Claude Garamond's Design goes Open Source

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Garamond’s fonts represent a milestone in the history of type design, a touchstone to which font designers have been returning ever since. EB Garamond is an open source project to create a revival of Claude Garamond’s famous humanist typeface from the mid-16th century. Its design reproduces the original by Claude Garamont.

The source for the letterforms is a scan of a specimen known as the “Berner specimen”, which, composed in 1592 by Conrad Berner, son-in-law of Christian Egenolff and his successor at the Egenolff print office, shows Garamont’s roman and Granjon’s italic fonts at different sizes. Hence the name of this project: Egenolff-Berner Garamond.

Garamond typeface specimen

Claude Garamond

Claude Garamont (c. 1510 – 1561), known commonly as Claude Garamond, was a French type designer, publisher and punch-cutter based in Paris. Garamond worked as an engraver of punches, the masters used to stamp matrices, the moulds used to cast metal type. He worked in the tradition of what is now called old-style serif letter design, that produced letters with a relatively organic structure resembling handwriting with a pen but with a slightly more structured and upright design. Considered one of the leading type designers of all time, he is recognised to this day for the elegance of his typefaces. Many old-style serif typefaces are collectively known as Garamond, named after the designer.

Garamond was one of the first independent punchcutters, specialising in type design and punch-cutting as a service to others rather than working in house for a specific printer. His career therefore helped to define the future of commercial printing with typefounding as a distinct industry to printing books.

Although Garamond himself remains considered an eminent figure in French printing of the sixteenth century, historical research over the last century has increasingly placed him in context as one figure among many at a time of rapid production of new typefaces in sixteenth-century France, operating within a pre-existing tradition defined by the work of figures such as Aldus Manutius active over the preceding half-century. The period from 1520 to around 1560, encompassing Garamond's career as an artisan, was an extremely busy period for typeface creation, with a wide range of fonts created, some apparently for exclusive use by a specific printer, others sold or traded between them. Many engravers were active over this time, including Garamond himself, Granjon, Guillaume Le Bé, Antoine Augereau, Simon de Colines, Pierre Hautin and others, creating typefaces not just in the Latin alphabet, but also in Greek and Hebrew for scholarly use. This period saw the creation of a pool of high-quality punches and matrices that would supply the French printing industry, to a large extent, for the next two centuries.


Claude Garamond portrailt


EB Garamond is available in four different scripts: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek (including polytonic), & IPA.

Claude Garamont (c. 1510 – 1561), known commonly as Claude Garamond, was a French type designer, publisher and punch-cutter based in Paris. Garamond worked as an engraver of punches, the masters used to stamp matrices, the moulds used to cast metal type. He worked in the tradition of what is now called old-style serif letter design, that produced letters with a relatively organic structure resembling handwriting with a pen but with a slightly more structured and upright design. Considered one of the leading type designers of all time, he is recognised to this day for the elegance of his typefaces. Many old-style serif typefaces are collectively known as Garamond, named after the designer.

Garamond was one of the first independent punchcutters, specialising in type design and punch-cutting as a service to others rather than working in house for a specific printer. His career therefore helped to define the future of commercial printing with typefounding as a distinct industry to printing books.



Ελληνικά τυπογραφικά στοιχεία χαράκτηκαν και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν πολύ νωρίς (Aldus Manutius – 1500, Claude Garamond – 1545), αλλά έξω από τον Ελλαδικό χώρο εξαιτίας της πτώσης του Βυζαντίου.

Ελληνικοί χαρακτήρες δημιουργήθηκαν από τους: Giambattista Bodoni στην Πάρμα το 1793, Firmin Didot στο Παρίσι το 1830 και BG Teubner στη Λειψία το 1850 μεταξύ άλλων.

Η περίοδος της Τουρκοκρατίας, αλλά και η ανυπαρξία τυπογραφικής έρευνας αμέσως μετά, καθήλωσε τα ελληνικά στοιχεία στους σχεδιασμούς του 19ου αιώνα.

Μόνο μετά τη λήξη της δεκαετίας του 1960, με τον εξελληνισμό λατινικών γραμματοσειρών όπως οι Univers Greek, Helvetica Greek, Optima Greek, Century Greek κ.α. βελτιώθηκε η κατάσταση.

Στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του ‘80 παρουσιάστηκαν οι πρώτες σύγχρονες ελληνικές γραμματοσειρές από έλληνες σχεδιαστές.



Клод Гарамо́н (фр. Claude Garamond; 1499, Париж — 1561) — парижский пуансонист, печатник, одна из важнейших фигур французского Ренессанса. Он был учеником печатников Антуана Ожеро и Симона де Колина. Позже основал небольшую книгопечатню неподалеку от Сорбонны.

Впервые известность к Гарамону пришла в 1540-х гг., когда он вырезал Grecs du Roi — три греческих курсива для издания классиков, поддержанного королём. Позже Гарамон вырезал и другие шрифты, в том числе прямой. Его шрифты основаны в первую очередь на шрифтах Альда, но обладают достаточной оригинальностью. В курсивах Гарамона впервые появляются наклонные прописные, а также т. н. росчерки.

Спустя 60 лет после смерти Гарамона пуансонист Жан Жаннон повторил его прямой шрифт, однако в формах более близких к барокко, чем к Ренессансу.



klɔːd Garamont (siː. 1510 – 1561), nəʊn ˈkɒmənli æz klɔːd Garamond, wɒz ə frɛnʧ taɪp dɪˈzaɪnə, ˈpʌblɪʃər ænd pʌnʧ-ˈkʌtə beɪst ɪn ˈpærɪs. Garamond wɜːkt æz ən ɪnˈgreɪvər ɒv ˈpʌnʧɪz, ðə ˈmɑːstəz juːzd tuː stæmp ˈmeɪtrɪsiːz, ðə məʊldz juːzd tuː kɑːst ˈmɛtl taɪp. hiː wɜːkt ɪn ðə trəˈdɪʃən ɒv wɒt ɪz naʊ kɔːld əʊld-staɪl serif ˈlɛtə dɪˈzaɪn, ðæt prəˈdjuːst ˈlɛtəz wɪð ə ˈrɛlətɪvli ɔːˈgænɪk ˈstrʌkʧə rɪˈzɛmblɪŋ ˈhændˌraɪtɪŋ wɪð ə pɛn bʌt wɪð ə ˈslaɪtli mɔː ˈstrʌkʧəd ænd ˈʌpraɪt dɪˈzaɪn. kənˈsɪdəd wʌn ɒv ðə ˈliːdɪŋ taɪp dɪˈzaɪnəz ɒv ɔːl taɪm, hiː ɪz ˈrɛkəgnaɪzd tuː ðɪs deɪ fɔː ði ˈɛlɪgəns ɒv hɪz typefaces. ˈmɛni əʊld-staɪl serif typefaces ɑː kɒˈlɛktɪvli nəʊn æz Garamond, neɪmd ˈɑːftə ðə dɪˈzaɪnə.

Garamond wɒz wʌn ɒv ðə fɜːst ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt punchcutters, ˈspɛʃ(ə)laɪzɪŋ ɪn taɪp dɪˈzaɪn ænd pʌnʧ-ˈkʌtɪŋ æz ə ˈsɜːvɪs tuː ˈʌðəz ˈrɑːðə ðæn ˈwɜːkɪŋ ɪn haʊs fɔːr ə spɪˈsɪfɪk ˈprɪntə. hɪz kəˈrɪə ˈðeəfɔː hɛlpt tuː dɪˈfaɪn ðə ˈfjuːʧər ɒv kəˈmɜːʃəl ˈprɪntɪŋ wɪð typefounding æz ə dɪsˈtɪŋkt ˈɪndəstri tuː ˈprɪntɪŋ bʊks.




EB Garamond range of weights makes it suitable for almost any kind of text setting. The design has been optimize for excellent performance at reading sizes (around 12 pt)

Claude Garamond

Past & Present

This is a scan of the Geneve Bible of 1564, next to a reproduction of the same page made with an early version of EB Garamond, that shows how faithful it is

Check the Garamond bible reproduction at Raphaël Pinson Github

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About the author

Georg Mayr-Duffner portrailt

Georg's path to creating fonts started with learning LaTeX. Many introductions to LaTeX emphasize the history of TeX which was created to improve computer typography. So, throughout the process of learning the markup language one is simultaneously introduced into the principles of good typography. The interested student will get in touch with all possible areas from dividing pages by the golden ratio down to microtypographic techniques like optical boundary correction.

When it came to writing his master thesis, he was looking for a font to set the thesis in. He started the EB Garamond project after unsuccessfully searching for an open source Garamond font that provided advanced typographic features as well as Greek and phonetic characters.

After finishing his studies in romance languages, Georg completed a post graduate programme in library and information science during which he had the opportunity to study various printed works from the 16th to 19th century in the course of an internship at the department for rare and old books at the Austrian National Library. Currently, Georg is a systems librarian at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.