Noto Serif CJK TC
Noto Serif CJK SC
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/earlyaccess/{font_name}.css" rel="stylesheet" />
font-family: “Noto Serif CJK TC”;
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/earlyaccess/{font_name}.css" rel="stylesheet" />
font-family: “Noto Serif CJK SC”;
Google & Adobe 合力推出的襯線開源字體。收錄涵蓋 BIG5字符,繁體中文依據台灣教育部國字標準字體規範。
A serif font developed by Google & Adobe. Supports BIG5 and Traditional Chinese glyphs comply with the glyph standard of the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
Google & Adobe 合力推出的衬线开源字体。收录涵盖 GB 18030 和中国通用规范汉字表。
A serif font developed by Google & Adobe. Supports GB 18030 and China's standard Table of General Chinese Characters.