftools)97.931% (HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
HVAR 3.533%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.615%
post 99.628%
total 97.931%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/passions-conflict/sources/PassionsConflict.glyphs (gftools)97.929% ((mark/kern), glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.947%
glyf 95.787%
maxp 75.000%
total 97.929%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mulish/sources/Mulish-Italic.glyphs (gftools)97.926% (HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
HVAR 28.088%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 86.905%
avar 71.429%
fvar 46.341%
glyf 98.631%
gvar 94.298%
head 95.455%
name 81.250%
total 97.927%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Moirai/Sources/Moirai.glyphs (gftools)97.925% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.803%
maxp 95.000%
total 97.926%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/grechen-fuemen/sources/GrechenFuemen.glyphs (gftools)97.925% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 95.698%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.926%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosmynkab/Bona-Nova/sources/BonaNova-Italic.glyphs (gftools)97.903% (cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 68.339%
glyf 92.360%
maxp 85.000%
prep 94.828%
total 97.904%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lepcha/sources/NotoSansLepcha.glyphs (default)97.886% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.500%
GPOS 94.715%
GSUB 93.286%
OS_2 81.481%
total 97.886%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/cutivemono/sources/CutiveMono.glyphs (gftools)97.879% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.997%
maxp 95.000%
total 97.880%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/myanmar/sources/NotoSansMyanmarUI.glyphs (default)97.858% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 66.829%
GSUB 99.917%
HVAR 58.922%
glyf 99.977%
gvar 96.915%
hmtx 99.838%
total 97.858%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/puppies-play/sources/PuppiesPlay.glyphs (gftools)97.836% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 95.804%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.837%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/seymourFont/sources/SeymourOne.glyphs (gftools)97.835% (GSUB, glyf)
table value
GSUB 98.294%
glyf 96.353%
total 97.836%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/saurashtra/sources/NotoSansSaurashtra.glyphs (default)97.827% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.994%
GPOS 87.500%
GSUB 99.476%
total 97.828%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/alex-brush/sources/AlexBrush.glyphs (gftools)97.806% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 95.830%
maxp 85.000%
total 97.806%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/carattere/sources/Carattere.glyphs (gftools)97.798% (glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
glyf 95.353%
hmtx 99.844%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.798%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/CrimsonPro/sources/CrimsonPro-Italic.glyphs (default)97.790% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.956%
GSUB 94.604%
GlyphOrder 99.640%
HVAR 99.710%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.028%
gvar 99.054%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.640%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.502%
total 97.791%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/REM/sources/REM.glyphs (default)97.781% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.059%
GDEF 99.935%
GSUB 94.330%
GlyphOrder 99.388%
HVAR 99.522%
glyf 99.466%
gvar 98.911%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.184%
maxp 90.000%
name 94.611%
post 99.200%
total 97.782%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/luxurious-roman/sources/Luxurious-Roman.glyphs (gftools)97.777% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 95.130%
maxp 70.000%
total 97.777%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mulish/sources/Mulish.glyphs (gftools)97.757% (HVAR, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
HVAR 29.839%
STAT 90.588%
avar 71.429%
fvar 46.341%
glyf 98.692%
gvar 94.469%
name 90.291%
total 97.758%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/REM/sources/REM.glyphs (gftools)97.716% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.059%
GDEF 99.935%
GSUB 94.330%
GlyphOrder 99.388%
HVAR 99.522%
STAT 88.235%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 99.372%
gvar 98.769%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.184%
maxp 90.000%
name 89.256%
post 99.200%
total 97.716%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Pathway-Variable-Font/sources/PathwayExtreme-Italic.glyphs (default)97.712% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
GDEF 40.560%
GSUB 99.912%
HVAR 52.227%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 96.154%
glyf 99.967%
gvar 99.971%
head 95.455%
name 96.089%
total 97.713%
view source repository copy reproduction command
microsoft/ADLaM-Display/Sources/ADLaM-Display.glyphs (gftools)97.698% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.954%
GPOS 71.324%
GSUB 99.663%
OS_2 94.444%
glyf 96.920%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.699%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Fonthausen/CrimsonPro/sources/CrimsonPro.glyphs (default)97.676% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.707%
GSUB 94.604%
GlyphOrder 99.640%
HVAR 99.706%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.997%
gvar 99.038%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.640%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.502%
total 97.677%
view source repository copy reproduction command
positype/Murecho-Project/sources/Murecho.glyphs (default)97.640% (GDEF, GSUB, VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GDEF 82.942%
GSUB 99.520%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.938%
gvar 99.557%
total 97.641%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/fleurdeleah/sources/FleurDeLeah.glyphs (gftools)97.621% (OS_2, glyf, hhea, hmtx, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 95.829%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.840%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.621%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/bonheur-royale/sources/BonheurRoyale.glyphs (gftools)97.606% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 95.410%
maxp 75.000%
total 97.607%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cbcrc/radiocanadafonts/sources/RadioCanada-Italic.glyphs (gftools)97.604% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 88.801%
GDEF 73.976%
GPOS 95.979%
GSUB 89.597%
GlyphOrder 99.875%
HVAR 99.916%
STAT 89.157%
fvar 91.525%
glyf 99.719%
gvar 99.724%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.875%
maxp 95.000%
name 88.983%
post 99.854%
total 97.604%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cbcrc/radiocanadafonts/sources/RadioCanada-Italic.glyphs (default)97.602% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 88.801%
GDEF 73.976%
GPOS 95.979%
GSUB 89.597%
GlyphOrder 99.875%
HVAR 99.916%
glyf 99.717%
gvar 99.723%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.875%
maxp 95.000%
name 87.671%
post 99.854%
total 97.602%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquard/sources/Jacquard24.glyphs (gftools)97.560% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 97.510%
maxp 75.000%
total 97.561%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Pathway-Variable-Font/sources/PathwayExtreme-Italic.glyphs (gftools)97.553% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
GDEF 40.560%
GSUB 99.912%
HVAR 52.227%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 86.923%
fvar 91.509%
glyf 99.862%
gvar 99.671%
head 95.455%
name 92.669%
total 97.554%
view source repository copy reproduction command
PaoloBiagini/Joan/sources/Joan.glyphs (gftools)97.553% (GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.919%
glyf 87.824%
hmtx 99.664%
maxp 75.000%
name 92.500%
total 97.553%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/adlam/sources/NotoSansAdlam.glyphs (default)97.543% ((mark/kern), GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, gvar, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.744%
GPOS 78.788%
HVAR 99.782%
OS_2 98.148%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 99.992%
hmtx 99.725%
total 97.544%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/NunitoSans/sources/NunitoSans.glyphs (default)97.516% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.229%
GDEF 66.439%
GPOS 80.216%
GSUB 99.900%
HVAR 26.118%
glyf 99.980%
gvar 98.023%
name 96.591%
total 97.517%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Asar/sources/Asar.glyphs (gftools)97.499% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.922%
GDEF 99.125%
GPOS 82.552%
GSUB 99.443%
glyf 96.689%
maxp 75.000%
name 86.047%
total 97.499%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestGuerrilla.glyphs (gftools)97.469% (cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
cvt 97.561%
glyf 93.194%
hmtx 99.312%
maxp 95.000%
total 97.470%
view source repository copy reproduction command
positype/Murecho-Project/sources/Murecho.glyphs (gftools)97.463% (GDEF, GSUB, VVAR, glyf, gvar, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GDEF 82.942%
GSUB 99.520%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.730%
gvar 99.320%
name 98.643%
total 97.464%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/NunitoSans/sources/NunitoSans-Italic.glyphs (default)97.462% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.273%
GDEF 59.256%
GPOS 80.216%
GSUB 99.900%
HVAR 32.580%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 96.774%
glyf 99.953%
gvar 97.996%
head 95.455%
name 94.318%
total 97.462%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tamil/sources/NotoSerifTamil-Italic.glyphs (default)97.450% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 83.788%
GDEF 39.792%
GPOS 73.228%
HVAR 71.642%
OS_2 96.296%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.408%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 94.690%
total 97.451%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/chorasmian/sources/NotoSansChorasmian.glyphs (default)97.445% ((mark/kern), GPOS)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.297%
GPOS 23.938%
total 97.446%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/francoisoneFont/sources/FrancoisOne.glyphs (gftools)97.424% ((mark/kern), OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.341%
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 94.216%
maxp 85.000%
total 97.424%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/sora-sompeng/sources/NotoSansSoraSompeng.glyphs (default)97.401% (VVAR, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 99.978%
total 97.401%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/lovers-quarrel/sources/LoversQuarrel.glyphs (gftools)97.383% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 95.338%
maxp 95.000%
total 97.383%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/telugu/sources/NotoSansTelugu.glyphs (default)97.376% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.197%
GDEF 66.807%
GPOS 98.357%
HVAR 17.404%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.924%
gvar 99.696%
hhea 90.476%
hmtx 84.249%
name 99.387%
total 97.376%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/square-peg/sources/SquarePeg.glyphs (gftools)97.343% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 94.862%
maxp 70.000%
total 97.344%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ruge-boogie/sources/RugeBoogiePro.glyphs (gftools)97.319% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 95.325%
maxp 95.000%
total 97.320%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tibetan/sources/NotoSerifTibetan.glyphs (default)97.318% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, fvar, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.960%
GDEF 57.451%
GPOS 99.815%
GSUB 98.223%
fvar 98.305%
gvar 99.995%
total 97.318%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/syloti-nagri/sources/NotoSansSylotiNagri.glyphs (default)97.301% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.103%
GPOS 82.353%
GSUB 99.415%
total 97.302%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/road-rage/sources/RoadRage.glyphs (gftools)97.299% ((mark/kern), glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.730%
glyf 96.679%
maxp 90.000%
name 86.957%
total 97.299%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Alice/sources/Alice.glyphs (gftools)97.284% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, hhea, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.759%
GDEF 97.126%
GPOS 84.793%
glyf 95.598%
hhea 95.238%
maxp 80.000%
total 97.285%
view source repository copy reproduction command
CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau/sources/Ysabeau-Italic.glyphs (default)97.264% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.164%
GDEF 88.212%
GSUB 96.882%
GlyphOrder 99.460%
HVAR 7.612%
MVAR 81.395%
OS_2 96.296%
fvar 96.907%
glyf 98.867%
gvar 96.594%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.324%
maxp 95.000%
name 89.412%
post 99.361%
total 97.264%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/ephesis/sources/Ephesis.glyphs (gftools)97.263% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 94.321%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.263%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/hebrew/sources/NotoSansHebrew.glyphs (default)97.190% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.962%
GDEF 48.047%
GPOS 79.167%
gvar 99.787%
total 97.191%
view source repository copy reproduction command
carolinashort/MyNerve/sources/Mynerve.glyphs (gftools)97.160% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.861%
GPOS 96.552%
GSUB 99.405%
cvt 98.387%
glyf 96.326%
hmtx 99.607%
maxp 85.000%
total 97.160%
view source repository copy reproduction command
CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau/sources/Ysabeau-Italic.glyphs (gftools)97.146% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.164%
GDEF 88.212%
GSUB 96.882%
GlyphOrder 99.460%
HVAR 6.963%
MVAR 81.395%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 88.095%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 98.877%
gvar 96.181%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.459%
maxp 95.000%
name 84.559%
post 99.361%
total 97.147%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/qwigley/sources/Qwigley.glyphs (gftools)97.098% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 94.483%
maxp 80.000%
total 97.099%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestStrike.glyphs (gftools)97.083% (glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
glyf 91.849%
hmtx 99.323%
maxp 90.000%
total 97.084%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tagalog/sources/NotoSansTagalog.glyphs (default)97.082% (GPOS, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GPOS 99.237%
total 97.083%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Familjen-Sthlm/Familjen-Grotesk/sources/FamiljenGrotesk.glyphs (default)97.049% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.802%
GPOS 90.000%
GSUB 93.068%
GlyphOrder 99.786%
HVAR 99.801%
glyf 99.167%
gvar 98.647%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.786%
maxp 95.000%
name 95.312%
post 99.683%
total 97.049%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Familjen-Sthlm/Familjen-Grotesk/sources/FamiljenGrotesk.glyphs (gftools)97.034% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.802%
GPOS 90.000%
GSUB 93.068%
GlyphOrder 99.786%
HVAR 99.801%
STAT 93.023%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 99.168%
gvar 98.649%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.786%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.139%
post 99.683%
total 97.035%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/meow-script/sources/MeowScript.glyphs (gftools)97.006% (OS_2, cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp, prep)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
cvt 74.839%
glyf 93.608%
hmtx 99.959%
maxp 80.000%
prep 95.690%
total 97.006%
view source repository copy reproduction command
solmatas/BitterPro/sources/Bitter-Italic.glyphs (default)96.968% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.270%
GSUB 95.285%
GlyphOrder 99.735%
HVAR 99.780%
MVAR 91.954%
OS_2 90.741%
STAT 93.750%
avar 71.429%
fvar 89.831%
glyf 98.426%
gvar 92.661%
head 90.909%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.338%
maxp 90.000%
name 95.808%
post 99.688%
total 96.968%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/style-script/sources/StyleScript-Pro.glyphs (gftools)96.937% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.399%
maxp 85.000%
total 96.937%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/pahawh-hmong/sources/NotoSansPahawhHmong.glyphs (default)96.884% ((mark/kern), GPOS, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.509%
GPOS 81.600%
total 96.884%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
carolinashort/mansalva/sources/Mansalva.glyphs (gftools)96.861% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.872%
GPOS 96.269%
GSUB 99.098%
glyf 96.365%
hmtx 99.888%
maxp 90.000%
total 96.861%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Familjen-Sthlm/Familjen-Grotesk/sources/FamiljenGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (default)96.855% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 93.976%
GPOS 90.000%
GSUB 93.068%
GlyphOrder 99.786%
HVAR 99.799%
avar 96.000%
fvar 97.059%
glyf 99.148%
gvar 98.610%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.786%
maxp 95.000%
name 95.312%
post 99.683%
total 96.855%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Familjen-Sthlm/Familjen-Grotesk/sources/FamiljenGrotesk-Italic.glyphs (gftools)96.841% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 93.976%
GPOS 90.000%
GSUB 93.068%
GlyphOrder 99.786%
HVAR 99.799%
STAT 92.593%
avar 96.000%
fvar 89.474%
glyf 99.123%
gvar 98.587%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.786%
maxp 95.000%
name 92.308%
post 99.683%
total 96.842%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/dogra/sources/NotoSerifDogra.glyphs (default)96.824% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.274%
GPOS 71.845%
GSUB 94.493%
name 91.589%
total 96.825%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/merienda/sources/Merienda.glyphs (gftools)96.821% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.402%
GDEF 95.412%
GSUB 89.665%
GlyphOrder 98.786%
HVAR 69.530%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 97.153%
gvar 96.720%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.784%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.429%
post 98.126%
total 96.821%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sometype-mono/sources/SometypeMono-Italic.glyphs (gftools)96.816% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 98.883%
HVAR 3.090%
glyf 99.979%
gvar 97.632%
post 99.705%
total 96.817%
view source repository copy reproduction command
vladimirnikolic1/NewAmsterdam/sources/NewAmsterdam.glyphs (gftools)96.814% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 95.555%
maxp 95.000%
total 96.814%
view source repository copy reproduction command
solmatas/BitterPro/sources/Bitter-Italic.glyphs (gftools)96.793% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.270%
GSUB 95.285%
GlyphOrder 99.735%
HVAR 99.314%
MVAR 91.954%
OS_2 90.741%
STAT 86.905%
avar 71.429%
fvar 36.364%
glyf 98.423%
gvar 91.147%
head 90.909%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.338%
maxp 90.000%
name 71.130%
post 99.688%
total 96.794%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sometype-mono/sources/SometypeMono.glyphs (gftools)96.783% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 98.883%
HVAR 3.090%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.753%
post 99.705%
total 96.783%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sassy-frass/sources/SassyFrass.glyphs (gftools)96.780% ((mark/kern), glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.417%
glyf 94.204%
maxp 70.000%
total 96.781%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sometype-mono/sources/SometypeMono-Italic.glyphs (default)96.774% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 98.883%
HVAR 3.090%
glyf 99.979%
gvar 97.597%
post 99.705%
total 96.774%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/adlam/sources/NotoSansAdlamUnjoined.glyphs (default)96.762% ((mark/kern), GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, gvar, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.070%
GPOS 78.788%
HVAR 99.593%
OS_2 98.148%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 99.974%
hmtx 99.367%
total 96.763%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Denk-One/sources/DenkOne.glyphs (gftools)96.755% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.999%
GPOS 98.677%
GSUB 99.963%
OS_2 88.889%
cvt 96.000%
glyf 90.979%
hmtx 99.873%
maxp 85.000%
total 96.755%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/sometype-mono/sources/SometypeMono.glyphs (default)96.743% (GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, post)
table value
GSUB 98.883%
HVAR 3.090%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 97.718%
post 99.705%
total 96.743%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/merienda/sources/Merienda.glyphs (default)96.723% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.402%
GDEF 95.412%
GSUB 89.665%
GlyphOrder 98.786%
HVAR 69.530%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 96.826%
gvar 96.647%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.784%
maxp 95.000%
post 98.126%
total 96.723%
view source repository copy reproduction command
anrt-type/ANRT-Baskervville/sources/Baskervville.glyphs (gftools)96.710% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 91.695%
maxp 70.000%
total 96.710%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/NunitoSans/sources/NunitoSans.glyphs (gftools)96.684% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.229%
GDEF 66.439%
GPOS 80.216%
GSUB 99.900%
HVAR 26.118%
STAT 87.838%
fvar 93.103%
glyf 98.930%
gvar 96.635%
name 93.115%
total 96.684%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cbcrc/radiocanadafonts/sources/RadioCanada.glyphs (gftools)96.668% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 89.780%
GDEF 77.738%
GPOS 96.070%
GSUB 92.033%
GlyphOrder 99.878%
HVAR 52.133%
STAT 89.286%
fvar 91.525%
glyf 99.720%
gvar 99.738%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.878%
maxp 95.000%
name 81.356%
post 99.858%
total 96.668%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cbcrc/radiocanadafonts/sources/RadioCanada.glyphs (default)96.659% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 89.780%
GDEF 77.738%
GPOS 96.070%
GSUB 92.033%
GlyphOrder 99.878%
HVAR 52.133%
glyf 99.719%
gvar 99.736%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.878%
maxp 95.000%
name 78.049%
post 99.858%
total 96.659%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/literata/sources/Literata.glyphs (gftools)96.616% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, VVAR, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.874%
GDEF 45.809%
GSUB 95.217%
GlyphOrder 99.327%
HVAR 75.260%
STAT 87.963%
VVAR fontmake only
fvar 90.000%
glyf 98.237%
gvar 98.367%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.326%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.829%
post 99.226%
total 96.616%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/literata/sources/Literata.glyphs (default)96.609% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, VVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.874%
GDEF 45.809%
GSUB 95.217%
GlyphOrder 99.327%
HVAR 75.260%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 98.215%
gvar 98.366%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.326%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.203%
post 99.226%
total 96.610%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/NunitoSans/sources/NunitoSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)96.555% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.273%
GDEF 59.256%
GPOS 80.216%
GSUB 99.900%
HVAR 32.580%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.075%
fvar 93.103%
glyf 98.898%
gvar 96.468%
head 95.455%
name 92.669%
total 96.556%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mona-sans/sources/MonaSans.glyphspackage (default)96.469% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.998%
GDEF 18.275%
GSUB 99.202%
HVAR 51.784%
glyf 99.967%
gvar 97.604%
name 89.565%
total 96.469%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/gujarati/sources/NotoSerifGujarati.glyphs (default)96.458% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 77.116%
GDEF 34.969%
GPOS 77.509%
GSUB 99.906%
OS_2 81.481%
gvar 99.989%
total 96.459%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/oriya/sources/NotoSerifOriya.glyphs (default)96.441% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.057%
GDEF 87.416%
GPOS 75.658%
GSUB 99.814%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.946%
gvar 82.710%
total 96.441%
view source repository copy reproduction command
m4rc1e/Commissioner/sources/Commissioner.glyphs (default)96.433% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.833%
GDEF 66.164%
GSUB 97.645%
GlyphOrder 99.599%
HVAR 70.372%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.813%
gvar 95.346%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.599%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.496%
total 96.433%
view source repository copy reproduction command
m4rc1e/Commissioner/sources/Commissioner.glyphs (gftools)96.428% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.833%
GDEF 66.164%
GSUB 97.645%
GlyphOrder 99.599%
HVAR 70.372%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 97.345%
glyf 98.720%
gvar 95.347%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.599%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.739%
post 99.496%
total 96.428%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/cham/sources/NotoSansCham.glyphs (default)96.428% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.261%
GDEF 67.171%
GPOS 85.098%
GSUB 99.455%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 99.950%
gvar 98.528%
name 98.137%
total 96.428%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/mona-sans/sources/MonaSans.glyphspackage (gftools)96.424% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.998%
GDEF 18.275%
GSUB 99.202%
HVAR 51.784%
STAT 87.037%
fvar 90.123%
glyf 99.867%
gvar 97.374%
name 86.316%
total 96.425%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tamil/sources/NotoSerifTamil.glyphs (default)96.242% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 53.166%
GDEF 38.214%
GPOS 73.228%
HVAR 77.966%
OS_2 96.296%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.394%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 94.690%
total 96.243%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/BagelFat/Sources/BagelFat.glyphs (gftools)96.216% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.074%
GDEF 94.737%
GPOS 90.323%
glyf 95.865%
maxp 90.000%
total 96.216%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquard/sources/Jacquard12Charted.glyphs (gftools)96.211% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.134%
maxp 90.000%
total 96.211%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/BevanFont/sources/Bevan-Italic.glyphs (gftools)96.208% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 87.478%
maxp 75.000%
total 96.209%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/buginese/sources/NotoSansBuginese.glyphs (default)96.190% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.099%
GPOS 88.983%
GSUB 99.048%
total 96.190%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/PontanoSansFont/sources/PontanoSans.glyphs (gftools)96.176% ((mark/kern), GDEF, VVAR, gvar, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.986%
GDEF 94.360%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 99.709%
name 98.204%
total 96.177%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquard/sources/Jacquard24Charted.glyphs (gftools)96.160% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 96.140%
maxp 90.000%
total 96.161%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/PontanoSansFont/sources/PontanoSans.glyphs (default)96.156% ((mark/kern), GDEF, VVAR, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.986%
GDEF 94.360%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 99.708%
total 96.156%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tai-tham/sources/NotoSansTaiTham.glyphs (default)96.136% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx)
table value
GDEF 75.085%
GSUB 99.997%
HVAR 99.485%
OS_2 98.148%
avar fontc only
fvar 94.118%
glyf 99.926%
gvar 97.762%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.396%
total 96.136%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/rejang/sources/NotoSansRejang.glyphs (default)96.094% ((mark/kern), GPOS, OS_2, hmtx, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.318%
GPOS 94.813%
OS_2 98.148%
hmtx 98.000%
total 96.095%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/BevanFont/sources/Bevan.glyphs (gftools)96.083% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 87.039%
maxp 80.000%
total 96.084%
view source repository copy reproduction command
agyeiarcher/Jaro/sources/Jaro.glyphs (gftools)95.977% (VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.784%
gvar 96.331%
total 95.978%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
batsimadz/Sankofa-Display/sources/Sankofa.glyphs (gftools)95.969% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GDEF 99.721%
GSUB 99.953%
cvt 97.468%
glyf 93.454%
hmtx 99.627%
maxp 80.000%
meta fontmake only
name 94.231%
total 95.970%
view source repository copy reproduction command
EbenSorkin/Dekko/sources/Dekko.glyphs (gftools)95.947% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.968%
GDEF 99.345%
GPOS 88.372%
GSUB 99.920%
glyf 91.603%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.842%
total 95.948%
view source repository copy reproduction command
agyeiarcher/Jaro/sources/Jaro.glyphs (default)95.914% (VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.933%
gvar 96.411%
total 95.915%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Podkova/sources/Podkova.glyphs (default)95.863% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.277%
GDEF 99.667%
GPOS 90.498%
GSUB 91.254%
GlyphOrder 99.118%
HVAR 91.243%
glyf 98.521%
gvar 95.746%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.909%
maxp 95.000%
post 98.844%
total 95.863%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/great-vibes/sources/GreatVibes-Pro.glyphs (gftools)95.761% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.996%
GSUB 98.401%
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 90.203%
maxp 70.000%
name 87.755%
total 95.762%
view source repository copy reproduction command
simoncozens/Miriam-Libre/sources/MiriamLibre.glyphs (default)95.518% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, gvar, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 87.870%
GDEF 97.727%
GSUB 99.718%
gvar 99.996%
meta fontmake only
name 97.600%
total 95.518%
view source repository copy reproduction command
simoncozens/Miriam-Libre/sources/MiriamLibre.glyphs (gftools)95.503% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 87.870%
GDEF 97.727%
GSUB 99.718%
STAT 93.023%
fvar 89.474%
gvar 99.996%
meta fontmake only
name 92.903%
total 95.504%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Diphylleia/Sources/Diphylleia.glyphs (gftools)95.498% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.283%
GDEF 95.610%
GPOS 87.742%
GSUB 98.172%
glyf 96.029%
hmtx 99.968%
maxp 95.000%
name 89.888%
total 95.499%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/lao/sources/NotoSansLaoLooped.glyphs (default)95.467% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.519%
GDEF 77.363%
GPOS 92.613%
GSUB 90.515%
GlyphOrder 97.826%
HVAR 91.332%
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 79.070%
glyf 96.025%
gvar 96.019%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.814%
maxp 95.000%
name 73.942%
post 97.740%
total 95.468%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/italianno/sources/Italianno.glyphs (gftools)95.353% (OS_2, glyf, maxp)
table value
OS_2 88.889%
glyf 93.417%
maxp 70.000%
total 95.353%
view source repository copy reproduction command
weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans/sources/WorkSans-Italic.glyphs (default)95.253% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.334%
GSUB 94.045%
GlyphOrder 99.470%
HVAR 99.377%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.421%
gvar 90.254%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.470%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.348%
total 95.253%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey10.glyphs (gftools)95.141% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 94.649%
maxp 75.000%
total 95.141%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey15.glyphs (gftools)95.090% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 94.864%
maxp 75.000%
total 95.090%
view source repository copy reproduction command
solmatas/BitterPro/sources/Bitter.glyphs (default)95.086% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.764%
GDEF 98.707%
GSUB 94.542%
GlyphOrder 98.823%
HVAR 94.754%
MVAR 91.954%
OS_2 92.593%
avar 71.429%
fvar 89.831%
glyf 97.794%
gvar 94.186%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.757%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.204%
post 98.613%
total 95.086%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/festive/sources/Festive-Pro.glyphs (gftools)95.079% (GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.902%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 94.700%
maxp 75.000%
name 96.629%
total 95.079%
view source repository copy reproduction command
solmatas/BitterPro/sources/Bitter.glyphs (gftools)94.970% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, MVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.764%
GDEF 98.707%
GSUB 94.542%
GlyphOrder 98.823%
HVAR 94.457%
MVAR 91.954%
OS_2 92.593%
STAT 88.235%
avar 71.429%
fvar 44.681%
glyf 97.838%
gvar 93.114%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.757%
maxp 95.000%
name 81.448%
post 98.613%
total 94.971%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/literata/sources/Literata-Italic.glyphs (default)94.945% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.541%
GDEF 45.284%
GSUB 93.989%
GlyphOrder 99.176%
HVAR 13.742%
OS_2 98.148%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 97.806%
gvar 97.910%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.175%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.203%
post 99.051%
total 94.946%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Pathway-Variable-Font/sources/PathwayExtreme.glyphs (default)94.942% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 16.068%
GSUB 99.908%
HVAR 61.995%
gvar 99.953%
name 98.324%
total 94.943%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/literata/sources/Literata-Italic.glyphs (gftools)94.934% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, VVAR, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 95.541%
GDEF 45.284%
GSUB 93.989%
GlyphOrder 99.176%
HVAR 13.742%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.850%
VVAR fontmake only
fvar 90.000%
glyf 97.833%
gvar 97.881%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.175%
maxp 95.000%
name 92.833%
post 99.051%
total 94.934%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Pathway-Variable-Font/sources/PathwayExtreme.glyphs (gftools)94.905% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 16.068%
GSUB 99.908%
HVAR 61.995%
STAT 87.786%
fvar 91.509%
glyf 99.894%
gvar 99.699%
name 92.977%
total 94.905%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/bengali/sources/NotoSerifBengali.glyphspackage (default)94.868% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 53.569%
GDEF 25.421%
GPOS 72.598%
GSUB 96.992%
HVAR 37.856%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.838%
total 94.868%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Labrada/sources/Labrada.glyphs (gftools)94.808% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.898%
GDEF 90.998%
GSUB 90.781%
GlyphOrder 96.829%
HVAR 73.957%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 94.787%
gvar 95.251%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 96.824%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.678%
post 95.288%
total 94.808%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Labrada/sources/Labrada.glyphs (default)94.767% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 94.898%
GDEF 90.998%
GSUB 90.781%
GlyphOrder 96.829%
HVAR 73.957%
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 78.740%
glyf 94.769%
gvar 95.232%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 96.824%
maxp 95.000%
name 84.916%
post 95.288%
total 94.768%
view source repository copy reproduction command
sovichet/kdam-thmor-pro/sources/KdamThmorPro.designspace (gftools)94.671% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, glyf, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.539%
GDEF 99.187%
GPOS 85.000%
GSUB 96.688%
GlyphOrder 57.774%
glyf 90.470%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.908%
maxp 95.000%
name 95.349%
post 99.850%
total 94.671%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Amita/sources/Amita.glyphs (gftools)94.642% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, gvar, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 85.410%
GDEF 97.360%
GPOS 92.659%
GSUB 97.236%
glyf 99.990%
gvar 99.922%
hhea 95.238%
name 98.429%
total 94.643%
view source repository copy reproduction command
etunni/Amita/sources/Amita.glyphs (default)94.628% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, gvar, hhea)
table value
(mark/kern) 85.410%
GDEF 97.360%
GPOS 92.659%
GSUB 97.236%
glyf 99.990%
gvar 99.922%
hhea 95.238%
total 94.628%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Franklin/sources/LibreFranklin.glyphs (default)94.625% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.645%
GDEF 98.940%
GSUB 85.687%
GlyphOrder 98.394%
HVAR 15.437%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 96.765%
gvar 91.481%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.392%
maxp 95.000%
post 97.908%
total 94.625%
view source repository copy reproduction command
anrt-type/ANRT-Baskervville/sources/Baskervville-Italic.glyphs (gftools)94.613% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 87.420%
maxp 70.000%
total 94.614%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-yarndings/sources/Yarndings12.glyphs (gftools)94.451% +94.452(cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 47.059% +47.059
glyf 94.004% +94.004
maxp 75.000% +75.000
prep 94.828% +94.828
total 94.452% +94.452
view source repository copy reproduction command
weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans/sources/WorkSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)94.355% ((mark/kern), GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.334%
GSUB 94.045%
GlyphOrder 99.470%
HVAR 99.377%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 89.286%
glyf 92.611%
gvar 89.195%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.470%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.859%
post 99.348%
total 94.356%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/telugu/sources/NotoSerifTelugu.glyphs (default)94.303% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 88.889%
GDEF 96.894%
GPOS 98.044%
HVAR 9.086%
OS_2 96.296%
glyf 99.977%
gvar 95.523%
hhea 90.476%
hmtx 89.960%
name 98.734%
total 94.303%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ateliertriay/bricolage/sources/BricolageGrotesque.glyphs (gftools)94.282% ((mark/kern), GDEF, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GDEF 10.569%
OS_2 83.333%
STAT 92.366%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.676%
name 96.727%
total 94.282%
view source repository copy reproduction command
ateliertriay/bricolage/sources/BricolageGrotesque.glyphs (default)94.240% ((mark/kern), GDEF, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.997%
GDEF 10.569%
OS_2 83.333%
fvar 98.208%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.719%
total 94.241%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kannada/sources/NotoSerifKannada.glyphs (default)94.208% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 69.587%
GDEF 99.791%
GPOS 98.409%
GSUB 99.539%
HVAR 26.021%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.965%
gvar 99.826%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 97.636%
name 98.137%
total 94.209%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/elymaic/sources/NotoSansElymaic.designspace (default)94.143% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, glyf, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.507%
GPOS 97.143%
GSUB 95.767%
GlyphOrder 85.714%
glyf 93.815%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 90.909%
maxp 95.000%
name 89.091%
post 93.243%
total 94.143%
view source repository copy reproduction command
indestructible-type/Bodoni/sources/BodoniModa-Italic.glyphs (default)94.112% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 47.208%
GDEF 66.256%
GPOS 96.273%
GSUB 98.955%
gvar 99.979%
name 93.706%
total 94.112%
view source repository copy reproduction command
indestructible-type/Bodoni/sources/BodoniModa-Italic.glyphs (gftools)94.099% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 47.208%
GDEF 66.256%
GPOS 96.273%
GSUB 98.955%
STAT 87.395%
fvar 90.909%
gvar 99.979%
name 93.091%
total 94.100%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Franklin/sources/LibreFranklin.glyphs (gftools)93.888% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.645%
GDEF 98.940%
GSUB 85.687%
GlyphOrder 98.394%
HVAR 15.437%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 98.824%
glyf 96.770%
gvar 89.026%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.392%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.776%
post 97.908%
total 93.888%
view source repository copy reproduction command
indestructible-type/Bodoni/sources/BodoniModa.glyphs (default)93.690% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 55.865%
GDEF 62.668%
GPOS 96.273%
GSUB 98.956%
HVAR 53.951%
gvar 99.954%
name 93.706%
total 93.690%
view source repository copy reproduction command
indestructible-type/Bodoni/sources/BodoniModa.glyphs (gftools)93.676% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 55.865%
GDEF 62.668%
GPOS 96.273%
GSUB 98.956%
HVAR 53.951%
STAT 87.500%
fvar 90.909%
gvar 99.954%
name 92.430%
total 93.676%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/makasar/sources/NotoSerifMakasar.designspace (default)93.659% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 66.892%
GPOS 76.000%
GSUB 99.160%
HVAR fontc only
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gvar fontc only
name 93.478%
total 93.659%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey20.glyphs (gftools)93.657% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 93.486%
maxp 75.000%
total 93.658%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-dots/sources/ZenDots.glyphs (gftools)93.534% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.185%
GDEF 95.812%
GPOS 85.380%
glyf 86.287%
maxp 70.000%
total 93.534%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/balinese/sources/NotoSansBalinese.glyphs (default)93.208% (OS_2, glyf, gvar)
table value
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 99.992%
gvar 77.259%
total 93.209%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestRiot.glyphs (gftools)93.005% (glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
glyf 85.715%
hmtx 99.662%
maxp 85.000%
total 93.005%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Bodoni/sources/LibreBodoni.glyphs (gftools)92.962% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, STAT, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 87.645%
GDEF 89.627%
GPOS 75.248%
GSUB 98.883%
STAT 98.182%
name 98.266%
total 92.962%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Bodoni/sources/LibreBodoni.glyphs (default)92.946% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB)
table value
(mark/kern) 87.645%
GDEF 89.627%
GPOS 75.248%
GSUB 98.883%
total 92.947%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/new-tai-lue/sources/NotoSansNewTaiLue.glyphs (default)92.818% (GDEF, OS_2, glyf, gvar)
table value
GDEF 74.510%
OS_2 81.481%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 84.559%
total 92.819%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/mongolian/sources/NotoSansMongolian.designspace (default)92.619% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, head, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.859%
GPOS 91.525%
GSUB 87.722%
head 95.455%
name 97.196%
total 92.620%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Grandiflora/Sources/Grandiflora.glyphs (gftools)92.477% (GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
GSUB 99.063%
glyf 91.804%
hmtx 99.824%
maxp 75.000%
name 96.629%
total 92.477%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/lugrasimo-fonts/sources/Lugrasimo-Regular.designspace (default)92.435% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gasp, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar fontc only
name 93.878%
total 92.435%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/hubot-sans/sources/HubotSans.glyphspackage (default)92.230% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 14.733%
GSUB 99.562%
HVAR 25.758%
glyf 99.947%
gvar 95.898%
name 94.495%
total 92.231%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/hubot-sans/sources/HubotSans.glyphspackage (gftools)92.205% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 14.733%
GSUB 99.562%
HVAR 25.758%
STAT 87.255%
fvar 90.123%
glyf 99.789%
gvar 95.601%
name 88.950%
total 92.206%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/MontserratUnderline-Italic.glyphs (default)92.067% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 90.786%
GDEF 99.753%
GPOS 79.137%
GSUB 96.203%
GlyphOrder 99.569%
HVAR 79.331%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
avar 97.143%
glyf 98.842%
gvar 98.969%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.425%
maxp 95.000%
name 95.652%
post 99.530%
total 92.068%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/MontserratUnderline-Italic.glyphs (gftools)92.066% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 90.786%
GDEF 99.753%
GPOS 79.137%
GSUB 96.203%
GlyphOrder 99.569%
HVAR 79.331%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 86.905%
avar 97.143%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 98.847%
gvar 98.965%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.425%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.367%
post 99.530%
total 92.067%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Franklin/sources/LibreFranklin-Italic.glyphs (default)92.059% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.275%
GDEF 94.707%
GSUB 85.440%
GlyphOrder 98.096%
HVAR 8.257%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 94.618%
gvar 86.120%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.094%
maxp 90.000%
name 97.647%
post 97.523%
total 92.059%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/caprasimo-fonts/sources/Caprasimo-Regular.designspace (default)91.968% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gasp, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 51.639%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS 68.702%
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 98.148%
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar fontc only
name 90.526%
total 91.969%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Faustina/sources/Faustina.glyphs (gftools)91.679% ((mark/kern), GDEF, STAT, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 83.585%
GDEF 83.376%
STAT 98.507%
hhea 95.238%
name 98.522%
total 91.680%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Grandstander/Sources/Grandstander.glyphs (gftools)91.659% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 80.448%
GDEF 89.327%
GPOS 96.245%
GSUB 99.785%
gvar 99.980%
total 91.659%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Etcetera-Type-Co/Grandstander/Sources/Grandstander.glyphs (default)91.649% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 80.448%
GDEF 89.327%
GPOS 96.245%
GSUB 99.785%
gvar 99.980%
total 91.650%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Faustina/sources/Faustina.glyphs (default)91.609% ((mark/kern), GDEF, hhea)
table value
(mark/kern) 83.585%
GDEF 83.376%
hhea 95.238%
total 91.610%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/REM/sources/REM-Italic.glyphs (default)91.589% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.908%
GDEF 99.937%
GSUB 94.325%
GlyphOrder 99.388%
HVAR 99.534%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 93.750%
glyf 94.735%
gvar 81.355%
head 90.909%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 91.531%
maxp 80.000%
name 92.216%
post 99.200%
total 91.589%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Libre-Franklin/sources/LibreFranklin-Italic.glyphs (gftools)91.269% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.275%
GDEF 94.707%
GSUB 85.440%
GlyphOrder 98.096%
HVAR 8.257%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 88.095%
glyf 94.634%
gvar 83.567%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.094%
maxp 90.000%
name 97.561%
post 97.523%
total 91.269%
view source repository copy reproduction command
octaviopardo/REM/sources/REM-Italic.glyphs (gftools)91.135% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 96.908%
GDEF 99.937%
GSUB 94.325%
GlyphOrder 99.388%
HVAR 99.534%
OS_2 96.296%
STAT 86.905%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 94.505%
gvar 80.322%
head 90.909%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 91.531%
maxp 80.000%
name 89.437%
post 99.200%
total 91.135%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Lora-Cyrillic/sources/Lora-Italic.glyphs (gftools)91.106% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.579%
GDEF 83.961%
GSUB 94.255%
GlyphOrder 99.944%
HVAR 99.952%
STAT 92.593%
glyf 99.892%
gvar 99.896%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.944%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.324%
post 99.925%
total 91.106%
view source repository copy reproduction command
cyrealtype/Lora-Cyrillic/sources/Lora-Italic.glyphs (default)91.037% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.579%
GDEF 83.961%
GSUB 94.255%
GlyphOrder 99.944%
HVAR 99.952%
glyf 99.887%
gvar 99.895%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.832%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.925%
total 91.037%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosbarts/Oi/sources/Oi.glyphs (default)90.975% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 86.643%
GDEF 99.928%
GPOS 76.460%
GSUB 98.519%
glyf 99.380%
hmtx 99.947%
maxp 95.000%
name 83.200%
total 90.976%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-loop/sources/ZenLoop.glyphs (gftools)90.758% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.180%
GDEF 95.767%
GPOS 85.380%
glyf 82.303%
maxp 75.000%
total 90.758%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-loop/sources/ZenLoopItalic.glyphs (gftools)90.677% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.581%
GDEF 97.253%
GPOS 85.207%
glyf 82.942%
hmtx 99.606%
maxp 75.000%
total 90.677%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JAMO-TYPEFACE/Orbit/Sources/Orbit.glyphs (gftools)90.522% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 88.736%
maxp 75.000%
total 90.522%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/GaMaamli/sources/GaMaamli.glyphs (gftools)90.457% ((mark/kern), cvt, glyf, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.988%
cvt 87.302%
glyf 73.262%
hmtx 99.018%
maxp 80.000%
total 90.458%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/Montserrat-Italic.glyphs (default)90.366% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 89.192%
GDEF 99.761%
GPOS 79.429%
GSUB 95.334%
GlyphOrder 99.587%
HVAR 78.605%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 93.750%
avar 97.143%
glyf 98.826%
gvar 98.108%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.443%
maxp 95.000%
name 90.683%
post 99.550%
total 90.366%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/Montserrat-Italic.glyphs (gftools)90.358% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 89.192%
GDEF 99.761%
GPOS 79.429%
GSUB 95.334%
GlyphOrder 99.587%
HVAR 78.605%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 86.905%
avar 97.143%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 98.836%
gvar 98.002%
head 90.909%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.443%
maxp 95.000%
name 87.770%
post 99.550%
total 90.359%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/nandinagari/sources/NotoSansNandinagari.glyphs (default)90.218% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.919%
GPOS 73.973%
GSUB 98.673%
glyf 84.228%
hmtx 78.855%
maxp 90.000%
name 89.091%
total 90.219%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Manuale/sources/Manuale.glyphs (gftools)89.972% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 76.669%
GDEF 72.415%
GSUB 95.101%
GlyphOrder 99.879%
HVAR 99.901%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 98.507%
glyf 99.593%
gvar 99.557%
hhea 90.476%
hmtx 99.879%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.378%
post 99.832%
total 89.972%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Omnibus-Type/Manuale/sources/Manuale.glyphs (default)89.942% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 76.669%
GDEF 72.415%
GSUB 95.101%
GlyphOrder 99.879%
HVAR 99.901%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.590%
gvar 99.555%
hhea 90.476%
hmtx 99.879%
maxp 95.000%
post 99.832%
total 89.943%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/devanagari/sources/NotoSansDevanagariUI.glyphspackage (default)89.888% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 68.703%
GDEF 60.912%
GPOS 96.686%
GSUB 83.666%
HVAR 56.936%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.995%
gvar 90.601%
hmtx 99.265%
total 89.889%
view source repository copy reproduction command
kosbarts/Oi/sources/Oi.glyphs (gftools)89.885% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 86.643%
GDEF 99.928%
GPOS 76.460%
GSUB 98.519%
glyf 95.489%
hmtx 99.947%
maxp 95.000%
name 75.630%
total 89.885%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey25.glyphs (gftools)89.626% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 89.415%
maxp 75.000%
total 89.626%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/zen-tokyo-zoo/sources/TokyoZoo.glyphs (gftools)89.546% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 97.725%
GDEF 96.084%
GPOS 85.380%
glyf 85.467%
maxp 95.000%
total 89.546%
view source repository copy reproduction command
noirblancrouge/YoungSerif/sources/Young-Serif.glyphs (gftools)89.133% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp, meta)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.893%
GDEF 98.201%
GPOS 93.935%
GSUB 99.966%
OS_2 83.333%
glyf 96.380%
maxp 90.000%
meta fontmake only
total 89.134%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/Benne/sources/Benne-Regular.ufo (gftools)89.053% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.916%
GPOS 88.000%
GSUB 99.036%
glyf 87.624%
maxp 85.000%
total 89.054%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/lugrasimo-fonts/sources/Lugrasimo-Regular.designspace (gftools)88.981% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, cvt, fvar, gasp, glyf, gvar, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 81.481%
STAT fontc only
cvt 98.077%
fvar fontc only
gasp 88.889%
glyf 92.353%
gvar fontc only
maxp 75.000%
name 60.526%
total 88.981%
view source repository copy reproduction command
usted/Albert-Sans/sources/AlbertSans-Roman.glyphs (default)88.952% (GDEF, GSUB, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 11.554%
GSUB 97.674%
fvar 90.909%
glyf 99.975%
gvar 96.910%
name 90.110%
total 88.953%
view source repository copy reproduction command
usted/Albert-Sans/sources/AlbertSans-Roman.glyphs (gftools)88.760% (GDEF, GSUB, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, name)
table value
GDEF 11.554%
GSUB 97.674%
STAT 90.000%
fvar 88.506%
glyf 99.214%
gvar 96.269%
name 85.827%
total 88.761%
view source repository copy reproduction command
noirblancrouge/YoungSerif/sources/Young-Serif.glyphs (default)88.639% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, meta)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.893%
GDEF 98.201%
GPOS 93.935%
GSUB 99.966%
meta fontmake only
total 88.640%
view source repository copy reproduction command
usted/Albert-Sans/sources/AlbertSans-Italic.glyphs (default)88.230% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GDEF 12.342%
GSUB 97.674%
HVAR 19.726%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 95.238%
fvar 90.909%
glyf 99.926%
gvar 96.908%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.251%
name 87.912%
total 88.231%
view source repository copy reproduction command
usted/Albert-Sans/sources/AlbertSans-Italic.glyphs (gftools)88.042% (GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, head, hmtx, name)
table value
GDEF 12.342%
GSUB 97.674%
HVAR 19.726%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.129%
fvar 88.506%
glyf 99.194%
gvar 96.250%
head 95.455%
hmtx 99.813%
name 86.557%
total 88.043%
view source repository copy reproduction command
suonmaysophanith7/KonKhmer_SleokChher/sources/Konkhmer Sleokchher.glyphs (gftools)88.018% (GDEF, OS_2, glyf, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
GDEF 99.727%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 87.602%
hmtx 97.955%
maxp 85.000%
name 94.595%
total 88.018%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/agdasima-fonts/sources/Agdasima-Regular.designspace (default)87.824% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, gasp, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar 99.916%
total 87.824%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/math/sources/NotoSansMath.glyphspackage (default)87.642% ((mark/kern), GSUB, MATH, cmap, glyf, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.966%
GSUB 99.904%
MATH fontmake only
cmap 99.714%
glyf 90.313%
head 86.364%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.665%
maxp 95.000%
name 93.878%
total 87.643%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey25Charted.glyphs (gftools)87.514% (glyf, maxp)
table value
glyf 87.319%
maxp 65.000%
total 87.515%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/golos-text/sources/GolosText.glyphs (gftools)86.944% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, VVAR, gvar, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 71.810%
GDEF 73.757%
GPOS 86.863%
HVAR 97.001%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 94.934%
name 98.324%
total 86.945%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/golos-text/sources/GolosText.glyphs (default)86.925% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, VVAR, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 71.810%
GDEF 73.757%
GPOS 86.863%
HVAR 97.001%
VVAR fontmake only
gvar 94.936%
total 86.925%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
Afrotype/tac/sources/Tac.glyphspackage (default)86.822% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 85.440%
GPOS 78.733%
GSUB 99.294%
glyf 99.542%
name 89.157%
total 86.823%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Afrotype/tac/sources/Tac.glyphspackage (gftools)86.787% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, glyf, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 85.440%
GPOS 78.733%
GSUB 99.294%
glyf 92.963%
name 89.157%
total 86.788%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-yarndings/sources/Yarndings20.glyphs (gftools)86.344% -1.978(cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 42.667%
glyf 85.809% -2.070
maxp 75.000%
prep 94.828%
total 86.344% -1.978
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/khitan-small-script/sources/NotoSerifKhitanSmallScript.glyphspackage (default)85.996% (GSUB, head, hhea, name)
table value
GSUB 47.338%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
name 97.959%
total 85.997%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/arabic/sources/NotoSansArabicUI.glyphs (default)85.350% ((mark/kern), GDEF, HVAR, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.996%
GDEF 70.730%
HVAR 70.320%
glyf 99.715%
gvar 69.052%
total 85.351%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/caprasimo-fonts/sources/Caprasimo-Regular.designspace (gftools)85.094% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 51.639%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS 68.702%
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 81.481%
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
glyf 87.221%
gvar fontc only
maxp 85.000%
name 57.718%
total 85.094%
view source repository copy reproduction command
jobosonchisa/ojuju/sources/Ojuju.glyphs (gftools)84.538% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.804%
GPOS 79.024%
glyf 99.821%
gvar 99.589%
total 84.538%
view source repository copy reproduction command
jobosonchisa/ojuju/sources/Ojuju.glyphs (default)84.348% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 78.804%
GPOS 79.024%
glyf 99.865%
gvar 99.721%
total 84.349%
view source repository copy reproduction command
d-sargent/platypi/sources/Platypi.glyphs (gftools)84.028% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 80.473%
GPOS 78.788%
glyf 99.943%
gvar 99.769%
total 84.029%
view source repository copy reproduction command
d-sargent/platypi/sources/Platypi.glyphs (default)83.915% ((mark/kern), GPOS, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 80.473%
GPOS 78.788%
glyf 100.000%
gvar 99.808%
total 83.916%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ethiopic/sources/NotoSerifEthiopic.glyphs (default)83.707% (GDEF, HVAR, OS_2, VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GDEF 16.702%
HVAR 68.619%
OS_2 98.148%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.903%
gvar 77.397%
total 83.707%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/questrial/sources/Questrial.glyphspackage (gftools)83.567% ((mark/kern), GSUB, OS_2, glyf, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 75.933%
GSUB 99.942%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 94.898%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.629%
total 83.568%
view source repository copy reproduction command
googlefonts/questrial/sources/Questrial.glyphspackage (default)82.870% ((mark/kern), GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 75.933%
GSUB 99.942%
name 96.629%
total 82.871%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/lumanosimo-fonts/sources/Lumanosimo-Regular.designspace (default)82.316% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gasp, gvar, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 98.148%
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar fontc only
name 91.089%
total 82.317%
view source repository copy reproduction command
aoifemooney/makingbiorhyme/sources/BioRhyme.glyphs (gftools)81.336% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 63.137%
GDEF 26.296%
GPOS 92.040%
GSUB 82.836%
GlyphOrder 99.192%
HVAR 54.477%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.095%
fvar 90.411%
glyf 98.716%
gvar 98.726%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.190%
maxp 95.000%
name 85.484%
post 98.491%
total 81.337%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jacquarda-bastarda/sources/Jacquarda-Bastarda-9-Charted.glyphs (gftools)81.283% (cvt, glyf, maxp)
table value
cvt 96.970%
glyf 80.837%
maxp 90.000%
total 81.283%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/devanagari/sources/NotoSerifDevanagari.glyphspackage (default)81.277% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, glyf, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 87.918%
GDEF 33.048%
GPOS 97.483%
GSUB 40.205%
HVAR 40.890%
glyf 99.970%
gvar 90.120%
total 81.277%
view source repository copy reproduction command
aoifemooney/makingbiorhyme/sources/BioRhyme.glyphs (default)81.265% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 63.137%
GDEF 26.296%
GPOS 92.040%
GSUB 82.836%
GlyphOrder 99.192%
HVAR 54.477%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 98.717%
gvar 98.783%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.190%
maxp 95.000%
name 86.364%
post 98.491%
total 81.266%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Alatsi/sources/Alatsi.glyphs (default)80.253% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, hhea, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 74.421%
GPOS 91.086%
GSUB 99.948%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.910%
hhea 95.238%
name 96.842%
total 80.253%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SorkinType/Alatsi/sources/Alatsi.glyphs (gftools)80.015% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, hhea, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 74.421%
GPOS 91.086%
GSUB 99.948%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 90.378%
hhea 95.238%
maxp 95.000%
name 96.842%
total 80.015%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/MontserratUnderline.glyphs (gftools)79.570% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 75.340%
GDEF 88.748%
GPOS 79.137%
GSUB 93.376%
GlyphOrder 99.010%
HVAR 87.216%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 88.235%
avar 97.143%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 98.262%
gvar 98.126%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.865%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.525%
post 98.920%
total 79.570%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/MontserratUnderline.glyphs (default)79.487% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, avar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 75.340%
GDEF 88.748%
GPOS 79.137%
GSUB 93.376%
GlyphOrder 99.010%
HVAR 87.216%
OS_2 98.148%
avar 97.143%
glyf 98.199%
gvar 98.081%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 98.865%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.137%
post 98.920%
total 79.488%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/kaithi/sources/NotoSansKaithi.glyphs (default)79.001% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.757%
GDEF 100.000%
GPOS 80.000%
GSUB 39.097%
name 91.589%
total 79.002%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/grantha/sources/NotoSerifGrantha.glyphs (default)78.197% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 92.832%
GDEF 98.493%
GPOS 64.032%
GSUB 90.307%
OS_2 79.630%
glyf 99.936%
hmtx 95.859%
name 76.562%
total 78.198%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/lumanosimo-fonts/sources/Lumanosimo-Regular.designspace (gftools)78.163% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gasp, glyf, gvar, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 79.630%
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp 88.889%
glyf 86.618%
gvar fontc only
maxp 85.000%
name 59.355%
total 78.163%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/Montserrat.glyphs (gftools)78.114% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, STAT, avar, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 74.536%
GDEF 99.721%
GPOS 79.429%
GSUB 95.477%
GlyphOrder 99.562%
HVAR 91.672%
STAT 88.235%
avar 97.143%
fvar 86.765%
glyf 98.595%
gvar 97.579%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.416%
maxp 95.000%
name 91.525%
post 99.522%
total 78.114%
view source repository copy reproduction command
JulietaUla/Montserrat/sources/Montserrat.glyphs (default)78.094% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, avar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
(mark/kern) 74.536%
GDEF 99.721%
GPOS 79.429%
GSUB 95.477%
GlyphOrder 99.562%
HVAR 91.672%
avar 97.143%
glyf 98.569%
gvar 97.665%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 99.416%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.137%
post 99.522%
total 78.095%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-micro/sources/Micro5Charted.glyphs (gftools)77.461% (cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 59.375%
glyf 74.873%
maxp 65.000%
prep 94.828%
total 77.461%
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey15Charted.glyphs (gftools)76.141% (cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 69.841%
glyf 75.544%
maxp 65.000%
prep 95.690%
total 76.141%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/canadian-aboriginal/sources/NotoSansCanadianAboriginal.glyphspackage (default)75.856% (GPOS, VVAR, glyf, gvar, name, vhea, vmtx)
table value
GPOS 94.444%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.976%
gvar 62.564%
name 96.341%
total 75.856%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/devanagari/sources/NotoSansDevanagari.glyphspackage (default)75.417% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 75.958%
GDEF 35.043%
GPOS 93.678%
GSUB 38.274%
HVAR 49.048%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 99.978%
gvar 88.327%
hmtx 99.293%
total 75.417%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/ethiopic/sources/NotoSansEthiopic.glyphs (default)75.218% ((mark/kern), GDEF, OS_2, VVAR, glyf, gvar, vhea, vmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 84.735%
GDEF 24.645%
OS_2 98.148%
VVAR fontmake only
glyf 99.971%
gvar 69.120%
total 75.219%
vhea fontmake only
vmtx fontmake only
view source repository copy reproduction command
scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey10Charted.glyphs (gftools)73.721% (cvt, glyf, maxp, prep)
table value
cvt 61.290%
glyf 72.388%
maxp 60.000%
prep 95.690%
total 73.721%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/bacasime-antique-fonts/sources/Bacasime-Antique-Regular.designspace (gftools)72.905% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, gasp, glyf, gvar, head, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
OS_2 81.481%
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp 88.889%
glyf 89.405%
gvar fontc only
head 95.455%
maxp 75.000%
name 88.462%
total 72.906%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/tirhuta/sources/NotoSansTirhuta.glyphs (default)71.435% ((mark/kern), GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.936%
GPOS 97.287%
GSUB 18.824%
OS_2 98.148%
name 91.589%
total 71.436%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/bacasime-antique-fonts/sources/Bacasime-Antique-Regular.designspace (default)71.093% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, STAT, fvar, gasp, gvar, head, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
HVAR fontc only
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar fontc only
head 95.455%
name 93.878%
total 71.093%
view source repository copy reproduction command
Afrotype/danfo/sources/Danfo.glyphs (default)67.816% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, maxp, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 99.937%
GDEF 97.672%
GSUB 99.587%
HVAR fontc only
STAT fontc only
fvar fontc only
glyf 98.153%
gvar fontc only
maxp 95.000%
name 90.526%
total 67.816%
view source repository copy reproduction command
fridamedrano/Kalnia-Glaze/sources/KalniaGlaze.glyphs (default)64.106% (COLR, CPAL, GDEF, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, meta, post)
table value
COLR fontmake only
CPAL fontmake only
GDEF 60.571%
GlyphOrder 51.751%
HVAR 49.677%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 64.461%
gvar 62.844%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 51.688%
maxp 95.000%
meta fontmake only
post 32.364%
total 64.107%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/arabic/sources/NotoSansArabic.glyphspackage (default)59.418% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 28.940%
GDEF 28.683%
GPOS 87.629%
HVAR 31.213%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 97.430%
gvar 96.082%
hmtx 99.501%
maxp 75.000%
total 59.419%
view source repository copy reproduction command
niteeshy/ar-one-sans/sources/AROneSans.glyphs (gftools)58.233% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hmtx, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 37.753%
GDEF 19.361%
GSUB 98.485%
HVAR 7.803%
STAT 90.000%
fvar 92.308%
glyf 97.970%
gvar 85.644%
hmtx 99.661%
meta fontmake only
name 90.909%
total 58.233%
view source repository copy reproduction command
niteeshy/ar-one-sans/sources/AROneSans.glyphs (default)57.785% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GSUB, HVAR, fvar, glyf, gvar, hmtx, meta, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 37.753%
GDEF 19.361%
GSUB 98.485%
HVAR 7.803%
fvar 95.890%
glyf 99.366%
gvar 85.817%
hmtx 99.661%
meta fontmake only
name 91.045%
total 57.786%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/arabic/sources/NotoKufiArabic.glyphspackage (default)57.189% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, fvar, glyf, gvar, hmtx, maxp)
table value
(mark/kern) 29.971%
GDEF 32.407%
GPOS 90.132%
HVAR 71.944%
OS_2 98.148%
fvar 98.305%
glyf 98.460%
gvar 98.740%
hmtx 99.497%
maxp 80.000%
total 57.190%
view source repository copy reproduction command
EkType/Honk/sources/HonkExportFile.glyphs (default)56.578% (COLR, CPAL, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
COLR fontmake only
CPAL fontmake only
GSUB 99.867%
GlyphOrder 48.173%
HVAR 55.959%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 73.019%
gvar 54.666%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 48.102%
maxp 95.000%
name 98.137%
post 42.086%
total 56.578%
view source repository copy reproduction command
EkType/Honk/sources/HonkExportFile.glyphs (gftools)56.464% (COLR, CPAL, GSUB, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, STAT, fvar, glyf, gvar, hhea, hmtx, maxp, name, post)
table value
COLR fontmake only
CPAL fontmake only
GSUB 99.867%
GlyphOrder 48.173%
HVAR 55.959%
OS_2 98.148%
STAT 87.640%
fvar 96.774%
glyf 72.797%
gvar 54.560%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 48.102%
maxp 95.000%
name 88.298%
post 42.086%
total 56.464%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/arabic/sources/NotoNaskhArabic.glyphspackage (default)48.407% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, hmtx)
table value
(mark/kern) 23.853%
GDEF 48.822%
GPOS 87.624%
HVAR 99.614%
OS_2 92.593%
glyf 99.959%
gvar 99.976%
hmtx 99.435%
total 48.407%
view source repository copy reproduction command
notofonts/grantha/sources/NotoSansGrantha.glyphs (default)44.798% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, GSUB, OS_2, glyf, hmtx, name)
table value
(mark/kern) 98.079%
GDEF 98.209%
GPOS 68.653%
GSUB 17.474%
OS_2 79.630%
glyf 99.883%
hmtx 95.859%
name 76.562%
total 44.799%
view source repository copy reproduction command
docrepair-fonts/lunasima-fonts/sources/Lunasima-Regular.designspace (default)41.142% ((mark/kern), GDEF, GPOS, gasp, gvar)
table value
(mark/kern) 0.000%
GDEF fontc only
GPOS fontc only
gasp fontmake only
gvar 99.966%
total 41.143%
view source repository copy reproduction command
SophiaDesign/Foldit/sources/glyphs-decomposed/Foldit.glyphs (default)37.075% (COLR, CPAL, GlyphOrder, HVAR, OS_2, glyf, gvar, head, hhea, hmtx, maxp, post)
table value
COLR fontmake only
CPAL fontmake only
GlyphOrder 29.248%
HVAR 35.256%
OS_2 98.148%
glyf 59.211%
gvar 49.860%
head 95.455%
hhea 95.238%
hmtx 29.215%
maxp 95.000%
post 21.072%
total 37.076%
view source repository copy reproduction command

fontc failures

Instrument/instrument-sans/sources/InstrumentSans-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
16:12:13.280293Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1215/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280294Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1216/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(germandbls)) [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280295Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1217/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(y.ss03)) [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280296Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1218/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ordfeminine)) [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280298Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1219/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(k.ss04)) [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280299Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1220/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:13.280300Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1221/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:13.285084Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] IUP error for trademark: AchievedInvalidState("No best solution identified")
Instrument/instrument-sans/sources/InstrumentSans-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
tc::workload DEBUG] 1197/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:20.820993Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1198/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(dieresiscomb.ss01)) [2024-11-01T16:12:20.820996Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1199/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:20.820999Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1200/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(percent)) [2024-11-01T16:12:20.821002Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1201/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(W)) [2024-11-01T16:12:20.821004Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1202/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(f_l)) [2024-11-01T16:12:20.821007Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1203/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:12:20.826007Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] IUP error for trademark: AchievedInvalidState("No best solution identified") ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Instrument/instrument-sans/sources/InstrumentSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
orkload DEBUG] 1198/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(two)) [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612672Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1199/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(seven)) [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612673Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1200/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(plus)) [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612674Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(trademark))' failed: 'IUP error for trademark: AchievedInvalidState("No best solution identified")' [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612683Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1201/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(trademark)) [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612684Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1202/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(perthousand)) [2024-11-01T16:11:54.612686Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1203/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:11:54.615629Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] IUP error for M: AchievedInvalidState("No best solution identified")
Instrument/instrument-sans/sources/InstrumentSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
962Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1197/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(perthousand)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059965Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1198/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(a)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059968Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1199/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(dollar.ss12)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059971Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1200/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ae)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059974Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1201/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(eng)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059976Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1202/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(section)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.059979Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1203/2040 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(eight)) [2024-11-01T16:12:02.064601Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] IUP error for M: AchievedInvalidState("No best solution identified") ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Kief-Type-Foundry/Fustat/sources/Fustat.glyphspackage (config.yaml) (default)
16:09:32.432093Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4097/4108 complete, most recently Be(KernFragment(0)) [2024-11-01T16:09:32.432101Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(Head) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:32.432104Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(Gvar) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:32.432107Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(KernFragment(0)) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:32.432164Z ThreadId(6) fontbe::features::kern DEBUG] Gather be kerning [2024-11-01T16:09:32.434009Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4098/4108 complete, most recently Be(GatherBeKerning) [2024-11-01T16:09:32.434044Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4099/4108 complete, most recently Be(Hmtx) [2024-11-01T16:09:32.448719Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] FEA compilation failed with 1 errors [2024-11-01T16:09:32.448734Z ThreadId(1) fontc WARN] error: glyphsapp number value only valid when compiling variable font in at 120:16 | 120 | valueRecordDef <$dotshift 0 0 0> DOTSHIFT; | ^^^^^^^^^
Kief-Type-Foundry/Fustat/sources/Fustat.glyphspackage (config.yaml) (gftools)
tc::workload DEBUG] Be(KernFragment(0)) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:42.038811Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(Gvar) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:42.038856Z ThreadId(2) fontbe::features::kern DEBUG] Gather be kerning [2024-11-01T16:09:42.039596Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4098/4108 complete, most recently Be(Hmtx) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.039611Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(Hmtx) successful [2024-11-01T16:09:42.043393Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4101/4108 complete, most recently Be(GatherBeKerning) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.043418Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4102/4108 complete, most recently Be(Marks) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.049136Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] FEA compilation failed with 1 errors [2024-11-01T16:09:42.049150Z ThreadId(1) fontc WARN] error: glyphsapp number value only valid when compiling variable font in at 120:16 | 120 | valueRecordDef <$dotshift 0 0 0> DOTSHIFT; | ^^^^^^^^^ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
TaVaTake/madimi/sources/madimi.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:20:50.012740Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:20:50.012790Z ThreadId(1) glyphs_reader::font DEBUG] Read glyphs "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/TaVaTake/madimi/sources/madimi.glyphs" [2024-11-01T16:20:50.040789Z ThreadId(2) glyphs2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for Madimi One [2024-11-01T16:20:50.040977Z ThreadId(2) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Unknown 'name' entry vendorID [2024-11-01T16:20:50.041131Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/1436 complete, most recently Fe(KerningGroups) [2024-11-01T16:20:50.041138Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/1436 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:20:50.041140Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3/1436 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:20:50.042953Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid tag
TaVaTake/madimi/sources/madimi.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:20:53.891984Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:20:53.892041Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:20:53.892058Z ThreadId(1) glyphs_reader::font DEBUG] Read glyphs "madimi.glyphs" [2024-11-01T16:20:53.921921Z ThreadId(2) glyphs2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for Madimi One [2024-11-01T16:20:53.922126Z ThreadId(2) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Unknown 'name' entry vendorID [2024-11-01T16:20:53.922245Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/1436 complete, most recently Fe(KerningGroups) [2024-11-01T16:20:53.922251Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/1436 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:20:53.922254Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3/1436 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:20:53.924221Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid tag ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:23:51.272745Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:23:51.278737Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 216 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:23:51.286559Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:23:51.286581Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:23:51.286769Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/896 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:23:51.286784Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Features) successful [2024-11-01T16:23:51.288156Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/896 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:23:51.288593Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid tag
TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
s/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--keep-overlaps'
TypeNetwork/Josefinslab/sources/JosefinSlab.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
s/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--keep-overlaps'
dy/linefont/sources/Linefont.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
24-11-01T16:18:49.294954Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:18:49.391867Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 388 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:18:49.421746Z ThreadId(8) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/dy/linefont/sources/Linefont.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:49.421791Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/dy/linefont/sources/Linefont.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:49.421806Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:18:49.421887Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/1584 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:18:49.427759Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/dy/linefont/sources/Linefont[min,min].ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/dy/linefont/sources/Linefont[min,max].ufo/features.fea
dy/linefont/sources/Linefont.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:18:56.040157Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:18:56.073560Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 388 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:18:56.078387Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "Linefont.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:56.078408Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:18:56.078420Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "Linefont.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:56.079750Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/1584 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:18:56.079761Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/1584 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:18:56.081476Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: Linefont[min,min].ufo/features.fea, Linefont[min,max].ufo/features.fea ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
dy/wavefont/sources/Wavefont.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
fontc::workload DEBUG] 581/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_46)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077088Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 582/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_84)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077091Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 583/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_20)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077094Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 584/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_75)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077097Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 585/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_74)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077100Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 586/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_56)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077104Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 587/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_55)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.077107Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 588/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_90)) [2024-11-01T16:25:30.083256Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] '_25' has interpolation-incompatible paths
dy/wavefont/sources/Wavefont.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
recently Be(GlyfFragment(_3)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987212Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 526/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_117)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987214Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 527/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_25)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987217Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 528/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_10)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987220Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 529/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_90)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987223Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 530/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_116)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987226Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 531/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_101)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.987229Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 532/680 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(_126)) [2024-11-01T16:25:33.991802Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] '_25' has interpolation-incompatible paths ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/RobotoFlex.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
le/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--no-check-compatibility'
googlefonts/dynapuff/sources/DynaPuff.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ntly Be(GlyfFragment(Idieresis.ss01)) [2024-11-01T16:07:02.464261Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] FEA parsing failed with 6 errors [2024-11-01T16:07:02.464275Z ThreadId(1) fontc WARN] error: Unexpected token, expected glyph or glyph class in at 440:10 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: Expected ';' in at 440:33 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: ']' Not valid in a feature block in at 440:34 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: Unexpected token, expected glyph or glyph class in at 441:10 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^ error: Expected ';' in at 441:33 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^ error: ']' Not valid in a feature block in at 441:34 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^
googlefonts/dynapuff/sources/DynaPuff.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
4-11-01T16:07:10.299451Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] FEA parsing failed with 6 errors [2024-11-01T16:07:10.299461Z ThreadId(1) fontc WARN] error: Unexpected token, expected glyph or glyph class in at 440:10 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: Expected ';' in at 440:33 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: ']' Not valid in a feature block in at 440:34 | 440 | @ss01 = [ $[name endswith 'ss01'] ]; | ^ error: Unexpected token, expected glyph or glyph class in at 441:10 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^ error: Expected ';' in at 441:33 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^ error: ']' Not valid in a feature block in at 441:34 | 441 | @ss02 = [ $[name endswith 'ss02'] ]; | ^ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/geologica/sources/master_ufo/Geologica.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
le/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--no-check-compatibility'
hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/Tektur.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
d(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:18:53.658744Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1129 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:18:53.692690Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/Tektur.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:53.692694Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/Tektur.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:53.692773Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:18:53.692798Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/4548 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:18:53.697580Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/masters/Tektur-Black.ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/masters/Tektur-CondRegular.ufo/features.fea
mooniak/maname-font/sources/Maname.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
most recently Fe(Glyph(sinYa)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764048Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1177/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Eth)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764051Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1178/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinGhRa)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764054Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1179/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinJhRa)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764057Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1180/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ibreve)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764060Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1181/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinVa.reph)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764062Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1182/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinNVIi)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.764065Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1183/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinSUu)) [2024-11-01T16:22:10.766992Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'cedi': 'invalid path: 'has 1 consecutive offcurve points [(336.0, 557.0)]''
mooniak/maname-font/sources/Maname.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
24-11-01T16:22:15.979144Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 757/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ohungarumlaut)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979146Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 758/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinMbI)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979149Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 759/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(f)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979151Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 760/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinAa)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979154Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 761/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Uring)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979156Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 762/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ohornacute)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.979159Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 763/4729 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sinNDU)) [2024-11-01T16:22:15.991949Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'cedi': 'invalid path: 'has 1 consecutive offcurve points [(336.0, 557.0)]'' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
nguyentype/vinasans/sources/Vina Sans.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
lic.kern2.t found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.paren found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.t found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.t found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.x found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.v found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.B found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.t found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.n found in kerning rules.
notofonts/arabic/sources/NotoNaskhArabicUI.glyphspackage (config-naskh-arabic-ui.yaml) (default)
4-11-01T16:09:24.851091Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 118/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(uni06DB)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851094Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 119/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(threedotsdowncenter-ar)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851097Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 120/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(uni0775.init)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851100Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 121/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(uni06B6_uni0675)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851103Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 122/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(uniFBD6)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851106Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 123/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(_875)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.851109Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 124/6488 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(uniFD3D)) [2024-11-01T16:09:24.873584Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'uni0666.ccmp': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor '_b._958': 'mark anchors cannot be numbered'''
notofonts/hanifi-rohingya/sources/NotoSansHanifiRohingya.designspace (config-sans-hanifi-rohingya.yaml) (default)
6:11:44.491097Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 179 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:11:44.509730Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/notofonts/hanifi-rohingya/sources/NotoSansHanifiRohingya.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:11:44.509757Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:11:44.509767Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/notofonts/hanifi-rohingya/sources/NotoSansHanifiRohingya.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:11:44.510081Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/748 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:11:44.513053Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/notofonts/hanifi-rohingya/sources/NotoSansHanifiRohingya-Regular.ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/notofonts/hanifi-rohingya/sources/NotoSansHanifiRohingya-Medium.ufo/features.fea
notofonts/latin-greek-cyrillic/sources/NotoSansMono.glyphspackage (config-sans-mono.yaml) (default)
:27.124994Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4364/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(triangularbullet)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.124995Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4365/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(fraction.circled)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.124996Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4366/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(reversedtildeequals)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.124998Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4367/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(tonos)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.124999Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4368/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Tcommaaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.125000Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4369/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(secondtonechinese)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.125001Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 4370/15776 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Rrotunda)) [2024-11-01T16:21:27.183668Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'zero.noslash': 'missing master 'A3018D0F-8B4B-4295-AE04-84912D9BB11D''
notofonts/latin-greek-cyrillic/sources/NotoSans-Italic.glyphspackage (config-sans.yaml) (default)
recently Be(GlyfFragment(Iishorttail-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184320Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8609/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Tonefive)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184323Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8610/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(tonebarmidmod_tonebarextrahighmod_tonebarlowmod)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184326Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8611/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(suspensiondbl)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184329Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8612/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Yhook)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184332Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8613/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Gedescender-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.184335Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8614/15746 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(iotastroke)) [2024-11-01T16:20:44.298476Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'El-cy': 'undefined at required location Normalized {wdth: 0.00, wght: 0.61}'
notofonts/latin-greek-cyrillic/sources/NotoSans.glyphspackage (config-sans.yaml) (default)
EBUG] 9607/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(infinitycomb)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558790Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9608/15718 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558792Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9609/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(zero.osf)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558794Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9610/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Dzeabkhasian-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558795Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9611/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(extraHighDottedToneBarmod)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558797Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9612/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(editorialcoronis)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.558798Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 9613/15718 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(bracketleft)) [2024-11-01T16:20:03.651555Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'e': 'undefined at required location Normalized {wdth: 0.00, wght: 0.61}'
notofonts/latin-greek-cyrillic/sources/NotoSerif-Italic.glyphspackage (config-serif.yaml) (default)
8977/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(yangdepartingtone)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971602Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8978/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(xpalatalhook)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971606Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8979/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(guarani)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971612Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8980/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Dze-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971616Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8981/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lretroflexhookandbelt)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971622Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8982/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(macronmod)) [2024-11-01T16:19:23.971625Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8983/15490 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(omegaround-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:19:24.067238Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'ii-cy': 'undefined at required location Normalized {wdth: 0.00, wght: 0.58}'
notofonts/latin-greek-cyrillic/sources/NotoSerif.glyphspackage (config-serif.yaml) (default)
Be(GlyfFragment(nine)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642243Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8047/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(tonebarextrahighmod_tonebarextralowmod_tonebarextralowmod)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642249Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8048/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Chedescender-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642253Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8049/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(xlowrightring)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642259Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8050/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(enhook-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642263Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8051/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(emquad)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.642269Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 8052/15478 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(tetall-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:18:46.746555Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'softsign-cy': 'undefined at required location Normalized {wdth: -1.00, wght: 0.58}'
notofonts/nastaliq/sources/NotoNastaliqUrdu.glyphspackage (config-nastaliq-urdu.yaml) (default)
^ error: Expected ';' in at 1409:39 | 1409 | @Sarkash = [ $[name contains "sarkash"] | ^ error: Unexpected token ']', expected global keyword. in at 1411:0 | 1411 | ]; | ^ warning: when used as glyph name 'NULL' should be escaped ('\NULL') in at 1414:9944 | 1414 | ...ni200D CR NULL uni200E uni200F ThreeDotPunct uniFBBC k_RubElHizb PeriodUrdu comma-ar semicolon-ar qu | ^^^^ warning: ';' should only follow a statement in at 2478:4 | 2478 | ; | ^ error: Expected ';' in at 2931:26 | 2931 | sub @AllInitials by nobari @AllInitials; | ^ error: Expected = found ; in at 2931:39 | 2931 | sub @AllInitials by nobari @AllInitials; | ^ error: Expected named glyph class or '['. in at 2931:39 | 2931 | sub @AllInitials by nobari @AllInitials; | ^
notofonts/oriya/sources/NotoSansOriya.glyphs (config-sans-oriya.yaml) (default)
) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1455/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lara-oriya)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282785Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1456/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(jha-oriya.below)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282788Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1457/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(e-oriya)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282791Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1458/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(plus)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282794Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1459/2324 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282797Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1460/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(exclam)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.282799Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1461/2324 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(uMatra-oriya.008)) [2024-11-01T16:13:10.291071Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] A task panicked: ''ra-oriya.below' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [_part.ra.below]}'
notofonts/sign-writing/sources/NotoSansSignWriting.glyphspackage (config-sans-sign-writing.yaml) (default)
1-01T16:13:41.610270Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148013/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D873_F6_R9)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.610273Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148014/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D8F9_F2_R10)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.610276Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148015/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D8B9_F5_R12)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.610279Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148016/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D88B_F4)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.610283Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148017/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D853_F3_R6)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.610286Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 148018/151576 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(u1D9BA_R4)) [2024-11-01T16:13:41.828916Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] A task panicked: 'if this doesn't compile we will already panic when we try to add it to the context: PackingFailed(Table packing failed with 3730 overflows)'
octaviopardo/Protest/sources/ProtestRevolution.glyphs (config-Revolution.yaml) (gftools)
s/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--keep-overlaps'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Medium.ufo (config_display.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-SemiBold.ufo (config_display.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-SemiBold.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-SemiBoldItalic.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'

fontmake failures

Etcetera-Type-Co/Tourney/Sources/Tourney-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
rnersFilter on Tourney-CondensedBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-CondensedBlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ThinItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-BlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedThinItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedBlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 't.ss01' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Etcetera-Type-Co/Tourney/Sources/Tourney-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Tourney-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 't.ss01'
Etcetera-Type-Co/Tourney/Sources/Tourney-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-CondensedBlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ThinItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-BlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedThinItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Tourney-ExpandedBlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 't.ss01' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In 'Tourney-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Tourney-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 't.ss01' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
NDISCOVER/Exo-1.0/sources/Exo.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
oint type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 9: * Exo Thin had: curve * Exo Black had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 10: * Exo Thin had: line * Exo Black had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 11: * Exo Thin had: None * Exo Black had: line ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 13: * Exo Thin had: curve * Exo Black had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 14: * Exo Thin had: line * Exo Black had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 15: * Exo Thin had: None * Exo Black had: line fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/NDISCOVER/Exo-1.0/sources/Exo.designspace': Compatibility check failed
NDISCOVER/Exo-1.0/sources/Exo.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
mpatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 9: * Exo Thin had: curve * Exo Black had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 10: * Exo Thin had: line * Exo Black had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 11: * Exo Thin had: None * Exo Black had: line ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 13: * Exo Thin had: curve * Exo Black had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 14: * Exo Thin had: line * Exo Black had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph zerosuperior, contour 0, point 15: * Exo Thin had: None * Exo Black had: line fontmake: Error: In 'Exo.designspace': Compatibility check failed ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Omnibus-Type/Jaldi/sources/Jaldi.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
.varLib:Internal axis supports: {'Weight': [77, 77, 129]} INFO:fontTools.varLib:Normalized master locations: [{'Weight': 0.0}, {'Weight': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 250 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for Jaldi-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Omnibus-Type/Jaldi/sources/Jaldi.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Jaldi.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:183:1: "languagesystem deva dflt" has already been specified
Omnibus-Type/Jaldi/sources/Jaldi.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
7}, {'Weight': 129}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal axis supports: {'Weight': [77, 77, 129]} INFO:fontTools.varLib:Normalized master locations: [{'Weight': 0.0}, {'Weight': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 288 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for Jaldi-VF fontmake: Error: In 'Jaldi.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Jaldi.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:183:1: "languagesystem deva dflt" has already been specified ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Omnibus-Type/MuseoModerno/sources/MuseoModerno.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 1092, in to_ufo_custom_params handler.to_ufo(self, glyphs_proxy, ufo_proxy) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 246, in to_ufo glyphs_value = self._read_from_glyphs(glyphs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 264, in _read_from_glyphs value = getter(self.glyphs_name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 115, in get_custom_value raise RuntimeError(f"More than one value for this customParameter: {key}") RuntimeError: More than one value for this customParameter: fsType
Omnibus-Type/MuseoModerno/sources/MuseoModerno.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
lle/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 1092, in to_ufo_custom_params handler.to_ufo(self, glyphs_proxy, ufo_proxy) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 246, in to_ufo glyphs_value = self._read_from_glyphs(glyphs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 264, in _read_from_glyphs value = getter(self.glyphs_name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/glyphsLib/builder/", line 115, in get_custom_value raise RuntimeError(f"More than one value for this customParameter: {key}") RuntimeError: More than one value for this customParameter: fsType ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
SophiaDesign/Foldit/sources/glyphs-decomposed/Foldit.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 912, in fix_font result = fixer(fixed_font) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 808, in fix_colr_font return fix_colr_v1_add_svg(ttfont) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 773, in fix_colr_v1_add_svg File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 571, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['maximum_color', '/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpgvg_tg_i', '--build_dir', '/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpqhswrvgx', '--output_file', 'tmpgvg_tg_i']' returned non-zero exit status 1. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Vectro-Type-Foundry/kablammo/sources/Kablammo.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
, {'Morph': 0.8666666666666667}, {'Morph': 0.8833333333333333}, {'Morph': 0.9}, {'Morph': 0.9166666666666666}, {'Morph': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 72 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for Kablammo-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Vectro-Type-Foundry/kablammo/sources/Kablammo.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Kablammo.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:1147:3: 'OTTableWriter' object has no attribute 'name'
Vectro-Type-Foundry/kablammo/sources/Kablammo.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Morph': 0.8333333333333334}, {'Morph': 0.85}, {'Morph': 0.8666666666666667}, {'Morph': 0.8833333333333333}, {'Morph': 0.9}, {'Morph': 0.9166666666666666}, {'Morph': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 72 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for Kablammo-VF fontmake: Error: In 'Kablammo.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Kablammo.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:1147:3: 'OTTableWriter' object has no attribute 'name' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 18 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: '{5, 95, 600, 1}'
clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Roman.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
rs will not be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. _f_h.ligature in master Agate Black SemiExpanded Upright has different alternate layers to components that it uses. We don't currently support this case, so some alternate layers will not be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. _f_ydieresis.ligature in master Agate Black SemiExpanded Upright has different alternate layers to components that it uses. We don't currently support this case, so some alternate layers will not be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 28 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Roman.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Upright.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: '{5, 95, 500}'
evilmartians/mono/sources/MartianMono.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
r:The base glyph i-cy and mark glyph gravecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topgrave. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph i-cy and mark glyph acutecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topacute. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph yi-cy and mark glyph gravecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topgrave. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph yi-cy and mark glyph acutecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topacute. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/evilmartians/mono/sources/MartianMono.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/MartianMono.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found.
evilmartians/mono/sources/MartianMono.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph i-cy and mark glyph gravecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topgrave. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph i-cy and mark glyph acutecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topacute. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph yi-cy and mark glyph gravecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topgrave. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph yi-cy and mark glyph acutecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_top, MC_topacute. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In 'MartianMono.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/MartianMono.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/Inconsolata/sources/Inconsolata.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 9 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running CornerComponentsFilter on Inconsolata-UltraCondensedExtraLight fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Inconsolata/sources/Inconsolata.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Inconsolata.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Could not find shape number 0 in dcaron
googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
se are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph f_f_odieresis.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph f_odieresis.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph s_t and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found.
googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
lyph c_t and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph f_f_odieresis.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph f_odieresis.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph s_t and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_center, MC_top. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In 'Playfair-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair.glyphs (config.yaml) (default) are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph hookabovecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found.
googlefonts/Playfair/sources/Playfair.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
The base glyph s_t and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph hookabovecomb are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. INFO:ufo2ft.featureWriters.markFeatureWriter.MarkFeatureWriter:The base glyph longs_t.liga and mark glyph are ambiguously connected by several anchor classes: MC_right, MC_top. The last one will prevail. fontmake: Error: In 'Playfair.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Base master not found. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/alumni-sans-inline/sources/AlumniSansInline-Italic.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
xistent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/alumni-sans-inline/sources/AlumniSansInline.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
xistent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/alumni-sans-pinstripe/sources/AlumniSansPinstripe.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.uni0431 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.uni0431 found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/arizonia/sources/Arizonia.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
re {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Arizonia-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/babylonica/sources/Babylonica.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Babylonica-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/beau-rivage/sources/BeauRivage-Pro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/BeauRivage-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/fuggles/sources/Fuggles.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ure {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Fuggles-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/grapenuts/sources/GrapeNuts.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
e {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/GrapeNuts-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/imperial-script/sources/ImperialScript.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ckage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/ImperialScript-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/ingrid-darling/sources/IngridDarling.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ackage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/IngridDarling-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/island-moments/sources/IslandMomentsPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ackage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/IslandMoments-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/kolker-brush/sources/KolkerBrush.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/KolkerBrush-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/lavishly-yours/sources/LavishlyYours.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ackage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/LavishlyYours-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/licorice/sources/Licorice.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
re {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Licorice-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/love-light/sources/LoveLight.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
e {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/LoveLight-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/luxurious/sources/Luxurious-Script.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
kage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/LuxuriousScript-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/mea-culpa/sources/MeaCulpaPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
re {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/MeaCulpa-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/moolahlah/sources/MooLahLah.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
e {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/MooLahLah-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/moondance/sources/MoonDancePro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.E found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.E found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/ms-madi/sources/MsMadi.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/MsMadi-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/my-soul/sources/MySoul.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/MySoul-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/neonderthaw/sources/NeonDerThaw.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Neonderthaw-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/ole/sources/Ole.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ructure {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Ole-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/oooh-baby/sources/OoohBaby.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.P found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.P found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.x found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.P found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.P found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.x found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/ruthie/sources/Ruthie.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Ruthie-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/send-flowers/sources/SendFlowers.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/SendFlowers-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/smooch/sources/SmoochPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Smooch-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/splash/sources/Splash.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Splash-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/tapestry/sources/Tapestry.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
re {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Tapestry-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/twinkle-star/sources/TwinkleStar-Pro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
{package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/TwinkleStar-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/updock/sources/Updock-Pro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ture {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Updock-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/vujahday/sources/VujahDayPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ckage,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/VujahdayScript-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/water-brush/sources/WaterBrush.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.on found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/whisper/sources/Whisper.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ure {package,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Whisper-Regular.ufo.json not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
hyper-type/hahmlet/sources/Hahmlet.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
lding later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddyil-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddwal-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddwah-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddyib-ko' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/hyper-type/hahmlet/sources/Hahmlet.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Hahmlet.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'ddwah-ko', 'ddwal-ko', 'ddyib-ko', 'ddyil-ko'
hyper-type/hahmlet/sources/Hahmlet.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Hahmlet-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddyil-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddwal-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddyib-ko' have different number of segments ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'ddwah-ko' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In 'Hahmlet.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Hahmlet.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'ddwah-ko', 'ddwal-ko', 'ddyib-ko', 'ddyil-ko' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
kosmynkab/Brygada-1918/sources/Brygada1918-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Brygada1918-Italic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Brygada1918-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'f.sups' have incompatible segment types: 15: ('close', 'line') 16: ('move', 'close') 17: ('line', 'move') 21: ('close', 'line') 22: ('move', 'close') 23: ('line', 'move') fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/kosmynkab/Brygada-1918/sources/Brygada1918-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Brygada1918-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'f.sups'
kosmynkab/Brygada-1918/sources/Brygada1918-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ilding variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp4gv_xo1k INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Brygada1918-Italic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Brygada1918-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'f.sups' have incompatible segment types: 15: ('close', 'line') 16: ('move', 'close') 17: ('line', 'move') 21: ('close', 'line') 22: ('move', 'close') 23: ('line', 'move') fontmake: Error: In 'Brygada1918-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Brygada1918-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'f.sups' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ossobuffo/jura/sources/Jura.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
OBuilder:Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.sterling found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern1.y found in kerning rules. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Jura-Light INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Jura-Bold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'sa-kayahli' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/ossobuffo/jura/sources/Jura.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Jura.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'sa-kayahli'
ossobuffo/jura/sources/Jura.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools) glyph class public.kern1.y found in kerning rules. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp9rbfa_oh INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Jura-Light INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Jura-Bold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter ERROR:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:Glyphs named 'sa-kayahli' have different number of segments fontmake: Error: In 'Jura.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Jura.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'sa-kayahli' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
sovichet/kdam-thmor-pro/sources/KdamThmorPro.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
orPro-Regular INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running SkipExportGlyphsFilter on KdamThmorTwo-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on KdamThmorTwo-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running DecomposeComponentsFilter on KdamThmorTwo-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running CubicToQuadraticFilter on KdamThmorTwo-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters.cubicToQuadratic:New spline lengths: 1: 1096, 2: 1226, 3: 50, 4: 16, 5: 5 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables ERROR:ufo2ft.featureCompiler:Compilation failed! Inspect temporary file: '/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphkr2vcyv' fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/sovichet/kdam-thmor-pro/sources/KdamThmorPro.designspace' -> '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/sovichet/kdam-thmor-pro/sources/KdamThmorPro-Regular.ufo': Compiling UFO failed: <features>:455:3033: "ka-khmer.half" is not a glyph in the font, and it can not be split into a range of known glyphs
suman51284/Alkatra/Sources/Alkatra.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
onents on axis (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:Can't deal with offset instrokes yet; start corner components on axis (corner _corner.serif in d) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in d) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in d) fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/suman51284/Alkatra/Sources/Alkatra.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Alkatra.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
suman51284/Alkatra/Sources/Alkatra.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
et instrokes yet; start corner components on axis (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in b) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:Can't deal with offset instrokes yet; start corner components on axis (corner _corner.serif in d) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in d) ERROR:glyphsLib.filters.cornerComponents:left and right anchors to corner components are not currently supported (corner _corner.serif in d) fontmake: Error: In 'Alkatra.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Alkatra.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

both failures

Afrotype/danfo/sources/Danfo.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
tly Be(GlyfFragment(Zstroke)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105911Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2533/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lowlinecomb)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105914Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2534/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(bracketleft)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105917Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2535/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ldoublebar.ss02)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105920Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2536/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(brokenbar)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105923Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2537/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(leftRightArrow)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.105926Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2538/4677 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(upBlackSmallTriangle)) [2024-11-01T16:03:38.114707Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Iota-latin': 'undefined at required location Normalized {ELSH: 1.00}' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Danfo-Comb.ttf', 'Danfo-Regular.ttf', 'Danfo-Claw.ttf']
CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau/sources/Ysabeau.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
T16:26:10.894479Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 451/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Cheabkhasian-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894482Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 452/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ohungarumlaut)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894485Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 453/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894487Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 454/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Haabkhasian-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894490Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 455/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Agrave)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894493Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 456/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(leftRightArrow)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.894496Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 457/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(raiseddownarrowmod)) [2024-11-01T16:26:10.923262Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'lmod': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top': 'no value at default location'''
make.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph glottalstopmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: 0 * Ysabeau Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph glottalstopmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: "" * Ysabeau Bold had: "bottom, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph glottalstopreversedmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: 0 * Ysabeau Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph glottalstopreversedmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: "" * Ysabeau Bold had: "bottom, top" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau/sources/Ysabeau.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Ysabeau.designspace': Compatibility check failed
CatharsisFonts/Ysabeau/sources/Ysabeau.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
e)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794046Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2065/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(parenrightsuperior)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794048Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2066/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Bsmall)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794051Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2067/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Aogonek)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794055Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2068/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(De-cy.ss10)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794058Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2069/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:26:28.794061Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2070/9195 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(hookabovecomb)) [2024-11-01T16:26:28.808898Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'hmod': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Cleaning up temporary files... Done cleaning up temporary files
had differing number of contours in glyph glottalstopmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: 0 * Ysabeau Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph glottalstopmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: "" * Ysabeau Bold had: "bottom, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph glottalstopreversedmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: 0 * Ysabeau Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph glottalstopreversedmod: * Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Light, Ysabeau Black had: "" * Ysabeau Bold had: "bottom, top" fontmake: Error: In 'Ysabeau.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Ysabeau.designspace': Compatibility check failed ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Cleaning up temporary files... Done cleaning up temporary files
Etcetera-Type-Co/Anybody/Sources/Anybody-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
Etcetera-Type-Co/Anybody/Sources/Anybody.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
Fonthausen/CrimsonPro/sources/CrimsonPro-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
--src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpyzn70j2x -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpE84oOY/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/CrimsonPro-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpijbm2h7t.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename CrimsonPro-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
--src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpbc6cxs_c -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpE84oOY/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/CrimsonPro-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpfl8r36na.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename CrimsonPro-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Fonthausen/CrimsonPro/sources/CrimsonPro.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp36b01glo -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpBFsMur/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/CrimsonPro[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp_e6qicvp.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename CrimsonPro[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpj0dlx91q -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpBFsMur/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/CrimsonPro[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmppkqowpf8.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename CrimsonPro[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Gissio/font_tiny5/sources/tiny5-Regular.sfd (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:20:26.829074Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:20:26.829137Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Unrecognized source /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Gissio/font_tiny5/sources/tiny5-Regular.sfd
,zip,json}] [--indent-json] [--keep-overlaps] [--overlaps-backend BACKEND] [--keep-direction] [--ttf-curves {cu2qu,mixed,keep-quad,keep-cubic}] [-e ERROR] [-f] [-a [AUTOHINT]] [-A] [--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT] [--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: Unknown input file extension: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Gissio/font_tiny5/sources/tiny5-Regular.sfd'
Gissio/font_tiny5/sources/tiny5-Regular.sfd (config.yaml) (gftools)
o tiny5-Regular.ufo --cff-outlines Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpthewi34o tiny5-Regular.ufo --cff-outlines error: unexpected argument '--cff-outlines' found tip: a similar argument exists: '--no-production-names' Usage: fontc <INPUT_SOURCE|--source <SOURCE>|--incremental|--output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>|--emit-debug|--prefer-simple-glyphs <PREFER_SIMPLE_GLYPHS>|--flatten-components|--decompose-transformed-components|--emit-timing|--build-dir <BUILD_DIR>|--glyph-name-filter <GLYPH_NAME_FILTER>|--skip-features|--keep-direction|--no-production-names|--vv|--log <LOG>> For more information, try '--help'. [2/7] fontcBuildTTF /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpwlx83mkw tiny5-Regular.ufo --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced no output
Gue3bara/El-Messiri/sources/ElMessiri.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
n-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpxnz_n0p9 -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpH3pImi/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/ElMessiri[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpv5l497di.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename ElMessiri[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
n-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp5advqpgs -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpH3pImi/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/ElMessiri[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpkwt93se6.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename ElMessiri[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Gue3bara/Lemonada/sources/Lemonada.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp_k0d30e0 -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpY3EwQW/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Lemonada[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpzcv2kqb3.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Lemonada[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpchyrho3u -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpY3EwQW/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Lemonada[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpt7kuns4z.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Lemonada[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
lyfFragment(X)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599702Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1134/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(jdotless)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599704Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1135/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(x)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599715Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1136/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(r)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599720Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1137/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(dagger)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599729Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1138/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(C)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599732Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1139/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(fi)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.599734Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1140/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(t)) [2024-11-01T16:08:09.606628Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'ı' (U+0131) to two different glyph ids: GID_153 and GID_154
phs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-ThinItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-LightItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Italic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-SemiBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-ExtraBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-BlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 9, 2: 594, 3: 245, 4: 55, 5: 11 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Gantari-ThinItalic fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Gantari-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotless' to U+0131; already mapped to 'dotlessi'
Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
DEBUG] 1331/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ogonek)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495365Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1332/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Adieresis)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495368Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1333/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(aring)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495372Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1334/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Dcaron)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495391Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1335/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(scommaaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495394Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1336/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Nacute)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.495397Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1337/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(amacron)) [2024-11-01T16:08:15.503813Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'ı' (U+0131) to two different glyph ids: GID_153 and GID_154 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ornersFilter on Gantari-LightItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Italic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-SemiBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-BoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-ExtraBoldItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-BlackItalic INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 9, 2: 594, 3: 245, 4: 55, 5: 11 INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable FlattenComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Gantari-ThinItalic fontmake: Error: In 'Gantari-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Gantari-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotless' to U+0131; already mapped to 'dotlessi' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
:workload DEBUG] Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: 0.40})) successful [2024-11-01T16:07:56.314216Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: -1.00})) successful [2024-11-01T16:07:56.314219Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: -0.33})) successful [2024-11-01T16:07:56.314221Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: 0.00})) successful [2024-11-01T16:07:56.315342Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1165/1531 complete, most recently Be(FeaturesAst) [2024-11-01T16:07:56.315354Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(FeaturesAst) successful [2024-11-01T16:07:56.315793Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1166/1531 complete, most recently Be(Cmap) [2024-11-01T16:07:56.316653Z ThreadId(9) fontbe::features::kern DEBUG] 7 ir kerns became 59 classes and 262 adjustments [2024-11-01T16:07:56.332294Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'ı' (U+0131) to two different glyph ids: GID_153 and GID_154
s masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Light INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-SemiBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Bold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-ExtraBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 4, 2: 620, 3: 266, 4: 19, 5: 5 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Gantari-Thin fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Gantari.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotless' to U+0131; already mapped to 'dotlessi'
Lafontype/Gantari/sources/Gantari.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ntc::workload DEBUG] 1172/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(guillemotleft)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788253Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1173/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(H)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788256Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1174/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lozenge)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788259Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1175/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(v)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788262Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1176/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(cent)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788265Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1177/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(exclamdown)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.788268Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1178/1531 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(a)) [2024-11-01T16:08:02.797846Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'ı' (U+0131) to two different glyph ids: GID_153 and GID_154 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
antari-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Light INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-SemiBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Bold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-ExtraBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Gantari-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 4, 2: 620, 3: 266, 4: 19, 5: 5 INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable FlattenComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Gantari-Thin fontmake: Error: In 'Gantari.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Gantari.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotless' to U+0131; already mapped to 'dotlessi' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/Chivo.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
16:04:15.427746Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2968/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Scaron)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427748Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2969/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Aringacute)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427751Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2970/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(cedi)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427754Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2971/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(utilde)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427757Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2972/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ubar)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427760Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2973/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Obreve)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.427763Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2974/3543 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ismallstroke)) [2024-11-01T16:04:15.430919Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'áµ»' (U+1D7B) to two different glyph ids: GID_223 and GID_307
agate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Medium INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 5, 2: 654, 3: 630, 4: 161, 5: 6, 6: 2, 7: 8 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Chivo-Thin fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/Chivo.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Chivo.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotlessstroke' to U+1D7B; already mapped to 'Ismallstroke'
Omnibus-Type/Chivo/sources/Chivo.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
O)) successful [2024-11-01T16:04:20.661275Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(GlyfFragment(percent)) successful [2024-11-01T16:04:20.663953Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2415/3543 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:04:20.663970Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(GlyphOrder) successful [2024-11-01T16:04:20.666686Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2416/3543 complete, most recently Be(Post) [2024-11-01T16:04:20.666708Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2417/3543 complete, most recently Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: 1.00})) [2024-11-01T16:04:20.666718Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2418/3543 complete, most recently Be(Cmap) [2024-11-01T16:04:20.666721Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2419/3543 complete, most recently Fe(KernInstance(Normalized {wght: 0.00})) [2024-11-01T16:04:20.683549Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'áµ»' (U+1D7B) to two different glyph ids: GID_223 and GID_307 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Thin INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Medium INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Chivo-Black INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 5, 2: 660, 3: 641, 4: 163, 5: 9, 6: 2, 7: 8 INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable FlattenComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters.flattenComponents:Flattened composite glyphs: 261 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Chivo-Thin fontmake: Error: In 'Chivo.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Chivo.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'idotlessstroke' to U+1D7B; already mapped to 'Ismallstroke' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
st recently Fe(Glyph(two)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191184Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 808/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Dcroat)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191187Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 809/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(F)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191190Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 810/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ohornacute)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191193Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 811/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(period)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191199Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 812/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(zero)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191202Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 813/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(V)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.191205Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 814/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(dieresiscomb)) [2024-11-01T16:09:42.195060Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'two.lf': 'invalid path: 'has 2 consecutive offcurve points [(372.0, 229.0), (307.0, 396.0)]''
in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.p found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Grenze-LightItalic fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Grenze-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Illegal line segment point count: 3
Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738652Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1067/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(k)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738654Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1068/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(integral)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738658Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1069/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(zero.lf)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738661Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1070/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(P)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738664Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1071/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(J)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.738667Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1072/3271 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(f_f)) [2024-11-01T16:09:46.743337Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'two.lf': 'invalid path: 'has 2 consecutive offcurve points [(372.0, 229.0), (307.0, 396.0)]'' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
rules. glyph class public.kern2.p found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpeene8oyo INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Grenze-LightItalic fontmake: Error: In 'Grenze-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Grenze-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Illegal line segment point count: 3 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:13:40.223085Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 655/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Uogonek)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223088Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 656/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(seven.lf)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223092Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 657/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(two.dnom)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223095Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 658/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(DC2)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223097Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 659/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223100Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 660/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(apostrophemod)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.223103Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 661/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(eight)) [2024-11-01T16:13:40.233311Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'two.lf': 'invalid path: 'has 2 consecutive offcurve points [(222.0, 355.0), (174.0, 385.0)]''
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Grenze-Thin fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Grenze.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Illegal line segment point count: 3
Omnibus-Type/Grenze/Sources/Grenze.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
d DEBUG] 812/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912882Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 813/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(strokelongcomb)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912885Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 814/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(onequarter)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912887Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 815/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Uhornhookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912892Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 816/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(guillemetleft)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912897Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 817/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Zdotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.912901Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 818/3271 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Odotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:09:36.915094Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'two.lf': 'invalid path: 'has 2 consecutive offcurve points [(222.0, 355.0), (174.0, 385.0)]'' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
s Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmppmgt2a2j -o variable -g Grenze.glyphs --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmppmgt2a2j INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Grenze-Thin fontmake: Error: In 'Grenze.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Grenze.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Illegal line segment point count: 3 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/Overpass-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:25:09.131076Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:25:09.131572Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-Italic.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory'
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-ThinItalic.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-ThinItalic.ufo'
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/Overpass-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
s/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp0y9skts_ Overpass-Italic.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp0y9skts_ Overpass-Italic.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:25:11.243599Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:25:11.243653Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:25:11.243886Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'master_ufo/Overpass-Italic.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
2d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpme_exqa9 /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpme_exqa9 -o variable -m Overpass-Italic.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpme_exqa9 -o variable -m Overpass-Italic.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In 'master_ufo/Overpass-ThinItalic.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-ThinItalic.ufo' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/Overpass.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:25:04.140376Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:25:04.140883Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-Regular.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory'
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-Thin.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-Thin.ufo'
RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/Overpass.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
oqb7pd /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmps1oqb7pd Overpass.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmps1oqb7pd Overpass.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:25:06.307655Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:25:06.307707Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:25:06.307936Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'master_ufo/Overpass-Regular.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmprn87mhqk /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmprn87mhqk -o variable -m Overpass.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmprn87mhqk -o variable -m Overpass.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 3 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In 'master_ufo/Overpass-Thin.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/RedHatOfficial/Overpass/sources/master_ufo/Overpass-Thin.ufo' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
TypeTogether/Playwrite/sources/Playwrite_MM.glyphspackage (config.yaml) (default)
/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ohorndotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.449428Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3881/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(l.lop)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.449429Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3882/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ucaron)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.449431Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3883/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Idotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.449432Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3884/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(z.cnt_no.fin)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.449433Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 3885/5872 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ae.mod)) [2024-11-01T16:27:02.560281Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] FEA parsing failed with 1 errors [2024-11-01T16:27:02.560296Z ThreadId(1) fontc WARN] error: Failed to load source at 'features/Playwrite.fea': 'No include path available' in at 5:8 | 5 | include(features/Playwrite.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2040, 2040, 2040, 2040] INFO:fontTools.varLib: hcld: OS/2.usWinDescent [400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1020] INFO:fontTools.varLib: sbxo: OS/2.ySubscriptXOffset [0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24, 0, -24] INFO:fontTools.varLib: spxo: OS/2.ySuperscriptXOffset [0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114, 0, 114] INFO:fontTools.varLib: hcrn: hhea.caretSlopeRun [0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325, 0, 325] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for Playwrite-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/TypeTogether/Playwrite/sources/Playwrite_MM.glyphspackage' -> 'master_ufo/Playwrite.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:5:8: The following feature file should be included but cannot be found: features/Playwrite.fea
aaronbell/signika/sources/Signika.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:27:31.493892Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:31.494346Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory'
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo'
aaronbell/signika/sources/Signika.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
pdcyhqzyf /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpdcyhqzyf Signika.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpdcyhqzyf Signika.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:27:34.881104Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:27:34.881166Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:34.881339Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3jkzt7nx /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3jkzt7nx -o variable -m Signika.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3jkzt7nx -o variable -m Signika.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In 'instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/Signika-Light.ufo' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
aaronbell/signika/sources/SignikaNegative.designspace (configNegative.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:27:27.969182Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:27.969579Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory'
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo'
aaronbell/signika/sources/SignikaNegative.designspace (configNegative.yaml) (gftools)
dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpuuetq6t_ SignikaNegative.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpuuetq6t_ SignikaNegative.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:27:31.139819Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:27:31.139872Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:31.140042Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp0ln7sdj5 /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp0ln7sdj5 -o variable -m SignikaNegative.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp0ln7sdj5 -o variable -m SignikaNegative.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In 'instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/aaronbell/signika/sources/instance_UFO/SignikaNegative-Light.ufo' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
.436678Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 968/2622 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(braceright)) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436680Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 969/2622 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(four)) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436682Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 970/2622 complete, most recently Be(Mvar) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436683Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 971/2622 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(thorn)) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436684Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(n))' failed: ''n' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436685Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 972/2622 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(n)) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.436686Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 973/2622 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Dzhe-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:43.438319Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'yusbig-cy': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottomright': 'no value at default location'''
osopher Bold had: 31 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph micro, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 26 * Philosopher Bold had: 29 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing base glyph in glyph, component 0: * Philosopher Regular had: * Philosopher Bold had: breve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph caroncomb: * Philosopher Regular had: 0 * Philosopher Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph caroncomb: * Philosopher Regular had: 1 * Philosopher Bold had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph cedilla, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 20 * Philosopher Bold had: 19 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Philosopher.designspace': Compatibility check failed
alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.E found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.uni0406 found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Philosopher-BoldItalic.ttf', 'Philosopher-Italic.ttf']
alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
(Glyph(el-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352919Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 652/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(dieresiscomb)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352922Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 653/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ecaron)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352925Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 654/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Nje-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352928Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 655/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Aacute)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352931Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 656/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Cdotaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352934Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 657/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(tildecomb)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.352937Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 658/2630 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sha-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:26:30.355719Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'ustraitstroke-cy': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'center': 'no value at default location'''
Bold had: 47 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph yen, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 32 * Philosopher Bold had: 31 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph asciitilde, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 20 * Philosopher Bold had: 26 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph micro, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 23 * Philosopher Bold had: 26 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing base glyph in glyph, component 0: * Philosopher Regular had: * Philosopher Bold had: breve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph cedilla, contour 0: * Philosopher Regular had: 20 * Philosopher Bold had: 19 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Philosopher.designspace': Compatibility check failed
alexeiva/philosopher/sources/Philosopher.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
tent glyph class public.kern2.afii10062 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10051 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10053 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10062 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10070 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10077 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10023 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10051 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10058 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10062 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10077 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10085 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10085 found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.afii10070 found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Philosopher-Bold.ttf', 'Philosopher-Regular.ttf']
balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 931/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(udieresisgrave)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325900Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 932/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(A-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325901Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 933/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(rightTriangleHeavyArrow)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325903Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 934/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(six.sansSerifBlackCircled)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325904Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 935/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(heavyChevronSnowflake)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325905Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 936/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ghestroke-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.325906Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 937/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(icaron)) [2024-11-01T16:05:55.339252Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Adieresis': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'ogonek': 'no value at default location'''
ber of points in glyph ocenteredtilde, contour 1: * Balsamiq Sans Italic had: 31 * Balsamiq Sans Bold Italic had: 27 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph ocenteredtilde, contour 2: * Balsamiq Sans Italic had: 27 * Balsamiq Sans Bold Italic had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph upsilonafrican, contour 0: * Balsamiq Sans Italic had: 99 * Balsamiq Sans Bold Italic had: 76 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph yr, contour 0: * Balsamiq Sans Italic had: 62 * Balsamiq Sans Bold Italic had: 50 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph yr, contour 1: * Balsamiq Sans Italic had: 24 * Balsamiq Sans Bold Italic had: 23 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/BalsamiqSans-Italic.designspace': Compatibility check failed
balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--keep-direction'
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['BalsamiqSans-Italic.ttf', 'BalsamiqSans-BoldItalic.ttf']
balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Roman.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ed)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959905Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 365/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(te-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959908Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 366/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ve-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959911Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 367/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(element)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959914Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 368/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959917Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 369/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(kaverticalstroke-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959920Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 370/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(therefore)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.959922Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 371/4058 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(el-cy)) [2024-11-01T16:05:18.974364Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Ycircumflex': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottom': 'no value at default location'''
ROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph apple: * Balsamiq Sans Regular had: 2 * Balsamiq Sans Bold had: 3 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph minute, contour 0: * Balsamiq Sans Regular had: 11 * Balsamiq Sans Bold had: 17 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph weierstrass, contour 0: * Balsamiq Sans Regular had: 68 * Balsamiq Sans Bold had: 78 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph weierstrass, contour 1: * Balsamiq Sans Regular had: 15 * Balsamiq Sans Bold had: 22 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph idotless-cy, contour 0: * Balsamiq Sans Regular had: 21 * Balsamiq Sans Bold had: 19 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Roman.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/BalsamiqSans.designspace': Compatibility check failed
balsamiq/balsamiqsans/sources/glyphs/BalsamiqSans-Roman.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--keep-direction'
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['BalsamiqSans-Bold.ttf', 'BalsamiqSans-Regular.ttf']
clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpse3rpg9g -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpngdXMz/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Playfair-2_1-Italic[ital,opsz,wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp6mtjj3q0.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Playfair-2_1-Italic[ital,opsz,wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
lic.glyphs --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp939sngmh -o variable -g Playfair-2_1-Italic.glyphs --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 18 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp939sngmh fontmake: Error: In 'Playfair-2_1-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: '{5, 95, 600, 1}' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
clauseggers/Playfair/sources/Playfair-2_1-Roman.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmppz2ggwdn -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpPmESai/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Playfair-2_1-Roman[opsz,wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2k_6djtu.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Playfair-2_1-Roman[opsz,wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. _f_h.ligature in master Agate Black SemiExpanded Upright has different alternate layers to components that it uses. We don't currently support this case, so some alternate layers will not be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. _f_ydieresis.ligature in master Agate Black SemiExpanded Upright has different alternate layers to components that it uses. We don't currently support this case, so some alternate layers will not be applied. Consider fixing the source instead. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 28 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpx3va2_ih fontmake: Error: In 'Playfair-2_1-Roman.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Playfair-Upright.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: '{5, 95, 500}' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
cyrealtype/Brawler/sources/Brawler.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
51.201736Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 582/1002 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(eight)) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201739Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 583/1002 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(bracketright)) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201742Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 584/1002 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(braceleft)) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201745Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Fe(GlyphOrder)' failed: 'A task panicked: ''Aacute' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [A, acute]}'' [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201751Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 585/1002 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201753Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 586/1002 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(F)) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.201756Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 587/1002 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(U)) [2024-11-01T16:06:51.203116Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] 'onequarter' has interpolation-incompatible paths
fering number of points in glyph plusminus, contour 1: * Brawler Regular had: 12 * Brawler Bold had: 4 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph percent, contour 0: * Brawler Regular had: 12 * Brawler Bold had: 4 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph percent, contour 1: * Brawler Regular had: 4 * Brawler Bold had: 12 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph at, contour 0: * Brawler Regular had: 61 * Brawler Bold had: 56 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph foundryicon: * Brawler Regular had: 7 * Brawler Bold had: 14 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph uniEFFD: * Brawler Regular had: 0 * Brawler Bold had: 2 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/cyrealtype/Brawler/sources/Brawler.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Brawler.designspace': Compatibility check failed
cyrealtype/Brawler/sources/Brawler.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
rkload DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(guilsinglleft)) successful [2024-11-01T16:06:54.408642Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(aacute)) successful [2024-11-01T16:06:54.408647Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Be(Fvar) successful [2024-11-01T16:06:54.408650Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(guillemetleft)) successful [2024-11-01T16:06:54.409320Z ThreadId(9) fontir::glyph DEBUG] Coalescing'Aacute' into a simple glyph because component 2x2s vary across the designspace thread '<unnamed>' panicked at fontir/src/ 'Aacute' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [A, acute]} note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace [2024-11-01T16:06:54.409573Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 494/1002 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:06:54.410959Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] A task panicked: ''Aacute' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [A, acute]}' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ntmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph plusminus, contour 1: * Brawler Regular had: 12 * Brawler Bold had: 4 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph percent, contour 0: * Brawler Regular had: 12 * Brawler Bold had: 4 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph percent, contour 1: * Brawler Regular had: 4 * Brawler Bold had: 12 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph at, contour 0: * Brawler Regular had: 61 * Brawler Bold had: 56 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph foundryicon: * Brawler Regular had: 7 * Brawler Bold had: 14 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph uniEFFD: * Brawler Regular had: 0 * Brawler Bold had: 2 fontmake: Error: In 'Brawler.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Brawler.designspace': Compatibility check failed ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
cyrealtype/Podkova/sources/Podkova.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
s-gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp028m6jle -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpGYamRk/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Podkova[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp_3mr3hvk.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Podkova[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
s-gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpc4qrop6_ -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpGYamRk/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Podkova[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpyo_4uw8i.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Podkova[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
docrepair-fonts/agdasima-fonts/sources/Agdasima-Regular.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Agdasima-Bold.ttf', 'Agdasima-Regular.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Agdasima-Bold.ttf', 'Agdasima-Regular.ttf']
docrepair-fonts/belanosima-fonts/sources/Belanosima-Regular.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:07:53.570381Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:07:53.571430Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] No default master in /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/docrepair-fonts/belanosima-fonts/sources/Belanosima-Regular.designspace
0, 'minimum': 1.0, 'name': 'width', 'tag': 'wdth'}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal master locations: [{'weight': 434.0, 'width': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal axis supports: {'weight': [434.0, 434.0, 570.8190000000001], 'width': [1.0, 1.0, 300.0]} INFO:fontTools.varLib:Normalized master locations: [{'weight': 0.0, 'width': 0.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 83 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/docrepair-fonts/belanosima-fonts/sources/Belanosima-Regular.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Axis 'weight': there must be a mapping for the axis maximum value 388.988 and it must be the highest input mapping value.
docrepair-fonts/belanosima-fonts/sources/Belanosima-Regular.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
88h0000gn/T/tmpaea2_luw /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpaea2_luw Belanosima-Regular.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpaea2_luw Belanosima-Regular.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:07:56.172604Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:07:56.172657Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:07:56.172784Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] No default master in Belanosima-Regular.designspace ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
[--optimize-cff OPTIMIZE_CFF] [--subroutinizer {compreffor,cffsubr}] [--no-optimize-gvar] [--filter CLASS] [--no-auto-use-my-metrics] [--drop-implied-oncurves] [--interpolate-binary-layout [MASTER_DIR]] [--feature-writer CLASS] [--debug-feature-file FILE] [--no-variable-features] [--mti-source MTI_SOURCE] [--production-names | --no-production-names] [--subset | --no-subset] [-s | -S] [--timing] [--verbose LEVEL] [INPUTS ...] fontmake: error: instance_ufos/Belanosima-Regular.ufo.json not found [5/11] buildTTF fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpmhol2vv7 -o ttf -u instance_ufos/Belanosima-Bold.ufo.json --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
docrepair-fonts/lunasima-fonts/sources/Lunasima-Regular.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Lunasima-Regular.ttf', 'Lunasima-Bold.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Lunasima-Regular.ttf', 'Lunasima-Bold.ttf']
fridamedrano/Kalnia-Glaze/sources/KalniaGlaze.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ille/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/jobrunner/", line 12, in <module> result =[1:], capture_output=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 548, in run with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__ self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1955, in _execute_child raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'paintcompiler' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ille/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/jobrunner/", line 12, in <module> result =[1:], capture_output=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 548, in run with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__ self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 1955, in _execute_child raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'paintcompiler' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
below)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732777Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 804/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(periodcentered)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732779Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 805/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(minus)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732782Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 806/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(dcroat.001)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732785Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 807/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(nine)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732791Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 808/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Odotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732797Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 809/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ubreve)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.732803Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 810/3247 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ellipsis)) [2024-11-01T16:10:35.737658Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Ecircumflexhookabove': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top_viet': 'no value at default location'''
ility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Crimson Text Italic had: 21 * Crimson Text SemiBold Italic had: 14 * Crimson Text Bold Italic had: 17 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Crimson Text Italic had: 18 * Crimson Text SemiBold Italic, Crimson Text Bold Italic had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Crimson Text Italic had: 18 * Crimson Text SemiBold Italic, Crimson Text Bold Italic had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph apostrophemod, contour 0: * Crimson Text Italic had: 25 * Crimson Text SemiBold Italic, Crimson Text Bold Italic had: 22 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/CrimsonText-Italic.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.K found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['CrimsonText-SemiBoldItalic.ttf', 'CrimsonText-BoldItalic.ttf', 'CrimsonText-Italic.ttf']
googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
y)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261559Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1374/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(r)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261562Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1375/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Epsilonpsilioxia)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261567Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1376/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(AE)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261570Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1377/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(four.numr)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261574Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1378/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(rcommaaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261579Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1379/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(circumflexcomb_acutecomb)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.261583Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1380/5519 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ugrave)) [2024-11-01T16:10:01.269989Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'schwa-cy': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top': 'no value at default location'''
001, contour 0: * Crimson Text Regular had: 18 * Crimson Text SemiBold, Crimson Text Bold had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph commaturnedmod: * Crimson Text Regular, Crimson Text SemiBold had: 1 * Crimson Text Bold had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph commaturnedmod: * Crimson Text Regular, Crimson Text SemiBold had: 0 * Crimson Text Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph glottalstopmod: * Crimson Text Regular had: 1 * Crimson Text SemiBold, Crimson Text Bold had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph glottalstopmod: * Crimson Text Regular had: 0 * Crimson Text SemiBold, Crimson Text Bold had: 1 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/CrimsonText.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/Crimson/sources/CrimsonText.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.comma found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.comma found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['CrimsonText-SemiBold.ttf', 'CrimsonText-Bold.ttf', 'CrimsonText-Regular.ttf']
googlefonts/Inconsolata/sources/Inconsolata.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpg9bt9gyf Inconsolata.glyphs --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2/4] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpsf_5corh /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpsf_5corh /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpg9bt9gyf vtt_hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpsf_5corh /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpg9bt9gyf vtt_hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
cv88h0000gn/T/tmpfi_mtw72 -o variable -g Inconsolata.glyphs --filter ... --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building master UFOs and designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 9 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpfi_mtw72 INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable SkipExportGlyphsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running CornerComponentsFilter on Inconsolata-UltraCondensedExtraLight fontmake: Error: In 'Inconsolata.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Inconsolata.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Could not find shape number 0 in dcaron ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/Pacifico/sources/Pacifico.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
AT") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.597522Z ThreadId(7) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Invalid kern side: @MMK_R_KO_periodcentered.loclCAT, no group Side2("KO_periodcentered.loclCAT") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.605347Z ThreadId(7) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Invalid kern side: @MMK_L_KO_periodcentered.loclCAT, no group Side1("KO_periodcentered.loclCAT") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.605359Z ThreadId(7) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Invalid kern side: @MMK_L_KO_periodcentered.loclCAT, no group Side1("KO_periodcentered.loclCAT") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.605361Z ThreadId(7) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Invalid kern side:, no group Side1("") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.605363Z ThreadId(7) glyphs2fontir::source WARN] Invalid kern side:, no group Side1("") [2024-11-01T16:25:33.631811Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map 'ṿ' (U+1E7F) to two different glyph ids: GID_269 and GID_739
xistent glyph class public.kern1.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. glyph class found in kerning rules. INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 1 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building TTF for Pacifico-Regular INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Pacifico-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running DecomposeComponentsFilter on Pacifico-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running CubicToQuadraticFilter on Pacifico-Regular INFO:ufo2ft.filters.cubicToQuadratic:New spline lengths: 1: 937, 2: 7942, 3: 2437, 4: 1034, 5: 186, 6: 109, 7: 10, 8: 6 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Pacifico/sources/Pacifico.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Pacifico-Regular.designspace': Compiling UFO failed: cannot map 'vdotbelow' to U+1E7F; already mapped to 'Vdotbelow'
googlefonts/Pacifico/sources/Pacifico.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.KO_dhook.fina found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules.
found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.KO_dhook.fina found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.KO_periodcentered.loclCAT found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class found in kerning rules.
googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/RobotoFlex.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
7Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 948 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:18:30.430470Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/RobotoFlex.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:30.430523Z ThreadId(4) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/RobotoFlex.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:18:30.430798Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:18:30.431030Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/3824 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:18:30.572501Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/1A-drawings/Mains/RobotoFlex_GRAD-200.ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/1A-drawings/Mains/slnt/RobotoFlex_opsz144_wght1000_wdth100_slnt-10.ufo/features.fea
g anchors in glyph * 69 fonts had: "_top, top" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph u: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, ogonek, top, topright" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph v: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, top" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph w: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, top" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph x: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, top" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph y: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, top" * 16 fonts had: "" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph z: * 69 fonts had: "bottom, top" * 16 fonts had: "" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Roboto-Flex/sources/RobotoFlex.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/Signika/sources/SignikaNegative.designspace (configNegative.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:27:33.547937Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:33.548887Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Signika/sources/master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory'
INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Signika/sources/master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Signika/sources/master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo'
googlefonts/Signika/sources/SignikaNegative.designspace (configNegative.yaml) (gftools)
s/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpzjupr8ds SignikaNegative.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpzjupr8ds SignikaNegative.designspace --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:27:36.650649Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:27:36.650700Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:36.650839Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo/glyphs': 'expected directory' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
2d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphxgi9yh0 /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphxgi9yh0 -o variable -m SignikaNegative.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves Command failed: fontmake --output-path /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphxgi9yh0 -o variable -m SignikaNegative.designspace --filter ... --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs fontmake: Error: In 'master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo': Reading UFO source failed: No such file or directory: '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/Signika/sources/master_ufo/Signika-NegativeLight.ufo' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/atkinson-hyperlegible/sources/AtkinsonHyperlegible-Italic.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['AtkinsonHyperlegible-BoldItalic.ttf', 'AtkinsonHyperlegible-Italic.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['AtkinsonHyperlegible-BoldItalic.ttf', 'AtkinsonHyperlegible-Italic.ttf']
googlefonts/atkinson-hyperlegible/sources/AtkinsonHyperlegible.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['AtkinsonHyperlegible-Regular.ttf', 'AtkinsonHyperlegible-Bold.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['AtkinsonHyperlegible-Regular.ttf', 'AtkinsonHyperlegible-Bold.ttf']
googlefonts/birthstone-bounce/sources/BirthstoneBounce.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ad DEBUG] 70/5898 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ydotbelow.ss01)) [2024-11-01T16:03:26.004986Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 71/5898 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Acircumflexhookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:03:26.004989Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 72/5898 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Oacute.ss01)) [2024-11-01T16:03:26.004992Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 73/5898 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Odotaccentmacron.ss01)) [2024-11-01T16:03:26.016893Z ThreadId(3) fontbe::glyphs WARN] schwa has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:26.016940Z ThreadId(3) fontbe::glyphs WARN] p.fina has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCLCCCCCCLCCCCCCLCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCCZMLLCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCCZMLLCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:26.023696Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'rdblgrave.fina': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottom': 'no value at default location'''
ur 0: * Birthstone Bounce Regular had: 23 * Birthstone Bounce Medium had: 31 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Birthstone Bounce Regular had: 21 * Birthstone Bounce Medium had: 24 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Birthstone Bounce Regular had: 36 * Birthstone Bounce Medium had: 37 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Birthstone Bounce Regular had: 24 * Birthstone Bounce Medium had: 27 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Birthstone Bounce Regular had: 24 * Birthstone Bounce Medium had: 25 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/birthstone-bounce/sources/BirthstoneBounce.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/BirthstoneBounce.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/birthstone-bounce/sources/BirthstoneBounce.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
CCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.742465Z ThreadId(9) fontbe::glyphs WARN] l.ss01 has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.742471Z ThreadId(8) fontbe::glyphs WARN] Hbar.titl has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCCCLCCCCLCCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCZ", "MLCLCCCCCLCCCLCCCLCCCLCCLCCLCCCCZMLCCCCLCCLCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.742473Z ThreadId(9) fontbe::glyphs WARN] has inconsistent path elements: {"MLCCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.742501Z ThreadId(9) fontbe::glyphs WARN] commaaccentcomb has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCLCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCLCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.742510Z ThreadId(9) fontbe::glyphs WARN] K.titl has inconsistent path elements: {"MLCCCLCCCCCCLCLCCLCLCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:03:32.751872Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'wcircumflex.fina': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['BirthstoneBounce-Medium.ttf', 'BirthstoneBounce-Regular.ttf']
googlefonts/changa-vf/sources/Changa.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ols-gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpvuhl0ny0 -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpSfn92D/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Changa[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpjhyvemvk.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Changa[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ols-gen-stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp6en580be -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpSfn92D/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/Changa[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpnq4ofjo6.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename Changa[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/corinthia/sources/Corinthia.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
87 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ohm)) [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840283Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(t_l))' failed: ''t_l' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840286Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 836/3187 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(t_l)) [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840288Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(C_r))' failed: ''C_r' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840291Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 837/3187 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(C_r)) [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840293Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(four))' failed: ''four' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:09:39.840296Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 838/3187 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(four)) [2024-11-01T16:09:39.845393Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'ij': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottom': 'no value at default location'''
ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph osuperior, contour 2: * Corinthia Regular had: 32 * Corinthia Medium, Corinthia Bold had: 24 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph ff: * Corinthia Regular had: 3 * Corinthia Medium, Corinthia Bold had: 4 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph ffi: * Corinthia Regular had: 4 * Corinthia Medium, Corinthia Bold had: 6 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph ffl: * Corinthia Regular had: 4 * Corinthia Medium, Corinthia Bold had: 6 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph bloop, contour 0: * Corinthia Regular had: 96 * Corinthia Medium had: 93 * Corinthia Bold had: 90 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/corinthia/sources/Corinthia.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Corinthia.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/corinthia/sources/Corinthia.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
ph class public.kern2.d found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.scaron found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.g.end found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.a found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.aacute found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.gbreve found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.a found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.aacute found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.ntilde found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.ugrave found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.thorn found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.lslash found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.thorn found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.thorn found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.ugrave found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Corinthia-Bold.ttf', 'Corinthia-Regular.ttf', 'Corinthia-Medium.ttf']
googlefonts/dosis-vf/sources/Dosis.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
cute)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606971Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1931/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(udieresis)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606976Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1932/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ugrave)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606979Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1933/2278 complete, most recently Be(Hvar) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606982Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1934/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(egrave)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606987Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1935/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(agrave)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606993Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1936/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(ncaron)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.606997Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1937/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Etilde)) [2024-11-01T16:06:52.609005Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map '¯' (U+00AF) to two different glyph ids: GID_526 and GID_545
d designspace from Glyphs source INFO:glyphsLib.parser:Parsing .glyphs file INFO:glyphsLib.builder:Running 'propagate_all_anchors' transformation INFO:fontmake.font_project:Loading 2 DesignSpace source UFOs INFO:fontmake.font_project:Building variable fonts fontmake.ttf INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Dosis-ExtraLight INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Dosis-ExtraBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 226, 2: 1583, 3: 597, 4: 99, 5: 8, 6: 5, 7: 4 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Dosis-ExtraLight fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/dosis-vf/sources/Dosis.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Dosis.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'hungarumlaut' to U+02DD; already mapped to 'hungarumlautcomb'
googlefonts/dosis-vf/sources/Dosis.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(imacron)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954256Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1652/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ytilde)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954258Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1653/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Rcommaaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954260Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1654/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ecircumflexgrave)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954261Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1655/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(abreve)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954263Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1656/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Ohorntilde)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.954265Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1657/2278 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(wcircumflex)) [2024-11-01T16:06:56.962690Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Error making CMap: Cannot map '¯' (U+00AF) to two different glyph ids: GID_526 and GID_545 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ject:Building variable fonts /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpw4uu_oh1 INFO:ufo2ft:Features are compatible across masters; building later INFO:ufo2ft:Pre-processing glyphs INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Dosis-ExtraLight INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running EraseOpenCornersFilter on Dosis-ExtraBold INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeTransformedComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable DecomposeComponentsIFilter INFO:fontTools.cu2qu.ufo:New spline lengths: 1: 226, 2: 1583, 3: 597, 4: 99, 5: 8, 6: 5, 7: 4 INFO:ufo2ft.filters:Running interpolatable FlattenComponentsIFilter INFO:ufo2ft.filters.flattenComponents:Flattened composite glyphs: 52 INFO:ufo2ft:Building OpenType tables for Dosis-ExtraLight fontmake: Error: In 'Dosis.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Dosis.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: cannot map 'hungarumlaut' to U+02DD; already mapped to 'hungarumlautcomb' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
googlefonts/fuzzy-bubbles/sources/FuzzyBubbles.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
ntly Fe(Glyph(eng)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075571Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 626/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ecircumflextilde)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075572Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 627/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ecircumflexgrave)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075573Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 628/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(idblgrave)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075575Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 629/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(f)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075576Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 630/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(abreve)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075577Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 631/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(yhookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.075578Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 632/2524 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(softhyphen)) [2024-11-01T16:05:54.076985Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'K': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'top': 'no value at default location'''
ering number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Fuzzy Bubbles Regular had: 27 * Fuzzy Bubbles Bold had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Fuzzy Bubbles Regular had: 36 * Fuzzy Bubbles Bold had: 27 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Fuzzy Bubbles Regular had: 39 * Fuzzy Bubbles Bold had: 36 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Fuzzy Bubbles Regular had: 33 * Fuzzy Bubbles Bold had: 21 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Fuzzy Bubbles Regular had: 30 * Fuzzy Bubbles Bold had: 24 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/fuzzy-bubbles/sources/FuzzyBubbles.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/FuzzyBubbles.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/fuzzy-bubbles/sources/FuzzyBubbles.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
Axis wdth: Instance 'Bold' redefines the mapping for user location 100 from 100 to 5
Axis wdth: Instance 'Bold' redefines the mapping for user location 100 from 100 to 5 Axis wdth: Instance 'Bold' redefines the mapping for user location 100 from 100 to 5
googlefonts/gwendolyn/sources/GwendolynPro.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
adId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 641/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(six.lf)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402051Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 642/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ehookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402054Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 643/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(section)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402059Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 644/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(wdieresis)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402062Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 645/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(acaron)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402065Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(quotedblleft))' failed: ''quotedblleft' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:10:43.402077Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 646/2546 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(quotedblleft)) [2024-11-01T16:10:43.419752Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Oslash': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'topleft': 'no value at default location'''
ROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Gwendolyn Regular had: 20 * Gwendolyn Bold had: 21 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Gwendolyn Regular had: 27 * Gwendolyn Bold had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Gwendolyn Regular had: 19 * Gwendolyn Bold had: 26 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Gwendolyn Regular had: 27 * Gwendolyn Bold had: 28 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Gwendolyn Regular had: 27 * Gwendolyn Bold had: 28 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/gwendolyn/sources/GwendolynPro.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Gwendolyn.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/gwendolyn/sources/GwendolynPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
10:48.467725Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 632/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ucircumflex)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467732Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 633/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(e)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467741Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 634/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(icaron)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467744Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 635/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Tcedilla)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467752Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 636/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(f)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467755Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 637/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(abrevehookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.467763Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 638/2546 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(numero)) [2024-11-01T16:10:48.471765Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Oslashacute': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'center': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Gwendolyn-Bold.ttf', 'Gwendolyn-Regular.ttf']
googlefonts/life-savers/sources/LifeSavers.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
fontc::workload DEBUG] 1388/1919 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(hbar)) [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232609Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(Z))' failed: ''Z' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232612Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1389/1919 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(Z)) [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232614Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(V))' failed: ''V' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232616Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1390/1919 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(V)) [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232618Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(lcommaaccent))' failed: ''lcommaaccent' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:15:25.232621Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1391/1919 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lcommaaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:15:25.234367Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] 'foursuperior' has interpolation-incompatible paths
had: 12 * Life Savers Bold, Life Savers ExtraBold had: 15 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph tildecomb, contour 0: * Life Savers Regular had: 33 * Life Savers Bold had: 42 * Life Savers ExtraBold had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph cedillacomb, contour 0: * Life Savers Regular had: 45 * Life Savers Bold, Life Savers ExtraBold had: 46 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph ogonekcomb, contour 0: * Life Savers Regular had: 25 * Life Savers Bold had: 32 * Life Savers ExtraBold had: 22 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph apostrophemod, contour 0: * Life Savers Regular, Life Savers Bold had: 12 * Life Savers ExtraBold had: 15 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/life-savers/sources/LifeSavers.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/LifeSavers.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/life-savers/sources/LifeSavers.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
glyph class public.kern1.f_l found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.g.salt found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.quotedblright found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.k.salt found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.quotedblright found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.l_l found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.ldot found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.o found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.quotedblright found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.h found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['LifeSavers-ExtraBold.ttf', 'LifeSavers-Regular.ttf', 'LifeSavers-Bold.ttf']
googlefonts/qwitcher-grypen/sources/QwitcherGrypenPro.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
:workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(liraTurkish))' failed: ''liraTurkish' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841511Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1448/2510 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(liraTurkish)) [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841526Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(T))' failed: ''T' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841542Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1449/2510 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(T)) [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841557Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(lira))' failed: ''lira' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841573Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1450/2510 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(lira)) [2024-11-01T16:21:54.841590Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1451/2510 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(apple)) [2024-11-01T16:21:54.844898Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] 'dotbelowcomb' has interpolation-incompatible paths
s in glyph, contour 0: * Qwitcher Grypen Regular had: 33 * Qwitcher Grypen Bold had: 36 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Qwitcher Grypen Regular had: 43 * Qwitcher Grypen Bold had: 36 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Qwitcher Grypen Regular had: 27 * Qwitcher Grypen Bold had: 24 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Qwitcher Grypen Regular had: 35 * Qwitcher Grypen Bold had: 34 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * Qwitcher Grypen Regular had: 23 * Qwitcher Grypen Bold had: 26 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/qwitcher-grypen/sources/QwitcherGrypenPro.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/QwitcherGrypen.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/qwitcher-grypen/sources/QwitcherGrypenPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
lic.kern2.yd found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.o found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.r found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.u found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.yd found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.yd found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.u found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.a found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.r found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.u found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.r found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.u found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.o found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.r found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.u found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.yd found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['QwitcherGrypen-Regular.ttf', 'QwitcherGrypen-Bold.ttf']
googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif-Italic.designspace (config.yml) (default)
fig changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:20:55.990106Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1243 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:20:57.849354Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:20:57.849839Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:20:57.850270Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5004 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:20:57.850288Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Features) successful [2024-11-01T16:20:57.854946Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/5004 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:20:57.936512Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/Roboto_Serif_Text-Hairline_Italic.ufo': 'failed to load font info data'
acron.uc: * 80 fonts had: "_top" * Roboto Serif Display Cond Regular Italic had: "_top, _top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph tildecomb: * 80 fonts had: "_top" * Roboto Serif Display Cond Regular Italic had: "_top, _top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph u: * 80 fonts had: "bottom, right, top" * Roboto Serif Display Cond Regular Italic had: "bottom, bottom, right, right, top, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph uhorn: * 80 fonts had: "bottom, top" * Roboto Serif Display Cond Regular Italic had: "bottom, bottom, top, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph z: * 80 fonts had: "bottom, top" * Roboto Serif Display Cond Regular Italic had: "bottom, bottom, top, top" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif-Italic.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif-Italic.designspace (config.yml) (gftools)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif.designspace (config.yml) (default)
::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:20:07.286896Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1264 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:20:10.723266Z ThreadId(3) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:20:10.723823Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:20:10.724452Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5088 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:20:10.724467Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Features) successful [2024-11-01T16:20:10.757782Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/5088 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:20:10.820840Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/Roboto_Serif_Micro_Cond-Super.ufo': 'failed to load font info data'
yph V: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph X: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "bottom, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph b: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "bottom, top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph f: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph p: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph v: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "top" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph x: * 80 fonts had: "" * Roboto Serif Regular had: "bottom, top" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/roboto-serif/sources/RobotoSerif.designspace (config.yml) (gftools)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
googlefonts/silkscreen/sources/Silkscreen.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(.null)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140187Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 231/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Oslash)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140191Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 232/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(macroncomb)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140194Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 233/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Atilde)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140196Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 234/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(A)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140199Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 235/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(otilde)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140201Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 236/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Y)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.140204Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 237/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(sterling)) [2024-11-01T16:26:48.141671Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Adieresis': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottom': 'no value at default location'''
ro: * Silkscreen Regular had: 2 * Silkscreen Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph percent: * Silkscreen Regular had: 3 * Silkscreen Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph perthousand: * Silkscreen Regular had: 4 * Silkscreen Bold had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph circumflexcomb, contour 0: * Silkscreen Regular had: 12 * Silkscreen Bold had: 8 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph tildecomb, contour 0: * Silkscreen Regular had: 16 * Silkscreen Bold had: 8 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph cedillacomb: * Silkscreen Regular had: 2 * Silkscreen Bold had: 1 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/silkscreen/sources/Silkscreen.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/Silkscreen.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/silkscreen/sources/Silkscreen.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
acketleft)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445344Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 231/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(oacute)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445351Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 232/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(b)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445352Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 233/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Uacute)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445353Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 234/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Idieresis)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445355Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 235/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ccedilla)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445356Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 236/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(I)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445359Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 237/944 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(o)) [2024-11-01T16:26:51.445731Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Edieresis': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor '_top': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Silkscreen-Regular.ttf', 'Silkscreen-Bold.ttf']
googlefonts/the-nautigal/sources/TheNautigalPro.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
erator)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741942Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 117/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(colon)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741943Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 118/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ygrave)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741944Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 119/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741946Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 120/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Umacron)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741947Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 121/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(d)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741948Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 122/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(oinvertedbreve)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.741949Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 123/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(naira)) [2024-11-01T16:20:09.747195Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Oslash': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'center': 'no value at default location'''
onts had differing point type in glyph acutecomb, contour 0, point 24: * The Nautigal Regular had: None * The Nautigal Bold had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph acutecomb, contour 0, point 25: * The Nautigal Regular had: curve * The Nautigal Bold had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph acutecomb, contour 0, point 27: * The Nautigal Regular had: None * The Nautigal Bold had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * The Nautigal Regular had: 29 * The Nautigal Bold had: 28 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * The Nautigal Regular had: 31 * The Nautigal Bold had: 34 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/the-nautigal/sources/TheNautigalPro.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/TheNautigal.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/the-nautigal/sources/TheNautigalPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 631/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(quotedbl)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000567Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 632/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Otilde)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000570Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 633/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph( [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000571Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 634/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Cdotaccent)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000572Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 635/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(ogonekcomb)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000575Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 636/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ohorndotbelow)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.000578Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 637/2554 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Gbreve)) [2024-11-01T16:20:15.003801Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'Oslash': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'ogonek': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['TheNautigal-Bold.ttf', 'TheNautigal-Regular.ttf']
googlefonts/windsong/sources/WindSongPro.glyphs (config.yml) (default)
ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph * WindSong Regular had: 0 * WindSong Medium had: 1 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph * WindSong Regular had: 1 * WindSong Medium had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * WindSong Regular had: 33 * WindSong Medium had: 40 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * WindSong Regular had: 27 * WindSong Medium had: 30 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph, contour 0: * WindSong Regular had: 27 * WindSong Medium had: 31 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/googlefonts/windsong/sources/WindSongPro.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/WindSong.designspace': Compatibility check failed
googlefonts/windsong/sources/WindSongPro.glyphs (config.yml) (gftools)
d DEBUG] 799/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(swoop.11)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536600Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 800/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(f.swash)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536603Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 801/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(acircumflex)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536606Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 802/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(approxequal)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536609Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 803/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(Ocircumflexhookabove)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536612Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 804/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(W_i_n_d_S_o_n_g.end)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.536616Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 805/3218 complete, most recently Fe(Glyph(swoop21)) [2024-11-01T16:24:45.538846Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph '': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor '_topviet': 'no value at default location''' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['WindSong-Regular.ttf', 'WindSong-Medium.ttf']
hyvyys/Tektur/sources/UFO/Tektur.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 79, in __init__ automatic_recipe = self.call_recipe_provider() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/", line 110, in call_recipe_provider return provider(self.config, self).write_recipe() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 78, in write_recipe self.revalidate() File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/recipeproviders/", line 71, in revalidate raise ValueError("Invalid configuration file") from e ValueError: Invalid configuration file
kosmynkab/Bona-Nova/sources/BonaNova.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['BonaNova-Bold.ttf', 'BonaNova-Regular.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['BonaNova-Bold.ttf', 'BonaNova-Regular.ttf']
meirsadan/david-libre/sources/DavidLibre.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
(8) fontbe::glyphs WARN] patah-hb has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCLCCCCLCCZ", "MCCCCLCCCCCCCCLCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:04:06.785048Z ThreadId(8) fontbe::glyphs WARN] eth has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCLLCLCLLCLLCLCCCCZMCCCCCZ", "MCCLLCLCLLCLLCLCCCCZMCCCLCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:04:06.785053Z ThreadId(8) fontbe::glyphs WARN] exclam has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCCCCCCZ", "MCCCLCCCCCCCZMCCCCCCCCCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:04:06.785125Z ThreadId(6) fontbe::glyphs WARN] ampersand has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZMCCCCZMCCCCZ", "MCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCZMCCCCZMCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:04:06.785140Z ThreadId(6) fontbe::glyphs WARN] gershayim-hb has inconsistent path elements: {"MCCLCLCCCCCZMCCLCLCCCCZ", "MCCCCLCCCCZMCCCCLCCCCZ", "MCCCLCCCCZMCCCLCCCCZ"} [2024-11-01T16:04:06.791182Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'sheqel': 'bad anchor: 'Invalid anchor 'bottomleft': 'no value at default location'''
hookabovecomb: * David Libre Regular, David Libre Bold had: "U, _U" * David Libre Medium had: "_U" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph cedillacomb, contour 0: * David Libre Regular, David Libre Medium had: 16 * David Libre Bold had: 18 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph cedilla, contour 0: * David Libre Regular, David Libre Medium had: 16 * David Libre Bold had: 18 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph CombBreveHook.VN, contour 1: * David Libre Regular, David Libre Medium had: 29 * David Libre Bold had: 31 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph CombBreveHook.VN: * David Libre Regular, David Libre Bold had: "U, _U" * David Libre Medium had: "" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/meirsadan/david-libre/sources/DavidLibre.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/DavidLibre.designspace': Compatibility check failed
meirsadan/david-libre/sources/DavidLibre.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
und in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmIota found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmIotaWPsili found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmOmicron found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern1.GrCapUpsilonWTonos found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrCapAlpha found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmAlpha found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmAlphaWPsili found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmEpsilon found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmEpsilonWPsili found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmIota found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmIotaWDial found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmIotaWPsili found in kerning rules. Non-existent glyph class public.kern2.GrSmOmicron found in kerning rules.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['DavidLibre-Bold.ttf', 'DavidLibre-Regular.ttf', 'DavidLibre-Medium.ttf']
nguyentype/vinasans/sources/Vina Sans.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ad DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(L_a)) successful [2024-11-01T16:22:49.501772Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(asterisk)) successful [2024-11-01T16:22:49.501775Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] Fe(Glyph(Ograve)) successful [2024-11-01T16:22:49.502004Z ThreadId(3) fontir::glyph DEBUG] Coalescing 'Dcaron' into a simple glyph because it has contours and components and prefer simple glyphs is set [2024-11-01T16:22:49.502046Z ThreadId(3) fontir::glyph DEBUG] Coalescing'I' into a simple glyph because component 2x2s vary across the designspace thread '<unnamed>' panicked at fontir/src/ 'I' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [i]} note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace [2024-11-01T16:22:49.502324Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1166/2346 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:22:49.504116Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] A task panicked: ''I' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[], [i]}'
1 * Vina Sans Black had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph circumflexcomb_acutecomb: * Vina Sans Moi had: 1 * Vina Sans Black had: 2 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph circumflexcomb_gravecomb: * Vina Sans Moi had: 1 * Vina Sans Black had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph circumflexcomb_gravecomb: * Vina Sans Moi had: 1 * Vina Sans Black had: 2 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of contours in glyph circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb: * Vina Sans Moi had: 1 * Vina Sans Black had: 0 ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of components in glyph circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb: * Vina Sans Moi had: 1 * Vina Sans Black had: 2 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/nguyentype/vinasans/sources/Vina Sans.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/VinaSans.designspace': Compatibility check failed
notofonts/bengali/sources/NotoSansBengali.glyphs (config-sans-bengali.yaml) (default)
d DEBUG] 1163/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(cabeng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086302Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1164/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(matasquishbeng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086306Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1165/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(khandatabeng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086309Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1166/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(badhabeng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086312Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1167/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(backslash.beng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086315Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1168/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(uni0952)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.086318Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1169/2822 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(pharasquishbeng)) [2024-11-01T16:10:03.126944Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Invalid source glyph 'ngahalfbeng': 'undefined at required location Normalized {wdth: 0.00, wght: 0.61}'
ve', 'line', 'curve', 'curve') 38: ('line', 'line', 'line', 'line', 'curve', 'line', 'line') 39: ('curve', 'curve', 'curve', 'curve', 'line', 'curve', 'curve') 41: ('line', 'line', 'line', 'line', 'curve', 'line', 'line') 42: ('curve', 'curve', 'curve', 'curve', 'line', 'curve', 'curve') 45: ('line', 'line', 'line', 'line', 'curve', 'line', 'line') fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/notofonts/bengali/sources/NotoSansBengali.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/NotoSansBengali.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: fonts contains incompatible glyphs: 'khabeng', 'kharabeng', 'kharasquishbeng', 'mabeng', 'mapabeng', 'maparabeng', 'masabeng', 'nasabeng', 'nyajabeng', 'pabeng', 'pamabeng', 'parabeng', 'pasabeng', 'sabeng', 'salabeng', 'salubeng', 'sapabeng', 'saparabeng', 'sattabeng', 'sattarabeng', 'sattarasquishbeng', 'sattariibeng', 'sattiibeng', 'ssabeng', 'ssannabeng', 'ssapabeng', 'ssarabeng', 'ssarasquishbeng', 'yarephiivowelsignbeng'
octaviopardo/EBGaramond12/sources/EBGaramond-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
--src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp4jgsqc51 -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpGlRYCq/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/EBGaramond-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpnsvyxuuh.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename EBGaramond-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
--src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp55d1ofho -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpGlRYCq/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/EBGaramond-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3su0ha34.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename EBGaramond-Italic[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
octaviopardo/EBGaramond12/sources/EBGaramond.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp19m9cyc1 -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpJl1c0B/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/EBGaramond[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpl7kxwfmw.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename EBGaramond[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
stat --inplace --src /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp1usmb03f -- '/private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpJl1c0B/gftools/gftools_temp_dir/EBGaramond[wdth,wght].ttf' && touch /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpfz8aw4a0.buildStatstamp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-gen-stat", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/scripts/", line 70, in main gen_stat_tables_from_config(config, fonts) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/", line 116, in gen_stat_tables_from_config raise ValueError("Filename %s not found in stat dictionary" % filename) ValueError: Filename EBGaramond[wdth,wght].ttf not found in stat dictionary ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
hanged, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:22.942105Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1480 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:27:22.997217Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:22.997244Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:27:22.997254Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:22.997418Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5952 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:27:23.006015Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/spectral-xlight-italic.ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/spectral-italic.ufo/features.fea
ing anchors in glyph ihookabove: * Spectral ExtraLight Italic, Spectral Italic had: "" * Spectral ExtraBold Italic had: "bottom" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph iinvertedbreve: * Spectral ExtraLight Italic, Spectral Italic had: "" * Spectral ExtraBold Italic had: "bottom" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph imacron: * Spectral ExtraLight Italic, Spectral Italic had: "" * Spectral ExtraBold Italic had: "bottom" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph itilde: * Spectral ExtraLight Italic, Spectral Italic had: "" * Spectral ExtraBold Italic had: "bottom" ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing anchors in glyph j: * Spectral ExtraLight Italic, Spectral Italic had: "top" * Spectral ExtraBold Italic had: "bottom, top" fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral-Italic.designspace': Compatibility check failed
productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral-Italic.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
quire_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:27:26.156868Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:26.193078Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1480 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:27:26.199883Z ThreadId(6) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "Spectral-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:26.199905Z ThreadId(6) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:27:26.199914Z ThreadId(6) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "Spectral-Italic.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:26.200953Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5952 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:27:26.206453Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: spectral-xlight-italic.ufo/features.fea, spectral-italic.ufo/features.fea ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Cleaning up temporary files... Done cleaning up temporary files
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Spectral-BoldItalic.ttf', 'Spectral-MediumItalic.ttf', 'Spectral-ExtraLightItalic.ttf', 'Spectral-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf', 'Spectral-LightItalic.ttf', 'Spectral-Italic.ttf', 'Spectral-SemiBoldItalic.ttf']
productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral.designspace (config.yaml) (default)
onfig INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:26:55.007671Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1480 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:26:55.128497Z ThreadId(4) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:26:55.128495Z ThreadId(8) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:26:55.128536Z ThreadId(8) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:26:55.128552Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5952 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:26:55.137375Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/spectral-xlight.ufo/features.fea, /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/spectral-regular.ufo/features.fea
variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 489 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib: xhgt: OS/2.sxHeight [450, 450, 460] INFO:fontTools.varLib: strs: OS/2.yStrikeoutSize [30, 50, 50] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging OpenType Layout tables fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Couldn't merge the fonts, because some values were different, but should have been the same. This happened while performing the following operation: GSUB.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[12].Feature.LookupListIndex[0] The problem is likely to be in Spectral ExtraBold: Expected to see [0]==7, instead saw 8
productiontype/Spectral/sources/Spectral.designspace (config.yaml) (gftools)
adId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:27:03.356205Z ThreadId(1) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] 1480 glyphs identified [2024-11-01T16:27:03.365217Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Features for "Spectral.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:03.365243Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source WARN] Bailing out due to non-identical feature files. This is an unnecessary limitation. [2024-11-01T16:27:03.365253Z ThreadId(2) ufo2fontir::source DEBUG] Static metadata for "Spectral.designspace" [2024-11-01T16:27:03.367360Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1/5952 complete, most recently Fe(Features) [2024-11-01T16:27:03.367383Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2/5952 complete, most recently Fe(StaticMetadata) [2024-11-01T16:27:03.371233Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] feature files are non-identical: spectral-xlight.ufo/features.fea, spectral-regular.ufo/features.fea ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Cleaning up temporary files... Done cleaning up temporary files
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Spectral-ExtraLight.ttf', 'Spectral-ExtraBold.ttf', 'Spectral-Medium.ttf', 'Spectral-Regular.ttf', 'Spectral-SemiBold.ttf', 'Spectral-Bold.ttf', 'Spectral-Light.ttf']
ronykoch/Karantina/Sources/karantina.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Karantina-Regular.ttf', 'Karantina-Light.ttf', 'Karantina-Bold.ttf']
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['Karantina-Regular.ttf', 'Karantina-Light.ttf', 'Karantina-Bold.ttf']
rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
at '../features/cv07-germandbls.fea': 'No include path available' in at 396:8 | 396 | include(../features/cv07-germandbls.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv08-i-serif.fea': 'No include path available' in at 401:8 | 401 | include(../features/cv08-i-serif.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv09-three.fea': 'No include path available' in at 406:8 | 406 | include(../features/cv09-three.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv10-g-spur.fea': 'No include path available' in at 411:8 | 411 | include(../features/cv10-g-spur.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea': 'No include path available' in at 416:8 | 416 | include(../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 17 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib: strs: OS/2.yStrikeoutSize [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib: undo: post.underlinePosition [-349, -337, -303] INFO:fontTools.varLib: unds: post.underlineThickness [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for InterTight-Italic-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/InterTight-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:85:8: The following feature file should be included but cannot be found: ../features/ccmp.fea
rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight-Italic.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
include path available' in at 396:8 | 396 | include(../features/cv07-germandbls.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv08-i-serif.fea': 'No include path available' in at 401:8 | 401 | include(../features/cv08-i-serif.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv09-three.fea': 'No include path available' in at 406:8 | 406 | include(../features/cv09-three.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv10-g-spur.fea': 'No include path available' in at 411:8 | 411 | include(../features/cv10-g-spur.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea': 'No include path available' in at 416:8 | 416 | include(../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
NFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 19 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib: strs: OS/2.yStrikeoutSize [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib: undo: post.underlinePosition [-349, -337, -303] INFO:fontTools.varLib: unds: post.underlineThickness [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for InterTight-Italic-VF fontmake: Error: In 'InterTight-Italic.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/InterTight-Italic.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:85:8: The following feature file should be included but cannot be found: ../features/ccmp.fea ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
at '../features/cv07-germandbls.fea': 'No include path available' in at 396:8 | 396 | include(../features/cv07-germandbls.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv08-i-serif.fea': 'No include path available' in at 401:8 | 401 | include(../features/cv08-i-serif.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv09-three.fea': 'No include path available' in at 406:8 | 406 | include(../features/cv09-three.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv10-g-spur.fea': 'No include path available' in at 411:8 | 411 | include(../features/cv10-g-spur.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea': 'No include path available' in at 416:8 | 416 | include(../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
arLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 49 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib: strs: OS/2.yStrikeoutSize [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib: undo: post.underlinePosition [-349, -337, -303] INFO:fontTools.varLib: unds: post.underlineThickness [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for InterTight-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/InterTight.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:85:8: The following feature file should be included but cannot be found: ../features/ccmp.fea
rsms/inter-gf-tight/sources/InterTight.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
include path available' in at 396:8 | 396 | include(../features/cv07-germandbls.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv08-i-serif.fea': 'No include path available' in at 401:8 | 401 | include(../features/cv08-i-serif.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv09-three.fea': 'No include path available' in at 406:8 | 406 | include(../features/cv09-three.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv10-g-spur.fea': 'No include path available' in at 411:8 | 411 | include(../features/cv10-g-spur.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Failed to load source at '../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea': 'No include path available' in at 416:8 | 416 | include(../features/cv11-single-storey-a.fea); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
lding variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 57 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:No need for avar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating MVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib: strs: OS/2.yStrikeoutSize [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib: undo: post.underlinePosition [-349, -337, -303] INFO:fontTools.varLib: unds: post.underlineThickness [47, 140, 233] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for InterTight-VF fontmake: Error: In 'InterTight.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/InterTight.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: <features>:85:8: The following feature file should be included but cannot be found: ../features/ccmp.fea ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
[2024-11-01T16:21:23.233254Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:21:23.233296Z ThreadId(1) glyphs_reader::font DEBUG] Read glyphs "/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs" [2024-11-01T16:21:23.234861Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for '/Users/rofls/.crater_cache/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs': 'Unable to read glyphs file: Unable to parse /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs: Unknown escape code'
0)], 'maximum': 800, 'minimum': 200, 'name': 'Weight', 'tag': 'wght'}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal master locations: [{'Weight': 200}, {'Weight': 400}, {'Weight': 800}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal axis supports: {'Weight': [200, 200, 800]} INFO:fontTools.varLib:Normalized master locations: [{'Weight': 0.0}, {'Weight': 0.3333333333333333}, {'Weight': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 240 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/PlusJakartaSans.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Axis 'Weight': mapping output values must be in ascending order.
tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/sources/PlusJakartaSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpy11fcfiy PlusJakartaSans.glyphs --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names Command failed: /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpy11fcfiy PlusJakartaSans.glyphs --flatten-components --decompose-transformed-components --no-production-names [2024-11-01T16:21:29.103446Z ThreadId(1) fontc DEBUG] require_dir "/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T" [2024-11-01T16:21:29.103508Z ThreadId(1) fontc::config INFO] Config changed, generating a new one [2024-11-01T16:21:29.103527Z ThreadId(1) glyphs_reader::font DEBUG] Read glyphs "PlusJakartaSans.glyphs" [2024-11-01T16:21:29.104753Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] Reading source failed for 'PlusJakartaSans.glyphs': 'Unable to read glyphs file: Unable to parse PlusJakartaSans.glyphs: Unknown escape code' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
(700, 700), (800, 800)], 'maximum': 800, 'minimum': 200, 'name': 'Weight', 'tag': 'wght'}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal master locations: [{'Weight': 200}, {'Weight': 400}, {'Weight': 800}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Internal axis supports: {'Weight': [200, 200, 800]} INFO:fontTools.varLib:Normalized master locations: [{'Weight': 0.0}, {'Weight': 0.3333333333333333}, {'Weight': 1.0}] INFO:fontTools.varLib:Index of base master: 0 INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variable font INFO:fontTools.varLib:Loading master fonts INFO:fontTools.varLib:Dropped 243 on-curve points from simple glyphs in the 'glyf' table INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating fvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Building variations tables INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating avar fontmake: Error: In 'PlusJakartaSans.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/PlusJakartaSans.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: Axis 'Weight': mapping output values must be in ascending order. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans/sources/WorkSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1153:5 | 1153 | sub Adieresis.BRACKET.137 by Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1153:30 | 1153 | sub Adieresis.BRACKET.137 by Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1154:5 | 1154 | sub Odieresis.BRACKET.137 by Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1154:30 | 1154 | sub Odieresis.BRACKET.137 by Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1155:5 | 1155 | sub Udieresis.BRACKET.137 by Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1155:30 | 1155 | sub Udieresis.BRACKET.137 by Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
NFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for WorkSans-VF fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans/sources/WorkSans.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/WorkSans.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: The following glyph names are referenced but are missing from the glyph set: cent.BRACKET.202 (first found at <features>:966:5) (first found at <features>:966:25) dollar.BRACKET.202 (first found at <features>:967:5) (first found at <features>:967:27) Adieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1153:6) Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1153:31) Odieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1154:6) Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1154:31) Udieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1155:6) Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1155:31)
weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans/sources/WorkSans.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
in font in at 1153:5 | 1153 | sub Adieresis.BRACKET.137 by Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1153:30 | 1153 | sub Adieresis.BRACKET.137 by Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1154:5 | 1154 | sub Odieresis.BRACKET.137 by Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1154:30 | 1154 | sub Odieresis.BRACKET.137 by Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1155:5 | 1155 | sub Udieresis.BRACKET.137 by Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: glyph not in font in at 1155:30 | 1155 | sub Udieresis.BRACKET.137 by Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
VAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating HVAR INFO:fontTools.varLib:Generating gvar INFO:fontTools.varLib:Merging TT hinting INFO:ufo2ft:Compiling variable features for WorkSans-VF fontmake: Error: In 'WorkSans.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/WorkSans.designspace': Generating fonts from Designspace failed: The following glyph names are referenced but are missing from the glyph set: cent.BRACKET.202 (first found at <features>:966:5) (first found at <features>:966:25) dollar.BRACKET.202 (first found at <features>:967:5) (first found at <features>:967:27) Adieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1153:6) Adieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1153:31) Odieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1154:6) Odieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1154:31) Udieresis.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1155:6) Udieresis.titl.BRACKET.137 (first found at <features>:1155:31) ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
weiweihuanghuang/fragment-mono/sources/Fragment-Mono.glyphs (config.yaml) (default)
ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1848/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(AE)) [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908804Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(' failed: ''' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908807Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1849/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908810Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(usdc))' failed: ''usdc' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908813Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1850/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(usdc)) [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908815Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1851/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(nextpage)) [2024-11-01T16:03:01.908818Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 1852/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(boxUpHeavyAndHorizontalLight)) [2024-11-01T16:03:01.912542Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] 'lozenge' has interpolation-incompatible paths
Fonts had differing point type in glyph usdc, contour 3, point 8: * Fragment Mono Regular had: None * Fragment Mono Italic had: line ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph usdc, contour 3, point 10: * Fragment Mono Regular had: curve * Fragment Mono Italic had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph usdc, contour 3, point 11: * Fragment Mono Regular had: None * Fragment Mono Italic had: curve ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing point type in glyph usdc, contour 3, point 13: * Fragment Mono Regular had: curve * Fragment Mono Italic had: None ERROR:fontmake.compatibility: Fonts had differing number of points in glyph usdc, contour 4: * Fragment Mono Regular had: 40 * Fragment Mono Italic had: 14 fontmake: Error: In '../../../../../../../../Users/rofls/.crater_cache/weiweihuanghuang/fragment-mono/sources/Fragment-Mono.glyphs' -> 'master_ufo/FragmentMono.designspace': Compatibility check failed
weiweihuanghuang/fragment-mono/sources/Fragment-Mono.glyphs (config.yaml) (gftools)
ad ERROR] task 'Be(GlyfFragment(' failed: ''' has interpolation-incompatible paths' [2024-11-01T16:03:07.361806Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2087/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment( [2024-11-01T16:03:07.361809Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2088/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(blackSquare)) [2024-11-01T16:03:07.361812Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload ERROR] task 'Fe(GlyphOrder)' failed: 'A task panicked: ''twothirds' has 2 unique sets of components; must have exactly 1 {[fraction, _part.threesuperior, _part.twosuperior], [fraction, _part.twosuperior, _part.threesuperior]}'' [2024-11-01T16:03:07.361817Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2089/4048 complete, most recently Fe(GlyphOrder) [2024-11-01T16:03:07.361821Z ThreadId(1) fontc::workload DEBUG] 2090/4048 complete, most recently Be(GlyfFragment(l.002)) [2024-11-01T16:03:07.365508Z ThreadId(1) fontc ERROR] 'q' has interpolation-incompatible paths ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
gftools produced multiple outputs: ['FragmentMono-Italic.ttf', 'FragmentMono-Regular.ttf']
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Bold.ufo (config_display.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
lter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3wizhhjy /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3wizhhjy /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmph7shlsx6 WixMadeforDisplay-Bold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp3wizhhjy /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmph7shlsx6 WixMadeforDisplay-Bold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-ExtraBold.ufo (config_display.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
enComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp7alcymux /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp7alcymux /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpfqifcatz WixMadeforDisplay-ExtraBold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp7alcymux /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpfqifcatz WixMadeforDisplay-ExtraBold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforDisplay-Regular.ufo (config_display.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
lattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpt227ry2s /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpt227ry2s /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpzfn3i9zs WixMadeforDisplay-Regular_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpt227ry2s /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpzfn3i9zs WixMadeforDisplay-Regular_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Bold.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
. --filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2flb59y4 /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2flb59y4 /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpl5vrw5lr WixMadeforText-Bold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2flb59y4 /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpl5vrw5lr WixMadeforText-Bold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-BoldItalic.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
lattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpbihwuqpb /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpbihwuqpb /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpb_2rl5b2 WixMadeforText-BoldItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpbihwuqpb /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpb_2rl5b2 WixMadeforText-BoldItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-ExtraBold.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphcwaq0tw /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphcwaq0tw /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp7kgdmbwx WixMadeforText-ExtraBold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmphcwaq0tw /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp7kgdmbwx WixMadeforText-ExtraBold_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-ExtraBoldItalic.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
onentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp44vf82ld /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp44vf82ld /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp14c2kxfj WixMadeforText-ExtraBoldItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp44vf82ld /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp14c2kxfj WixMadeforText-ExtraBoldItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Italic.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmps8vmp952 /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmps8vmp952 /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpk9cr9fnz WixMadeforText-Italic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmps8vmp952 /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpk9cr9fnz WixMadeforText-Italic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Medium.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
filter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpoydhjjso /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpoydhjjso /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpcxmpntjh WixMadeforText-Medium_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpoydhjjso /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpcxmpntjh WixMadeforText-Medium_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-MediumItalic.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
enComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpgn6duvvj /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpgn6duvvj /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpg39ux85h WixMadeforText-MediumItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpgn6duvvj /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpg39ux85h WixMadeforText-MediumItalic_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
wix/wixmadefor/sources/WixMadeforText-Regular.ufo (config_text.yaml) (gftools)
rojects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/", line 105, in build variables=self.variables, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 23, in variables vars["args"] = rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 34, in rewrite_fontmake_args_for_fontc out_args.append(rewrite_one_arg(arg_list)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gftools/builder/operations/fontc/", line 60, in rewrite_one_arg raise ValueError(f"unknown fontmake arg '{next_}'") ValueError: unknown fontmake arg '--verbose'
lter FlattenComponentsFilter --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter --verbose WARNING --no-production-names --drop-implied-oncurves [2/3] buildVTT FAILED: /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpqw4z7kkv /Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/python3.12 -m gftools.builder.jobrunner gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpqw4z7kkv /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2zf2dp_c WixMadeforText-Regular_VTT_Hinting.ttx Command failed: gftools-build-vtt -o /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmpqw4z7kkv /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/tmp2zf2dp_c WixMadeforText-Regular_VTT_Hinting.ttx Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/bin/gftools-build-vtt", line 5, in <module> from gftools.scripts.build_vtt import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gftools.scripts.build_vtt' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

other failures

scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/Jersey20Charted.glyphs (config-jersey20charted.yaml) (gftools)
unknown error (status 1): 'Compare gftools in /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpEhjTa0/gftools (gftools builder /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/config-jersey20charted.yaml --experimental-simple-output /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpEhjTa0/gftools/gftools_temp_dir --experimental-single-source Jersey20Charted.glyphs --experimental-fontc /var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpDhQwR7/fontc) (gftools builder /Users/rofls/.crater_cache/scfried/soft-type-jersey/sources/config-jersey20charted.yaml --experimental-simple-output /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpEhjTa0/gftools/gftools_temp_dir --experimental-single-source Jersey20Charted.glyphs) (cd /private/var/folders/4b/4k6sk92d38qc2zzr8kbcv88h0000gn/T/.tmpEhjTa0/gftools && ttx -o fontc.ttx fontc.ttf) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/fontc/./resources/scripts/", line 779, in <module> File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/absl/", line 308, in run _run_main(main, args) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/absl/", line 254, in _run_main sys.exit(main(argv)) ^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/fontc/./resources/scripts/", line 763, in main output = generate_output(build_dir, otl_bin_path, fontmake_ttf, fontc_ttf) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/fontc/./resources/scripts/", line 493, in generate_output fontc_ttx = run_ttx(fontc_ttf) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/fontc/./resources/scripts/", line 144, in run_ttx log_and_run(cmd, font_file.parent, check=True) File "/Users/rofls/dev/projects/fontville/fontc_crater/fontc/./resources/scripts/", line 122, in log_and_run return ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/", line 571, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ttx', '-o', 'fontc.ttx', 'fontc.ttf']' returned non-zero exit status 1. '